Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Top Georgia Official Calls on McCarthy to Oppose ‘Federal Takeover of Elections’

The U.S. Capitol building in Washington on Dec. 21, 2022.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has called on House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to oppose a federal takeover of elections and support election law reforms.

In a letter on Monday, Raffensperger called on the GOP’s congressional leadership to “remain steadfast” in opposing the Democrats’ 700-page voting reform bill, known as the “For the People Act,” or H.R.1.

The legislation is hotly disputed and contentious, with detractors claiming it is a blatant attempt to permanently slant elections in favor of Democrats and supporters claiming it will make voting more accessible and secure.

An opponent of H.R.1, Raffensperger proposed five measures he said would “strengthen the integrity of every election in America” and “reassure the public that our Congress is committed to ideals upon which our great nation was founded.”

“What I am requesting is your leadership in updating and modernizing current federal law, as well as your oversight in addressing what states need to do better in enhancing voter confidence in election outcomes,” Raffensperger wrote (pdf).

Raffensperger called for an update to the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), also known as “Motor Voter,” and support for stronger maintenance of voting lists.

“According to the U.S. Census Bureau, over 7 million Americans move to a different state every year,” he wrote. “The 90-day blackout periods, and the onerous procedures to remove voters who no longer live in a state, allow voter lists to be more and more out of date.”

He noted that this was “especially true” in states that don’t prioritize “even following the low bar set for list maintenance in the current NVRA.”

Raffensperger said that improving list maintenance will improve election administration, lower costs, and enhance confidence in election outcomes.

Georgia's Secretary Of State Holds News Conference On Election Ballot Count
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger holds a press conference on the status of ballot counting in Atlanta on Nov. 6, 2020. 

Photo ID for Voters

The Georgia secretary of state also advocated for photo ID requirements in all modes of voting—which he noted 80 percent of Americans supported—a ban on “ballot harvesting” in federal elections, and risk-limiting audits performed in each state following a federal election.

“Again, technology exists to make this easy,” he wrote. “Election research shows that Voter ID laws do not impact turnout, which is consistent with the record turnout Georgia experienced in 2022.”

He argued that signature matching as a form of voter verification was more subjective than photo IDs.

“Implementing a nationwide photo ID requirement would be a significant step in helping ensure the integrity of elections across the country,” he wrote.

Critics of photo ID requirements argue such laws are the most restrictive version of voter identification rules, with the Democrat-aligned legal organization Democracy Docket saying they require “more documentation than is necessary to prove one’s identity at the polls.”

‘Only American Citizens Can Vote’

Raffensperger lastly called for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to state that only American citizens can vote in any American election. He argued that this would strengthen public trust and election integrity, and send a unifying message to American citizens whether born or naturalized.

“Since 1996, federal law has required American citizenship as a prerequisite to voting in federal elections,” he wrote. “However as of 2022, 16 municipalities in the U.S. allowed noncitizens to vote in some or all local elections (two in California, 11 in Maryland, one in New York, and two in Vermont.)”

“Only four state constitutions explicitly require United States citizenship to vote in state and local elections,” he continued. “Yet across the country, some jurisdictions have either current permissions or existing proposals to loosen that requirement and make exceptions for non-citizen voting.”

Raffensperger emphasized that his proposed reforms are reasonable and common sense and that the implementation of similar laws in Georgia has made the state “a national model for a reasonable balance between election security and voter convenience.”

voting booths texas
Voting booths are seen at Glass Elementary School’s polling station in Eagle Pass, Texas, on Nov. 8, 2022.


H.R.1 was introduced in 2019 and passed the House of Representatives in 2021, but it has not yet passed the U.S. Senate.

Among its provisions, the bill would mandate automatic voter registration and same-day voter registration, early voting and voting by mail expansion, restrictions on voter ID laws, election security measures, and disclosure requirements for political spending.

Election integrity officials think that same-day voting and automated voter registration may lead to mistakes and fraud on voter rolls. Election authorities do not have enough time to check relevant voter information while voting on the same day, and automated registration may increase the chance of noncitizen voting.

The California Department of Motor Vehicles revealed in September 2018 that it had sent over 23,000 erroneous voter registrations to the California secretary of state’s office as a result of the state’s automatic voter registration law.

Among its other items, H.R.1 would also make Election Day a federal holiday, assign redistricting responsibilities to independent commissions, and prohibit members of Congress from serving on corporate boards.

As a measure to increase voting access, states would also be required to offer early voting and online voter registration, and allow absentee ballots to be issued without requiring a reason for their request.

Further, a proposed amendment, that was ultimately rejected, proposed to reduce the voting age to 16 years old.

When the legislation was introduced, McCarthy, then House minority leader, said H.R.1 was designed to “put a thumb on the scale of every election in America and keep the Swamp swampy.”

Meanwhile, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hailed the bill as “a historic reform package to restore the promise of our nation’s democracy.” She said it would restore “the peoples’ faith that government works for the public interest, the peoples’ interest, not the special interest.”

When the bill passed the House in 2021, Hans von Spakovsky, senior fellow and manager of the election law reform initiative at the Heritage Foundation, told The Epoch Times that it would essentially void “all of the safety protocols and security measures and states have been put in place to protect the integrity of the election process.”


Chicago ousts embattled Mayor Lori Lightfoot, as race heads to runoff without her


No Chicago mayoral candidate was able to reach the 50% vote threshold to be elected and a runoff is set for April 4

Democratic Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has lost her bid for re-election as race heads to runoff without her after no candidate reached the required 50% vote threshold to be elected.

Lightfoot faced challenges from eight other candidates in the race, including Chicago Public Schools CEO and city budget director Paul Vallas, who held a significant double-digit lead in the polls ahead of Election Day.

Leading up to the election, Lightfoot also narrowly trailed Brandon Johnson, a member of the Cook County Board of Commissioners, by two points, and was in a dead heat with Democratic Rep. Jesus "Chuy" Garcia who represents Illinois's 4th Congressional District. 

Vallas received enough votes to head to the runoff and will face Brandon Johnson on April 4.


The insane new religion that has taken over America

Vice President Kamala Harris participates in the Senate procession to the House Chamber for President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address, Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023, at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. (Official White House photo by Lawrence Jackson)

Vice President Kamala Harris participates in the Senate procession to the House Chamber for President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address, Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023, at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. 

Although one would never guess it based on the increasingly vicious and open attacks on Christians by this nation’s ruling elites, America was for many generations the most Christian nation on earth – the true secret of its greatness.

In fact, Christianity has unquestionably been the most powerful, consequential and benevolent force in all of world history. Nothing else even comes close.

Yet today, in the United States of America, a new religion has somehow become the country’s de facto official church.

Mind you, this new faith is not like a religion; it’s not cult-like. It’s a complete and total life religion, influencing every aspect of the true believer’s existence. And right now, it is being forcibly imposed on the entire American populace by virtually every major societal institution, from government, media and big tech; to academia (preschool through grad school); to entertainment and sports; and perhaps most surprisingly of all, by most of this nation’s biggest and wealthiest businesses.

TRENDING: 'Jesus Revolution' more than doubles industry estimates at box office on opening weekend

This new state religion overtaking the United States of America – and increasingly, much of the Western (and formerly Christian) world – is Wokeism.

To most outsiders, the expression “being woke,” or “going woke,” conjures up notions of a person or entity claiming to be acutely sensitive (“awake”) to “systemic social and political injustice” in every form. The “injustice” being condemned by Wokeism is not simply alleged widespread bigotry against black people, but also – as noted in Joe Biden’s Jan. 20, 2021 White House Executive Order – “Latino and Indigenous and Native American persons, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other persons of color; members of religious minorities; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) persons; persons with disabilities; persons who live in rural areas; and persons otherwise adversely affected by persistent poverty or inequality.” Of course, the “persons who live in rural areas” bit was thrown in as a cynical pretense of caring about blue-collar, working-class, mostly Trump-supporting Americans, when the elites couldn’t care less about them, as their deplorable non-response to the toxic disaster in rural East Palestine, Ohio, demonstrates.) On the other hand, rest assured that the expansive “LGBTQ+” population includes every child-grooming “trans” school teacher, purple-haired, heavily pierced, “nonbinary” TikTok recruiter and mentally ill cross-dresser seducing your toddler in “drag queen story hour” events.

Bear in mind that all of these people, deemed victims of societal bigotry, are therefore regarded as intrinsically more virtuous and moral than the shameful oppressor class – primarily heterosexual white Christian males.

This new “woke” consciousness is manifesting in dramatic ways – from the nationwide Antifa and Black Lives Matter race riots that decimated countless major U.S. cities during the summer of 2020, to the desecration of long-cherished historic monuments. From insisting on multi-million-dollar reparation payments for every black person in America, to appointing men who claim they’re women as top officials in the Biden administration. From Disney producers gleefully boasting on camera how they’re secretly “injecting queerness” into children’s programming, to the U.S. military imposing mandatory “diversity training” and transgender pronoun use on all personnel, causing recruitment to disastrously plummet. From top college and professional athletic organizations permitting and encouraging biological men to compete in women’s athletics – essentially destroying women’s sports – to incarcerating convicted men who suddenly claim they’re women in women’s prisons, resulting unsurprisingly in a rape epidemic in those correctional facilities.

Most ubiquitously of all, there is the rampant racial discrimination in employment, college admissions and every other area of life, as seen in today’s mass corporate embrace of DEI, or “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” which, stripped of its sanctimony and guilt, amounts to hiring people based on their skin color rather than their qualifications. Not only is such racial discrimination both immoral and flagrantly illegal – remember the 1964 Civil Rights Act? – but it’s also killing people. That’s what happens when, for example, you hire airline pilots and surgeons based on their skin color, rather than their abilities. And it’s happening everywhere.

The power of Wokeism

Unlike in the biblical account, wherein Original Sin consisted of the first man and woman’s disobedience to God in the Garden of Eden, according to Wokeist theology Original Sin consisted of predatory straight white Christians abusing and exploiting “people of color.” Today, this ongoing sinfulness comprises not just actual racism – as manifested in slavery and later segregation, which America long ago repented of and definitively outlawed – but also mysterious and elusive modern-day phenomena like “systemic” or “institutional” racism, as well as “white privilege,” a spiritual condition that renders people who aren’t even the slightest bit racist as still guilty of racism, just for being white.

That is the universal and transcendent power of the religion of Wokeism. And yet, all this is merely the outer face of America’s new state religion.

To understand what’s really at the heart of the new faith rapidly transforming the nation, and to grasp how and why it exerts such a strong hold on so many people – despite being obviously immoral, destructive and deranged – it’s necessary to consider what constitutes true God-ordained religion. Specifically, the Christian faith, since the religion of Wokeism so closely mimics Christianity in many ways. If Wokeism is a counterfeit, let’s take a brief look at the real thing.

First, recognize that pretty much all religions (with the obvious exception of Satanism) hold that human beings come into this world in an incomplete or “fallen” condition, in some way separated from God, and in need of redemption, completion or union with Him, and an embrace of a moral and righteous personal life. And indeed, all people, as they grow up, have to contend with an inherited sinful nature, within both themselves and others, and the consequent strong tendency to transgress God’s moral laws. In fact, unredeemed human beings – if one looks past whatever veneer of competence, happiness, attractiveness or achievement they labor to project outward in life – are usually conflicted, guilt-ridden and insecure deep down.

Why would that be?

According to the biblical narrative, it goes back to that very first (“original”) sin, committed by the first man and woman.

As the Apostle Paul explains with remarkable clarity and simplicity in Romans 5, sin and death came upon the entire human race because of the sin of one man, Adam. However, another man, Jesus Christ, the long-promised Messiah, came to earth on a rescue mission as a “second Adam,” so to speak, to reverse the original curse that followed the Fall of mankind. The Son of God accomplished this by taking upon Himself the burden of the sins of all humanity and, by willingly suffering the horrors of crucifixion and death on a Roman cross, paid to a righteous and just God the legal penalty – in full – for the sins of the entire human race.

Seeing as “sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned,” reasons Paul, “… how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!” (Romans 5:12, 15)

Paul’s explanation is so elegantly logical that he restates the principle one more time, just to drive the message all the way home: “Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people.” (Romans 5:18)

This, of course, is the beating heart of the Christian Gospel, that a just yet merciful God has provided a way for wayward mankind to become fully righteous in His eyes – to be redeemed, renewed and restored – to be brought, justified and free, into close and eternal fellowship with God and His family.

Let's pause for a moment just to acknowledge that the Christian Gospel constitutes the most magnificent, cosmic love story of all time. To undo the consequences of The Fall, it took great love. As Christ Himself said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) That’s exactly what Jesus did. As a result, He made a way, through this sacrificial act of great love on His part – and through faith, obedience and sincere commitment on our part – for us to be transformed and renewed, literally reborn spiritually with a new nature and a new and wonderful eternal destiny.

‘Woke’ is the new ‘saved’

However, believe it or not, in the bizarre and deranged world of Wokeism, America’s new official national religion promises much the same thing as Christianity.

Wokeism promises to make sinful human beings (especially heterosexual white men) justified and free, not only from their own sins, but from the curse of the sins of their forefathers, a sinfulness that clings to white Americans like the stain of Adam and Eve’s Original Sin, no matter how many generations pass since the end of slavery and Jim Crow. It’s systemic, you see; we’re born with it.

This leads us to Wokeism’s formula for “salvation” and “forgiveness of sins,” whereby the guilt, the burden, the stain of all of our sins and those of our ancestors are lifted and washed clean, replaced by freedom, innocence and righteousness.

So be of good cheer, there is good news afoot. Christian author John Zmirak, senior editor of The Stream, paints a vivid and relieving picture of just how salvation and progressive sanctification typically occur in the religion of Wokeism. In “‘Woke’ is the New ‘Saved,” Zmirak explains:

“By listening to professors, or following peer pressure, a student discovers that the world is deeply wrong. Permeated by evil. Its evil is inequality. And that evil has an author: straight white males.

“Realizing the depth and extent of this all-pervading evil comes as a kind of conversion. One wakes up. Then one is ‘woke.’ That’s SJW-speak for ‘saved.’” Hence the first moment of faith. ‘I once was lost but now am found. Was blind but now I see.’”

In hopes of “joining the righteous,” reveals Zmirak, students learn to cherish victimhood as the highest virtue in all of life:

“If a student belongs to any other group but straight white males, then she is in luck: She’s certified as a victim,” he writes. “She deserves special treatment from everyone from college deans to government bureaucrats. Even better, she should feel virtuous for wallowing in anger and resentment. No matter if she’s Malia Obama. She can righteously seethe with rage at jobless white coal miners, or homeless white veterans. Her sense of victimhood gives her the ‘blessed assurance’ that she is part of the Elect.

“This creed offers salvation even to the worst of sinners, straight white males. The price is steep: a life of self-denial and penance. But for those who walk this path, rewards await. You can attain justification. Not by your own efforts – but by the righteousness that suffering, innocent victims (non-straights, non-whites, non-males) can impute to you. As an ‘ally’ of the less privileged, you earn the same right to despise the mass of oppressors. And feminists will date you, for whatever that’s worth.”

The more deeply new converts venture into the religion of Wokeism, Zmirak cautions, the more rigorous the disciplines become:

Now white women must admit their role in oppressing women of color. This requires some of the groveling that white males must endure. But it offers the same benefit: a sense of forgiveness, and spiritual progress. Likewise black males must atone to women of color. All straights must bow down to gays. Even gays must make amends for their insensitivity to “trans” people. …

Observing that the Woke “religious movement apes the structure of a Christian conversion, and of subsequent life in the Spirit,” Zmirak translates: “It replaces worship with protest. Spirituality with unhinged histrionics. Examination of conscience with the scapegoating of others conveniently dead or out of power.”

Let’s sum up: Just as the Apostle Paul crystalizes the Christian Gospel when he describes, in Romans 8, how “through Christ Jesus the law of the spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death,” today the apostles of America’s new state religion might say, “The law of wokeness set me free from the law of bigotry and cancellation.”

How extraordinary that the Creator of the Universe demonstrated the greatest love imaginable, sending His own Son to suffer and die to save a broken and sinful human race – or as Paul expressed it, “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). And yet, multitudes today are turning away from that shining path to true freedom, only to jump into the astonishingly destructive, unjust and – in some ways, worst of all – unbelievably stupid religion of Wokeism.

Surprise. It’s all an act.

Oh, one more thing: Our dive into the official state religion of Wokeism wouldn’t be complete without pointing out that, though there are multitudes of true believers, and though tens of millions of lives are currently being disrupted, sabotaged and in many cases destroyed by Wokeism, in truth America’s top-tier political leaders – and I’m talking now about those wielding the real power over Americans – don’t believe in any of this. It’s all just a big act for them.

They pretend to care about inner-city black families, equal rights for Pacific Islanders, and “trans” men who brag about having periods and getting pregnant, but they do not care. Not a bit. They just play-act, while exploiting the ever-expanding wokeness craze for their personal benefit, so they can build and consolidate their own power, wealth, privilege and glory.

This is how tyranny takes hold in a once-free country. The Frankfurt School-era communist theorist Antonio Gramsci famously advocated for the incremental Marxist takeover of America via what he called a “long march through the institutions,” as opposed to the traditional method of having a violent revolution as in Russia and elsewhere. Wokeism is just the latest phase in the far-left, progressive, globalist, collectivist, Marxist, communist (please chose your favorite word, it doesn’t matter, since in the end they all converge into totalitarian global government) revolution’s slow-motion “fundamental transformation” of America.

Keep in mind, the revolutionary left always disguises its depredations by blaming the innocent for what they themselves are actually doing – it’s classic projection. It is the leftwing Democratic Party whose history and current agenda are notoriously racist. Meanwhile, most members of the center-right, great American middle class long ago embraced the liberating message of Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech and haven’t a racist bone in their body. America is, more than any other nation in the world and in all of history, a diverse, free, uniquely successful “live-and-let-live” multi-ethnic national success story. No wonder would-be totalitarians hate it and seek to destroy it.

So, even though the crazy Marxist college professors and their sadly indoctrinated students might believe in the religion of Wokeism, the powerful politicians, the elite class, the deep-staters, the super-rich CEOs and the globalist schemers do not. They just pretend, and play along, because it confers a veneer of morality and righteousness onto very immoral, unrighteous and utterly self-serving sociopaths. It disguises their real agendas. And it serves to keep “the rabble” off balance, confused, divided, fearful, intimidated, reacting to one another, afraid of being “cancelled” and losing their friends, livelihood, everything – the perfect cover for the left’s “long march.”

Most of all, it is a potent tool for amassing ever more POWER and GLORY to themselves – which, of course, is their real religion.


'Money-Obsessed' Meghan 'Disappointed' After Learning Secret About Prince Harry - Report

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, was chagrined to learn that Prince Harry did not have oodles of cash for her to spend, according to one royal expert.

Tom Bower, author of the book, “Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the War Between the Windsors,” said Meghan, whom he called “money-obsessed,” expected the royal family would have vast sums of ready cash.

“Her great surprise and disappointment was that Prince Harry had very little money. She had imagined he would be worth hundreds of millions, if not billions, and she is having to make up for it now,” he said, according to the U.K. Daily Mail.

The Mail estimated that as a working member of the royal family, Harry earned about £2.3 million per year.

“She wants to ride in the big Cadillacs, the private jets on command. At the moment she needs to scrounge for those sorts of things,” he said.

Bower said Meghan and Harry are trying to cash in on their fame before it fades.

“It’s cynical, as was the whole departure from Britain and is the whole of this Netflix series and the book. What we’re seeing is an extraordinary marketing campaign by Meghan, whose number one interest is herself, and her second interest is money,” he said, according to GB News.

“And the question is how will she make a lot of money in a short period of time to make sure she doesn’t need always to parade herself as the victim of the royal family,” he said.

Bower said Meghan is “always looking for other business opportunities. And what’s interesting is the people she goes to who are going to maximize Meghan’s popularity. She is very shrewd and clever. She’s always looking for opportunities and for people who can help her.”

Time is not on the couple’s side, he said.

“This is peak money-making time. [They] want to be able to maintain this new lavish lifestyle for the rest of our lives. So [they] have to make a lot of money and fast,” he said.

Meghan will probably never make all of what she wants, he predicted.

“What is terrible for the Sussexes is they haven’t got really that much money compared to the other investors. I mean, if they’ve got $30 million amongst the A-listers who are billionaires, that is just a year’s expenditure on food and living. So they’re poor compared to their neighbors, and Meghan feels that. She was dissatisfied with Frogmore. She wanted a palace, not 5 cottages knocked into a sort of small home in Windsor,” he said.

Bower said Harry’s perspective is unclear.

“So she is really looking for the big time. The question is whether Harry appreciates that, whether he really wants to go along that ride,” he said.

Bower said Harry and Markle have the potential to damage the May 6 coronation for King Charles III, according to the Daily Mail.

“I think if [Charles] allows Harry to come to the coronation, it is going to ruin the coronation. It’ll be overshadowed by Harry’s presence and Meghan’s, too. So I think Charles has to make a decision now,” he said, adding, “I think that people are on the whole getting sick to death of Harry.”

10 myths told by COVID experts — and now debunked

In the past few weeks, a series of analyses published by highly respected researchers have exposed a truth about public health officials during COVID:

Much of the time, they were wrong.

To be clear, public health officials were not wrong for making recommendations based on what was known at the time.

That’s understandable. You go with the data you have.

No, they were wrong because they refused to change their directives in the face of new evidence.

When a study did not support their policies, they dismissed it and censored opposing opinions.

At the same time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention weaponized research itself by putting out its own flawed studies in its own non-peer-reviewed medical journal, MMWR.

In the final analysis, public health officials actively propagated misinformation that ruined lives and forever damaged public trust in the medical profession.

Here are 10 ways they misled Americans:

Misinformation #1: Natural immunity offers little protection compared to vaccinated immunity

A Lancet study looked at 65 major studies in 19 countries on natural immunity. The researchers concluded that natural immunity was at least as effective as the primary COVID vaccine series.

Public health officials downplayed concerns about vaccine-induced myocarditis — or inflammation of the heart muscle.

In fact, the scientific data was there all along — from 160 studies, despite the findings of these studies violating Facebook’s “misinformation” policy.

Since the Athenian plague of 430 BC, it has been observed that those who recovered after infection were protected against severe disease if reinfected.

That was also the observation of nearly every practicing physician during the first 18 months of the COVID pandemic.

Most Americans who were fired for not having the COVID vaccine already had antibodies that effectively neutralized the virus, but they were antibodies that the government did not recognize.

Misinformation #2: Masks prevent COVID transmission

Cochran Reviews are considered the most authoritative and independent assessment of the evidence in medicine.

And one published last month by a highly respected Oxford research team found that masks had no significant impact on COVID transmission.

When asked about this definitive review, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky downplayed it, arguing that it was flawed because it focused on randomized controlled studies.

A member of the New York Police Department (NYPD) receives a dose of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine at Queens Police Academy in the Queens borough of New York, U.S., January 11, 2021.
A study recently found that masks didn’t have much of an effect on preventing COVID-19 transmission.

But that was the greatest strength of the review! Randomized studies are considered the gold standard of medical evidence.

If all the energy used by public health officials to mask toddlers could have been channeled to reduce child obesity by encouraging outdoor activities, we would be better off.

Misinformation #3: School closures reduce COVID transmission

The CDC ignored the European experience of keeping schools open, most without mask mandates.

Transmission rates were no different, evidenced by studies conducted in Spain and Sweden.

Misinformation #4: Myocarditis from the vaccine is less common than from the infection

Public health officials downplayed concerns about vaccine-induced myocarditis — or inflammation of the heart muscle.

They cited poorly designed studies that under-captured complication rates.

A flurry of well-designed studies said the opposite.

We now know that myocarditis is six to 28 times more common after the COVID vaccine than after the infection among 16- to 24-year-old males.

Tens of thousands of children likely got myocarditis, mostly subclinical, from a COVID vaccine they did not need because they were entirely healthy or because they already had COVID.

Misinformation #5: Young people benefit from a vaccine booster

Boosters reduced hospitalizations in older, high-risk Americans.

But the evidence was never there that they lower COVID mortality in young, healthy people.

That’s probably why the CDC chose not to publish its data on hospitalization rates among boosted Americans under 50, when it published the same rates for those over 50.

Ultimately, White House pressure to recommend boosters for all was so intense that the FDA’s two top vaccine experts left the agency in protest, writing scathing articles on how the data did not support boosters for young people.

A general view of a "face mask required" sign in the lobby of a salon in Hawthorne, NJ on February 16, 2022.
President Biden pushed extreme policies to attempt to get every American vaccinated.

Misinformation #6: Vaccine mandates increased vaccination rates

President Biden and other officials demanded that unvaccinated workers, regardless of their risk or natural immunity, be fired.

They demanded that soldiers be dishonorably discharged and nurses be laid off in the middle of a staffing crisis.

The mandate was based on the theory that vaccination reduced transmission rates — a notion later proven to be false.

But after the broad recognition that vaccination does not reduce transmission, the mandates persisted, and still do to this day.

A recent study from George Mason University details how vaccine mandates in nine major US cities had no impact on vaccination rates.

They also had no impact on COVID transmission rates.

Misinformation #7: COVID originating from the Wuhan lab is a conspiracy theory

Google admitted to suppressing searches of “lab leak” during the pandemic.

Dr. Francis Collins, head of the National Institutes of Health, claimed (and still does) he didn’t believe the virus came from a lab.

Ultimately, overwhelming circumstantial evidence points to a lab leak origin — the same origin suggested to Dr. Anthony Fauci by two very prominent virologists in a January 2020 meeting he assembled at the beginning of the pandemic.

According to documents obtained by Bret Baier of Fox News, they told Fauci and Collins that the virus may have been manipulated and originated in the lab, but then suddenly changed their tune in public comments days after meeting with the NIH officials.

The virologists were later awarded nearly $9 million from Fauci’s agency.

An aerial view shows the P4 laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province on April 17, 2020.
The theory that COVID-19 originated from a Chinese lab in Wuhan proved to be true.

Misinformation #8: It was important to get the second vaccine dose three or four weeks after the first dose

Data were clear in the spring of 2021, just months after the vaccine rollout, that spacing the vaccine out by three months reduces complication rates and increases immunity.

Spacing out vaccines would have also saved more lives when Americans were rationing a limited vaccine supply at the height of the epidemic.

Misinformation #9: Data on the bivalent vaccine is ‘crystal clear’

Dr. Ashish Jha famously said this, despite the bivalent vaccine being approved using data from eight mice.

To date, there has never been a randomized controlled trial of the bivalent vaccine.

In my opinion, the data are crystal clear that young people should not get the bivalent vaccine.

It would have also spared many children myocarditis.

Misinformation #10: One in five people get long COVID

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claims that 20% of COVID infections can result in long COVID.

But a UK study found that only 3% of COVID patients had residual symptoms lasting 12 weeks. What explains the disparity?

It’s often normal to experience mild fatigue or weakness for weeks after being sick and inactive and not eating well.

Calling these cases long COVID is the medicalization of ordinary life.

A picture of the covid-19 vaccine.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claims that 20% of COVID infections can result in long COVID, but other studies say differently.

What’s most amazing about all the misinformation conveyed by CDC and public health officials is that there have been no apologies for holding on to their recommendations for so long after the data became apparent that they were dead wrong.

Public health officials said “you must” when the correct answer should have been “we’re not sure.”

Early on, in the absence of good data, public health officials chose a path of stern paternalism.

Today, they are in denial of a mountain of strong studies showing that they were wrong.

At minimum, the CDC should come clean and the FDA should add a warning label to COVID vaccines, clearly stating what is now known.

A mea culpa by those who led us astray would be a first step to rebuilding trust.


BREAKING: DC Circuit Court of Appeals Blocks Judge Chutkan’s Order Doxxing DOGE Workers

Judge Tanya Chutkan The DC Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday temporarily blocked Judge Tanya Chutkan’s  order  doxxing DOGE workers. Ear...