Thursday, June 30, 2022

Republican Sellouts by Laurence M. Vance

This article is thanks to manfred127

 Here are the Republicans in the House and Senate who voted for the Democrat’s new gun-control bill.

The fourteen House Republicans who voted for the bill are: 

Steve Chabot (Ohio), 

Liz Cheney (Wyo.), 

Brian Fitzpatrick (Penn.), 

Tony Gonzales (Texas), 

Anthony Gonzalez (Ohio), 

Christopher Jacobs (N.Y.), 

David Joyce (Ohio), 

John Katko (N.Y.), 

Adam Kinzinger (Ill.), 

Peter Meijer (Mich.), 

Tom Rice (S.C.), 

Maria Elvira Salazar (Fla.), 

Michael Turner (Ohio), and 

Fred Upton (Mich.).

The fifteen Senate Republicans who voted for the bill are: 

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), along with 

Roy Blunt (Mo.), 

Richard Burr (N.C.), 

Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.), 

Bill Cassidy (La.), 

Susan Collins (Maine), 

John Cornyn (Texas), 

Joni Ernst (Iowa), 

Lindsey Graham (S.C.), 

Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), 

Rob Portman (Ohio), 

Mitt Romney (Utah), 

Thom Tillis (N.C.), 

Pat Toomey (Pa.), and 

Todd Young (Ind.).

Republican Sellouts - LRC Blog

Biden’s Latest Approval Numbers Are Dems Worst Nightmare

This article is thanks to Mary T Clark

If you didn’t think it was possible for President Joe Biden’s approval rating to get any lower, then you totally underestimated how much this man really sucks at being the commander-in-chief.

Biden’s approval rating plunged to an all-time low according to RealClearPolitics, dropping below 38 percent for the first time since he took office.

According to the Daily Wire, the drop comes just five days after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which Democrats had been hoping would cause a resurgence of his popularity and an overall increase in support for Democrats.

Maybe everything happening right now, with the court siding in favor of the Second Amendment, getting rid of Roe, and various other pro-liberty decisions — plus the battle against cancel culture — we’re finally seeing a shift in society from the left back to center-right?

Everything seems to be primed for that kind of a swing back.

So how is Biden responding to his ever-dwindling approval numbers? By doing what he always does in these kinds of situations: attack conservatives.

“Folks let’s get one thing straight: The ultra-MAGA agenda has always been about taking away women’s rights, in every single state,” he posted on Twitter.
The president of the National Organization for Women in New York, Sonia Ossorio, came out breathing fire after the SCOTUS decision, saying, “I don’t see how this cannot energize voters. Women are fed up.”

Well, contrary to the narrative the left keeps spreading, the vast majority of people don’t like the idea of abortion, because, well, it’s the murder of an unborn baby, which is something usually frowned upon by a civilized society.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat from New York, said,” Elect more MAGA Republicans if you want nationwide abortion bans, the jailing of women and doctors and no exemptions for rape or incest. Or elect more pro-choice Democrats to save Roe.”

“Biden has grown fond of the term ‘Ultra-MAGA.’ In early May, during a speech on the economy, Biden whined, ‘Let me tell you about this ultra-MAGA agenda. It’s extreme, as most MAGA things are,’” the Daily Wire reported.

“The White House works aggressively to paint Republicans and their policies as an ‘ultra MAGA agenda’ in a push to overcome the president’s brutal approval ratings and voters’ frustration with high inflation to help Democrats maintain control of Congress,” USA Today noted.

Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was once asked how the attacks Biden keeps launching on “Ultra-MAGA” fits in with his promise to help unite Americans, to which she replied, “The President’s view is you can do both. He believes that there is work we can continue to do together… He is also not going to stand by and not call out what he sees as ‘Ultra-MAGA’ behavior, ‘Ultra-MAGA’ policies that are out of the mainstream of the country and are not in the interest of the American people.”

“It’s the president’s phrase and the president made those comments himself just last week as you know,” Psaki responded. “I think what has struck him is how extreme some of the policies and proposals are that a certain wing of the Republican Party — that is taking up too much of the Republican Party — are for… So, to him, adding a little ‘Ultra’ to it gave it a little extra pop.”

The problem is Biden thinks that just magically repeating the phrase, “Ultra-MAGA” will cause folks to come back and support him and his agenda. However, what Americans want is less attacks on political “enemies” and more action being taken to reduce the price of gas at the pump and a reduction in inflation so they can afford to buy groceries again.

Jon Voight Calls for Impeachment of Joe Biden: ‘He Has Wronged This Nation’s Glory’


Oscar-winner Jon Voight has called for the impeachment of President Joe Biden, saying Biden is destroying the country and “has wronged this nation’s glory.”

Jon Voigt posted a two-minute video message to his social media accounts on Thursday urging for Biden’s swift removal from office.

“We’re all feeling very unsafe. We’re all angry. And let’s remember why: it starts with the seat of the president of the United States. He has wronged this nation’s glory. He has taken down our morals, our true gift of the land of the free. He must be impeached,” he said.

“We cannot wait another second having him dictate our path. Let us work together, get him out, and make this country for what she stands for — greatness, the land of opportunity, the land of the greatest soil our forefathers fought for. Don’t let this President Biden tear down every inch that was sacrificed with blood, sweat, and tears, for his dictation of lies.”

Watch below:

Here is Voight’s full address:

My dear friends, we’re all saddened by so much turmoil that has been brought upon this life we live. Can this darkness be lifted? Can we all share joy once again and see eye to eye?

We have a troubled nation with much horror from these criminals that are ruining lives. We must stop this now. We must bring back our nation’s safety. Our police force must act on righteousness and guard our neighborhoods, our businesses, our children, our elderly, our veterans, and our handicapped. We must protect this nation and bring back safety.

We’re all feeling very unsafe. We’re all angry. And let’s remember why: it starts with the seat of the president of the United States. He has wronged this nation’s glory. He has taken down our morals, our true gift of the land of the free. He must be impeached.

We cannot wait another second having him dictate our path. Let us work together, get him out, and make this country for what she stands for — greatness, the land of opportunity, the land of the greatest soil our forefathers fought for. Don’t let this President Biden tear down every inch that was sacrificed with blood, sweat, and tears, for his dictation of lies.

I urge all to see truths. I urge all to make a difference for our childrens’ future — our future. Because my fellow Americans, this land is being broken down. But we as a nation of God’s truths shall build her up once again and bring her to her feet with glory. God bless America. Much love to you.

Jon Voight was one of former President Donald Trump’s biggest Hollywood supporters. The Coming Home and Ray Donovan star called Biden “evil” ahead of the 2020 elections, presciently warning that a Biden White House would harm and weaken the U.S.

Jon Voight Calls for Impeachment of Joe Biden: 'He Has Wronged This Nation's Glory' (

Tucker Carlson shows how Democrats have spent 18 months rounding up 'dissidents'

Agenda showcases 'how our system of government has been weaponized'

That the U.S. Department of Justice has been weaponized to work on behalf of Democrat agenda points isn't even a question any longer.

After all, the DOJ issued statements opposing the Supreme Court's rulings on the Second Amendment and abortion in recent days, pledging to fight for the Democrat agenda against what the court determined to be constitutional rulings.

Also, Hunter Biden has escaped any charges so far, despite evidence mounting of what could easily prove to support serious charges.

Meanwhile, innocent Americans have been jailed for their political opinions.

That last is documented by Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who on his show outlined "a political list of DOJ and FBI targets over the past 18 months. Some of these examples are probably forgotten; however, when you see the examples highlighted with a timeline it really does showcase how our system of government has been weaponized by a corrupt Dept of Justice and corrupt FBI," explained a report from Conservative Treehouse.

See Carlson's explanation:

He cites a long list of those whose primary offense was objecting to Democratic agenda points who have been arrested, charged, and even jailed.

One person, in fact, faced arrest for creating memes that criticized Hillary Clinton.

Another for telling a crowd to express their displeasure to members of Congress.

Carlson noted the case against Douglass Mackey "for creating internet memes that made fun of Hillary Clinton." He was accused of depriving people of their constitutional right to vote.

And the cases against Russell Taylor and Alan Hostetter, who organized a permitted, lawful rally.

And the attack on former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, whose phone – and private information – was confiscated.

And George Dixon, whose crime was working on a documentary about Joe and Hunter Biden and their business schemes.

Then there were Owen Shroyer of Infowars and the journalists at Project Veritas.

Then it was Trump adviser Steve Bannon, who Nancy Pelosi demanded go to jail for citing executive privilege when her partisan Jan. 6 investigation committee demanded he testify.

Carlson explained that's why Democrats have insisted on calling what was a riot by a few hundred people an "insurrection."

"In other words, we don't arrest people for ignoring congressional subpoenas, particularly when they cite executive privilege, a principle that has a long history in American history. We've never done that. But we can do it now because it was, 'an insurrection,' an insurrection that wasn't armed, wasn't planned, and didn't actually insurrect anything, but it was still an insurrection. Now you're beginning to see why it's been so important from the very first day for the media to describe what happened on January 6, not as a riot, but as an insurrection, because if it's an insurrection, they can violate your civil rights, and they have and they continue to," he said.

Carlson continues with his list that includes Sherrona Biship, Tina Peters and Peter Navarro, a trade aide to Trump who was "arrested at Washington National Airport and put in leg irons and put in jail."

Tucker Carlson shows how Democrats have spent 18 months rounding up 'dissidents' (

Mysterious Rocket Crash Discovered on the Moon - Who Sent It?

Chinese weapon? Alien invasion? Space junk?

A “mystery rocket body” that collided with the moon’s surface earlier this year has been discovered by NASA, the Houston Chronicle reported Wednesday.

The impact of the collision created a relatively large “double crater,” which means it wasn’t an average rocket.

NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter — an eye-in-the-sky orbiting the moon — discovered the site of the mystery rocket, which crashed into the far side of the moon on March 4, the space agency reported on Friday.

LiveScience said the debris was traveling at approximately 5,770 miles per hour when it hit the lunar surface.

It was the dual craters that added an extra layer of strangeness to the enigma.

“Surprisingly the crater is actually two craters, an eastern crater (18-meter diameter, about 19.5 yards) superimposed on a western crater (16-meter diameter, about 17.5 yards,” NASA reported. “The double crater was unexpected and may indicate that the rocket body had large masses at each end. …

“No other rocket body impacts on the Moon created double craters.”

In January, Bill Gray, a U.S. astronomer and software developer who tracks near-Earth objects, predicted that an orbiting piece of space junk would hit the moon’s far side in a matter of months.

Gray initially thought it was the second stage of a Falcon X rocket launched by Elon Musk’s SpaceX in 2015.

Later, however, he told Live Science that the object was likely the spent upper stage of China’s Chang’e 5-T1 rocket, launched in 2014.

Chinese officials claimed the rocket’s upper stage burned up in Earth’s atmosphere years ago.

Since no space-exploring nation has claimed responsibility for the mysterious projectile, NASA scientists are still hypothesizing about what could have created the two craters, according to LiveScience. In other words, it’s still a mystery.

One hypothesis suggests the craters were formed by a piece of debris that had two large masses at each end. This would be an unusual occurrence, NASA said.

According to 2016 data from Arizona State University, debris from a minimum of 47 NASA rocket bodies has created “spacecraft impacts” on the moon.

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The four large craters attributed to the Apollo 13, 14, 15 and 17 missions “were somewhat irregular in outline” and were “substantially larger” than each of the double craters, NASA said. The maximum width of the new double crater, however, is near that of the Apollo craters.

How about that? A mysterious anomaly right in Earth’s backyard.

Though a logical explanation for the mysterious rocket body might be found in the not-too-distant future — it’s easy to speculate that it was a Chinese rocket because the Chinese deny it — it also can give one pause to consider the vastness of space and how little humans know about it.

Until NASA can figure out where the mystery rocket came from, it leaves the door open for speculation about intelligent alien life, nefarious Chinese attempts to dominate space and a variety of other scenarios. Just imagine.

At the end of the day, this might be a good thing. Imagination serves to remind us of God’s grandeur in a universe filled with mysteries. It can also serve up a generous helping of humility.

Friedrich Nietzsche — who was dead wrong about God — did manage to get a few things dead to rights along the way.

“Once upon a time,” Nietzsche wrote in an 1873 essay, “in some out of the way corner of that universe which is dispersed into numberless twinkling solar systems, there was a star upon which clever beasts invented knowing. That was the most arrogant and mendacious minute of ‘world history,’ but nevertheless, it was only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths, the star cooled and congealed, and the clever beasts had to die.”

“One might invent such a fable,” he continued, “and yet he still would not have adequately illustrated how miserable, how shadowy and transient, how aimless and arbitrary the human intellect looks within nature.

“There were eternities during which it did not exist. And when it is all over with the human intellect, nothing will have happened. For this intellect has no additional mission which would lead it beyond human life.”

As usual, the German philosopher — who was blamed by some for both World War I and World War II — didn’t tell the whole story.

He was right in that human intellect is not enough, but he failed to see that the mystery inherent in the universe leads us toward the creator God. Without that mystery, humans are reduced to Nietzsche’s “clever beasts.”

No matter what caused the double crater on the moon, the mystery inherent in creation will remain. As God will forever be beyond the grasp of the human intellect, so will God’s creation.

Awe of the universe should continue to spur scientists, artists and everyone else to further explore our solar system and beyond.

Absent that awe, we become clever beasts bent solely on dominating that which was given as a gift.

And that would be a tragedy in the making.

Mysterious Rocket Crash Discovered on the Moon - Who Sent It? (

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Passed Away

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko passed away on Thursday at age 49 from cancer. Zelenko became well-known after introducing a three-drug combination of hydroxychloroquine, zinc sulfate, and azithromycin as part of an experimental outpatient treatment for COVID-19 that he promoted as the Zelenko Protocol.

Zelenko was born in Kyiv in 1973, and moved to the US at age 3. Zelenko is married and the father of eight children.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Passed Away | The Jewish Press - | Jewish Press News Desk | 2 Tammuz 5782 – June 30, 2022 |

Biden: Change the filibuster to protect abortion and rebuke the SCOTUS that's destabilizing the world, or something


File this under “Things That Will Never Happen.” You can also file this under “Broken Records,” for those who remember the vinyl era. For at least the third time in a year, Joe Biden wants the Senate to amend the legislative filibuster to allow for his preferred policies to pass.

“It’s like voting rights,” Biden explained. Yes, but not in the way he thinks:

We’ll get to the foolishness of this statement in a moment, but first let’s not ignore the corrosive demagoguery that accompanied it. Biden was in Europe to deal with the Russian war in Ukraine and efforts to contain it and force Vladimir Putin to stop attempting to return the world to wars of aggression. Against that backdrop, Biden singled out the Supreme Court as the “destabilizing” force as the answer to a question about the world’s doubt that “America is back” and leading the world:

This is just flat-out despicable. The role of the president while abroad is to advance American interests, and that means assuring the reliability of our institutions. Going abroad to accuse the Supreme Court of “destabilizing” the world is a gross violation of the norms that Biden claimed to want to restore. Furthermore, it’s an absurd statement to make while Putin’s troops are bombing Ukrainian civilians in shopping malls and European nations can’t decide whether to end their addiction to Russian energy imports.

“Putin’s killing hundreds of thousands of civilians but the real threat to world order is a Supreme Court ruling on abortion” is one hella insane take.

In fact, this whole effort meets the popular version of insanity — doing something over and over again and expecting a different result. Biden and Chuck Schumer have tried repeatedly to either end the legislative filibuster or create “exceptions” and carve-outs. Schumer has failed to achieve that, however, because two members of his own caucus refuse to change the rule at all. The nominally pro-life Joe Manchin certainly won’t change his mind to pass the bill that Schumer and Biden pushed forward last month — he explicitly said as much at the time. But even the pro-choice Kyrsten Sinema confirmed today that she’s still firm in her opposition to any filibuster changes:

On top of that, Schumer doesn’t even have a nominal majority at the moment. Pat Leahy’s hip injury and surgery will sideline him for at least several weeks, which means Schumer would have at best 47 votes for a filibuster change. And probably not even that many, since red- or purple-state incumbents like Catherine Cortez-Masto, Mark Kelly, Raphael Warnock, and so on would have to reaaalllly think through the idea of casting a futile vote that would do nothing to expand their reach in the midterm elections.

Biden’s comments today are nothing more than idiotic and impotent gasbaggery. Furthermore, they’re so obviously self-interested that it’s almost a satire. Just three years ago, guess who was warning about the destabilizing impact of filibuster changes?

That’s exactly the point Sinema made last year and again almost exactly a year later. Sinema has been consistent and principled. Biden is neither of those.

Biden: Change the filibuster to protect abortion and rebuke the SCOTUS that's destabilizing the world, or something – HotAir

Adam Schiff Hardest Hit as Bad News for Capitol Riot-Obsessed Dems Gets Even Worse

The writing on the wall for Democrats as far as the midterm elections are concerned has been obvious for quite some time now. But fresh polling out on both the sham ongoing Capitol riot “investigation” and also on what direction a majority of Americans feel America is headed provides further evidence that Democrats are likely to face a red tsunami in November that could perhaps reach levels not seen before in American history.

First up is a poll from CBS News/YouGov which shows that on the priorities list for the American people, “investigating” the Capitol riot ranked very low on the list. The top concerns for voters were inflation, the economy, and crime, all issues Joe Biden has been polling poorly on for months now:

Relatedly, the latest AP-NORC poll shows that an “overwhelming and growing majority” of people believe the nation is on the wrong track. That includes a whopping 78% of Democrats:

An overwhelming and growing majority of Americans say the U.S. is heading in the wrong direction, including nearly 8 in 10 Democrats, according to a new poll that finds deep pessimism about the economy plaguing President Joe Biden.

Eighty-five percent of U.S. adults say the country is on the wrong track, and 79% describe the economy as poor, according to a new survey from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. The findings suggest Biden faces fundamental challenges as he tries to motivate voters to cast ballots for Democrats in November’s midterm elections.

Inflation has consistently eclipsed the healthy 3.6% unemployment rate as a focal point for Americans, who are dealing with high gasoline and food prices. Even among Democrats, 67% call economic conditions poor.

As I’ve said before, if kitchen table voters are getting hit hard in their wallets and pocketbooks come election time, the president’s party is going to get trounced in the midterms, even if he’s performing well in other areas. It just so happens that in this case, Joe Biden isn’t performing well on any issue despite his administration’s wild spin to the contrary.

And as far as the January 6th show trials are concerned, maybe voters would view it as more of a priority had Democrats done more than just say they had the goods on former President Donald Trump. As it stands now, some 18 months or so after the Capitol riot, Adam Schiff and Company still can’t prove Trump intended to incite supporters in order to get them to breach the Capitol and/or was involved in some vast alleged conspiracy plot to subvert the democratic process or whatever.

In fact, just this week Democrats utterly embarrassed themselves by showcasing the supposed “bombshell” testimony of a “witness” who actually hadn’t witnessed anything at all, and key parts from her third-hand story are reportedly about to get debunked by Secret Service agents.

Who knew that after four years of routine “walls are closing in” nothing-burgers from rabidly partisan Democrats like Schiff who often promised big but always failed to deliver (and who continue to do so) that majorities have grown weary of that type of empty rhetoric and game-playing and are more interested in issues that impact their families and their bottom lines?

As it turns out, everyone knew – except for Capitol-riot-obsessed Democrats who are set to find out the hard way in November that their warped priorities are not in line with those of most people in America.

Adam Schiff Hardest Hit as Bad News for Capitol Riot-Obsessed Dems Gets Even Worse – RedState 

As G7 Quietly Shelves Russian Oil Price Cap Idea, Biden Will Beg Mideast Allies To Pump More

To be honest we haven't spent much time discussing the timesink idiocy of the Biden/G7 "Russian oil price cap" idea because well, it is idiotic as Rabobank explained...

The ‘oil cap’ is simple in theory: the G7 will refuse to provide insurance to any vessel that carries Russian oil unless the cargo is sold with an agreed price cap. Yet it won’t work and will just push oil prices higher. Russia will never agree. China and India will never agree either. Russia and China may offer their own underwriting services, which would force the West into physically blocking cargoes and confronting China - as a Russian-oil carrying ship is stopped in the US, says the Wall Street Journal. Plus, the G7 are already not taking Russian oil: they are taking Russian oil from India and China that is being on-sold.

... and it appears that finally even the dumbest people on earth, i.e. career politicians and economists, have figured it out.

Reuters reports that according to EU officials, the biggest price cap proponents - the governments of Germany and other European Union countries - voiced "caution" in a closed-door meeting about price caps on Russian oil, a day after the Group of Seven economic powers agreed to urgently start work on the matter,

Here is the truncated timeline for those who missed it: on Tuesday G7 leaders agreed to explore “the feasibility of introducing temporary import price caps” on Russian fossil fuel, including oil, and tasked ministers to evaluate the proposal urgently.

But just one day later, Germany’s envoy to the EU told his counterparts in a restricted meeting that the world should be “realistic” about the proposal, which he said was added to the G7 statement after “intense pressure” from Washington, according to one official who attended the meeting.

And then, the envoy also said an agreement on whether to apply caps was not expected to come anytime soon... or any time for that matter as it is impossible.

Then there are the holdouts: Hungary and Belgium also raised concerns at the meeting about the G7 statement on sanctions, the official said, with Hungary explicitly backing Berlin’s caution on oil price caps. A second EU official familiar with the talks confirmed that Germany and others had expressed wariness about oil price caps.

A German government official said on Thursday that “success of this plan depends on international cooperation", which is precisely what we said. Of course, neither China nor India will ever agree to cooperate with the G7 if it means losing out on access to extremely cheap oil (the alternative is Russia just halting exports and sending the price of oil to $200+).

Stefano Sannino, secretary general of the EU’s diplomatic service said on Thursday that a price cap would only be effective if universally applied, and so agreement would be needed across the G20 countries, not just the G7.

“You need to be sure you do not have distortion of trade and then the only thing that is happening is that essentially oil goes to other places with other carriers and insured by other companies - and so the price remains the same,” Sannino told an EU-UK Forum conference.

Hilariously, the world's most powerful - and stupid - people are still trying to come up with a price cap idea even as they are all facing an even worse fate in just 6 months: under already passed EU sanctions that will become effective in December, insurance and other financial services crucial for Russian oil shipments will be banned worldwide. Critics of this fear it could lead to higher global oil prices because of the key role EU companies play in shipping insurance, bringing a benefit to Moscow.

A cap, if agreed, would effectively make it possible for companies to trade Russian oil, instead of facing a total ban. However, the EU sanctions on Russian oil, which took weeks to agree, would have to be tweaked and reopening the debate on this measure could be controversial, officials said.

Indeed, as Rabobank cynically concluded, instead of buying Russian oil directly, European nations will instead buy Russian oil from India and China paying a much higher price in the process.

Meanwhile, realizing that his latest attempt to finally outsmart Putin has just gone up in a puff of crack cocaine smoke and his brilliant energy plan - perhaps concocted by Ukraine energy expert Hunter Biden - this morning Joe Biden turned his attention away from the economically impossible and toward diplomacy instead, and has set his sights on a promise of higher production from Gulf allies.

As discussed previously, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are the only countries with significant spare capacity to pump crude, although as Reuters' John Kemp wrote, "it is unlikely to be much more than around 1 million barrels per day (bpd) based on historic production rates." Bloomberg added the following:

Aramco’s maximum capacity is a mystery because it hasn’t ever been tested for an extended period. In April 2020, Riyadh reported its highest ever monthly average, at 11.55 million barrels a day. Back then, Aramco briefly — for a few days, I hear — pumped 12 million barrels a day. Aramco executives, including Chief Executive Officer Amin Nasser, took selfies in front of a giant screen wall showing production hitting the record level. At one point, it surged to 12.3 million barrels. Smiles all round.

Behind closed doors, however, things were more complicated. In private, Saudi oil industry executives describe that effort as a real challenge and express concern about having to sustain that output. It’s one thing to briefly hit the target, quite another to keep pumping and pumping at that level for a year, the internal thinking goes. 

In any casem without a pledge from the two OPEC members to boost production, the president would lose what may be his last tool for alleviating the economic and political pain caused by high fuel prices. That is, of course, unless Biden does the obvious thing and encourages more domestic production. But since the 79-year-old is being handled by a bunch of "green" puppetmasters, this has zero chance of passing.

As such, the coming trip to Saudi Arabia puts Biden in an awkward position, especially after he vowed during his campaign to make the kingdom a “pariah” over its human rights record. The president said he wouldn’t specifically ask Saudi King Salman or Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman to raise oil production when he sees them on July 16. The broader Gulf Cooperation Council, a forum of largely oil-rich countries along the Persian Gulf, is a more appropriate setting for such a request, he said.

“All the Gulf states are meeting. I have indicated to them that I thought they should be increasing production,” Biden said Thursday at a news conference in Madrid following a NATO summit. “I hope we see them, in their own interest, concluding that makes sense to do.”

And as noted above, even if Saudi Arabia and the UAE are willing to assist the US - which they aren't since the coming recession will likely send oil prices sharply lower -  just how much extra oil the two countries could provide has been questioned by this week by Shell Plc Chief Executive Ben van Beurden and French President Emmanuel Macron. While official data indicates the duo have almost 3 million barrels a day of spare production capacity, deploying this would require them to pump at levels rarely sustained before, if ever.

To avoid humiliation, Biden has repeatedly said that his Mideast trip is about more than energy - he cited concerns over the war in Yemen, among other issues. But everyone knows what's the primary goal: the surge in gasoline prices in the US has added pressure on the president and Democrats heading into the November mid-term elections. In Madrid, Biden reiterated his view that the price increase is entirely due to “Russia, Russia, Russia” as a result of the war in Ukraine.

Biden said he sees a number of ways to alleviate some of those increases, including through a temporary repeal of the federal gas tax, a measure that would need congressional approval. But he also said that Americans may have to continue enduring higher-than-usual fuel prices for a time.

Separately, as reported earlier, on Thursday OPEC+ ratified their plan to boost oil production by a further 648,000 barrels a day in August, completing the return of supplies halted during the pandemic. The group, which is led by Saudi Arabia, deferred discussions about its next move for another day, with the next meeting scheduled for Aug. 3.

True to form, the US sees the OPEC+ supply hikes, which were expanded by 50% at the group’s previous meeting on June 2, as a first step that will be followed by a further production increase, Amos Hochstein, the State Department’s senior adviser for energy security, said in a Bloomberg Television interview on Wednesday. “Announcing additional supplies a few weeks ago was step one,” Hochstein said. “I’m very hopeful that you and I can have this conversation about step two sometime in the near future.”

The problem, however, as the chart below shows is that OPEC+ is simply incapable of pumping as much as it used to in the recent past due to lack of capital spending.

Oil fell after Biden’s comments, with West Texas Intermediate futures sinking 3.9% to $105.50 a barrel around 11am. We expect oil to resume its surge in the coming days.

As G7 Quietly Shelves Russian Oil Price Cap Idea, Biden Will Beg Mideast Allies To Pump More | ZeroHedge

BREAKING: President Trump to sign new order empowering states over FEMA for disaster response

President Trump is signing a new executive order that will empower states and localities over FEMA when it comes to disaster response. This ...