Monday, October 31, 2022

Border Patrol Agents And Illegal Venezuelan Migrants Violently Clash At Southern Border

Border Patrol agents and illegal migrants from Venezuela had a violent clash at the southern border on Monday, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The incident occurred when the group of Venezuelans, who were engaged in a protest, tried to cross the border from Mexico into El Paso, Texas, along the Rio Grande River, illegally, CBP told the DCNF. The situation grew tense as one of the protestors assaulted a border agent with a flag pole, which led agents to deploy “crowd control measures” that included a pepperball launching system. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: ‘Facilitators Of Traffickers’: Guatemalan President Says US Needs To ‘Pressure’ Countries To Stop Flow Of Illegal Migrants)

The group then returned to Mexico, CBP said, adding that the incident is under review.

“Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Professional responsibility will review the incident. The situation is still on going, further information may be provided as it becomes available,” CBP said.

Due to an early October Biden administration rule, Venezuelan migrants who cross into the U.S. illegally are expelled immediately to Mexico.

CBP encountered over 187,000 illegal Venezuelan migrants during fiscal year 2022, according to agency statistics. Some migrants from Venezuela may come due to a “perception that once they reach the border, they have a greater chance of remaining in the United States, based on a misunderstood perception of temporary protected status,” an internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) document obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation in late October said.

“These actions make clear that there is a lawful and orderly way for Venezuelans to enter the United States, and lawful entry is the only way,” DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said of the policy at the time.

However, it is unclear if the incident is related to the policy change.

Hillary Clinton Demands Trump Pay Her Legal Fees After Clinton Judge Tosses RICO Lawsuit Over Russia Collusion Hoax

Hillary Clinton’s lawyers on Monday filed a motion demanding Donald Trump pay Clinton’s legal fees after a Bill Clinton judge tossed the RICO lawsuit over the Russian collusion canard.

President Trump filed a federal RICO suit in Miami, Florida in March against Hillary Clinton and others over the Russia collusion hoax orchestrated by the Clinton campaign in 2016 to undermine Trump’s candidacy and derail his presidency.

Trump asked for treble damages of expenses and losses of more than $24 million.

In April President Trump requested the Clinton-appointed judge overseeing his Russiagate case against Hillary Clinton and others be removed from the case due to obvious conflicts of interest.

President Trump earlier had sued a number of individuals and former officials for their actions related to the Russiagate hoax and attempted coup of his administration.

Somehow this case was assigned to Clinton-appointed Judge Donald Middlebrooks and Judge Ryon McCabe.

Middlebrooks refused to recuse himself from the case despite an obvious conflict of interest being that he was appointed by Hillary Clinton’s husband, Bill Clinton.

Last month Judge Donald Middlebrooks DISMISSED President Trump’s lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and several FBI-DOJ crooks who manufactured the Russia Collusion hoax to influence the 2016 election and then to bring down his presidency in a government coup.

Judge Middlebrooks also threatened Trump’s attorneys with “consequences” for daring to file the case against Hillary Clinton.

Now Hillary wants Trump to pay up.

“A reasonable attorney would never have filed this suit, let alone continued to prosecute it after multiple Defendants’ motions to dismiss highlighted its fundamental and incurable defects,” Clinton’s attorneys wrote.

The Hill reported:

Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is asking a federal court to order former President Trump to pay her legal fees over a suit he filed alleging she and others engaged in a conspiracy to undermine his 2016 campaign with accusations of Russian collusion.

In a motion filed on Monday, Clinton’s attorneys cast Trump’s suit — which was dismissed by a federal trial court in September, a move the former president has appealed — as a “political stunt” and argued it met the threshold for the court to impose sanctions. 

Under federal law, a judge can require attorneys who “unreasonably and vexatiously” multiply court proceedings to pay excess costs, expenses and attorneys’ fees reasonably incurred because of their actions.

“Plaintiff’s suit was unwarranted on the facts, unsupported by the law and imposed substantial burdens both on Defendants and this Court,” Clinton’s attorneys argued. “Despite being alerted to the many deficiencies in the initial Complaint by one round of motions to dismiss, Plaintiff and his counsel pressed forward on an Amended Complaint that fixed none of the problems.”

Trump attorney Alina Habba vehemently denied Clinton’s allegations in a written statement, returning accusations that the former presidential candidate filed the motion for political purposes.

“This motion, conveniently filed one week prior to election day, is nothing more than a thinly-veiled attempt to score political points,” she continued. “This motion is particularly inappropriate, given that the our client’s case will soon be reviewed by the Eleventh Circuit. We will oppose this motion and trust that the Court will see through this ruse.”

PBS: Recent headlines about all-ages drag shows can obscure the art form and its rich history


Here’s the thing about drag shows: We don’t deny that they have a rich history. That rich history traditionally took place in gay nightclubs, not elementary school libraries. Recent headlines about disruptions of drag events (we haven’t seen any disrupted) concern such things as “all-ages” or “family-friendly” drag shows that encourage participation from not just minors, but little kids. Here’s Christopher Rufo from today:

It says right on the poster, “all ages.”

That’s just the kind of portrayal of drag as sexual and harmful to children that PBS NewsHour says overlooks the art form:

The Associated Press’ Jeff McMillan provides this analysis:

Lately, drag has been dragged through the mud.

The art form has been cast in a false light in recent months by right-wing activists and politicians who complain about the “sexualization” or “grooming” of children. Opponents often coordinate protests at drag events that feature or cater to children, sometimes showing up with guns. Some politicians have proposed banning children from drag events and even criminally charging parents who take their kids to one.

Performers and organizers of events, such as story hours in which colorfully clad drag queens read books to children, say the protesters are the ones terrorizing and harming children by making them political pawns — just as they’ve done in other campaigns around bathroom access and educational materials.

In our experience, we’ve only seen one drag event in Texas in which people brought guns, and it was Antifa with their AR-15s who were on “guard duty” to protect the drag performance. It’s funny the gun control crowd didn’t make a national issue of citizens bringing assault rifles to a family event.

That’s quite a deep analysis. Remember that name: Jeff McMillan.

Exactly: All those right-wingers are asking is that the art form be kept in an adults-only environment.

As someone said above, we’ve gone from “it’s not happening” to “it’s happening and that’s actually a good thing.” It’s important to expose your kindergartener to a man doing a hypersexualized parody of women because …



How Is This Legal? Scientists In London Lab Just Created A Mutant Super Strain of COVID And It’s Reportedly Lethal

British scientists have reportedly deliberately created deadly hybrid Covid strains in a university lab in London.

Twenty scientists at the Imperial College in London infected hamsters with mutant viruses including strains of the original coronavirus and parts of Omicron or Delta, according to the Daily Mail.

One of the scientists involved in the experiment is a member of the British government’s SAGE advisory panel.

Imperial College maintains the tax-payer-funded study was safe and that scientists adhered to British regulations while conducting the trial and denies that the work constitutes gain of function.

Hamsters were infected with mutant viruses, blends of the original Wuhan strain and parts of either Omicron or Delta. Critics of the research, carried out by Imperial College London, called it 'insanity' and warned the lab trials could, in theory, unleash a new viral threat. Twenty scientists were involved in the project, including one who sits on the Government's advisory panel SAGE

Dr. Richard Ebright, a molecular biology expert at Rutgers University, warns the experiment could ignite another pandemic wave.

“At least four labs on two continents now have construed non-natural, lab-generated viruses that retain the high immune escape of Omicron and acquire higher severity than Omicron and that, as such, are reasonably expected to increase transmission or pathogenicity in humans,” Ebright noted on Twitter.

“This is insanity. Both in terms of the redundancy and waste. And especially, in terms of the risk of triggering a new pandemic wave upon accidental release of the lab-generated viruses — a risk exacerbated by the fact the lab-generated viruses are present in multiple locations,” he added.

Scientists should be prohibited from creating viruses in labs without oversight, Ebright warns.

“This should be a wake up call,” he noted. “If the world wishes to avoid new pandemics caused by lab-generated pathogens, then it is urgently necessary to restrict-high-risk, low benefit research that creates enhanced potential pandemic pathogens and to implement effective national oversight with force of law.”

The study by scientists at the British university comes after scientists at Biocontainment Laboratory at Boston University conducted a similar experiment, creating a deadly new hybrid Covid strain with an 80 percent kill rate in mice by combining Omicron and the original Wuhan Covid strain.

The researchers at Boston University claim they were investigating whether the spike protein on the Omicron variant, which make Omicron the most transmissible Covid variant, “is also behind the virus having a particularly mild effect on infected hosts, with most suffering only slight illness,” the Daily Mail reports.

“The team behind its creation announced that as well as ‘inflict[ing] severe disease’ it also ‘robustly escapes vaccine-induced humoral immunity’, indicating that the recombinant virus retained the most dangerous properties of its parents.,” the publication notes.

The National Institute of Health is a major funder of the Biocontainment Laboratory at Boston University.

Dr. Emily Erbelding, a director at the NIAID division of microbiology and infectious diseases, claims that she was unaware of the experiment was being conducted by researchers at the university and only learned of the details from news media reports.

According to a new interim report published by the Senate Committee on Health last week, Covid-19 is likely a result of a “research-related incident”  and not a “zoonotic spillover, in which animal diseases cross the species barrier and infect humans.”

“While precedent of previous outbreaks of human infections from contact with animals favors the hypothesis that a natural zoonotic spillover is responsible for the origin of SARS-CoV-2, the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 that resulted in the COVID-19 pandemic was most likely the result of a research-related incident. This conclusion is not intended to be dispositive. The lack of transparency from government and public health officials in the PRC with respect to the origins of SARS-CoV-2 prevents reaching a more definitive conclusion. Should additional information be made publicly available, and subject to independent verification, it is possible that these conclusions would be subject to review and reconsideration.”

How Is This Legal? Scientists In London Lab Just Created A Mutant Super Strain of COVID And It's Reportedly Lethal (

BREAKING: President Trump to sign new order empowering states over FEMA for disaster response

President Trump is signing a new executive order that will empower states and localities over FEMA when it comes to disaster response. This ...