Monday, February 28, 2022

No plans to occupy Ukraine, Russia tells UN

Moscow seeks to “demilitarize and denazify” Kiev, ambassador tells the UN General Assembly

Vasily Nebenzya, Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations speaks during a special session of the General Assembly at the United Nations headquarters on on February 28, 2022 in New York City

Russia seeks to save lives in the Donbass and punish those responsible for eight years of genocide and atrocities, Moscow’s envoy to the UN Vasily Nebenzia told the General Assembly during a session called to denounce the invasion of Ukraine.

“Occupation of Ukraine is not part of our plans. The purpose of this special operation is to protect people, who have been subjected to abuse and genocide by the Kiev regime for the past eight years. This is why it’s necessary to demilitarize and de-nazify Ukraine,” Nebenzia said.

As one example of “ghastly crimes” committed by the government in Kiev, the Russian envoy cited the murder of people protesting the US-backed coup in Kiev, when 40 people were burned alive in a building in Odessa. Moscow is seeking to bring to justice anyone who committed such atrocities, “including Russian citizens,” Nebenzia said.

Russia is defending itself from a “regime” which “aspires to gain access to nuclear weapons,” the UN envoy added, noting the statement of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to that effect at the Munich Security Conference on February 18. 

Rather than violating the underlying principles of the UN, as critics have accused Russia of doing, Nebenzia argued the military operation is actually ensuring the key principle is upheld – to prevent another world war.

NATO’s placement of military assets in Ukraine would have forced Russia to take measures that would have put Moscow and the alliance “on the brink of conflict,” he said.

Ukraine and its Western backers have accused Russia of unprovoked aggression and dismissed accusations of genocide and atrocities in the two breakaway regions of Donetsk and Lugansk.

“Everyone knows that Russia and Russia alone started this invasion,” said Kiev’s ambassador to the UN Sergiy Kyslytsya. 

The UN General Assembly is meeting at the request of the US, which last week submitted a joint resolution with Albania to condemn Russia at the UN Security Council, where it was vetoed by Moscow.

Heartland New Zealand: Dog trials also good for the wellbeing of rural folk

It might be the dog’s show, but most will tell you the tradition of attending dog trials is all about the people.

The Millers Flat Collie Club held its 114th annual dog trials on Thursday and yesterday.

Nick Meikle John and dog Rowdy compete in the Straight Up section at the Millers Flat Collie Club dog trials on Thursday.

Dogs and their owners competed on four runs during the two-day event which was held at the club’s new site on Island Block, near Millers Flat.

Huntaways and heading dogs took to the courses ready to show the sheep who was boss — but often the sheep had other ideas.

David Robertson, of Beaumont, and huntaway Crew take a moment in the shade.

Palmerston man Lloyd Smith was judge on the Straight Up course, a run up the hill where the dog had to guide a group of three sheep up and between two flags at the top.

A "legend" in the world of dog trials according to those on course, Mr Smith said dog trials were not just for the dogs.

They were an important part of good wellbeing for rural folks, he said.

Millers Flat Collie Club president Cam Bain said it was not unusual to see the dog trials reach 114 years, as many clubs in the wider area had celebrated, or were due to celebrate their centennials.

John Scurr, of Millers Flat, assists judge Lloyd Smith, of Palmerston.

The strength of the Millers Flat event, and the club, was due to the hard work of club members, the committee and wider community, he said.

There’s a lot of fourth and fifth generation farms and it’s pretty awesome to keep traditions going in the [Teviot] Valley."

Farmers were under pressure due to changing Government rules and regulations so opportunities to get off-farm were good, Mr Bain said.

"A lot of us probably live in seclusion from people so it’s good to get out and get among like-minded people."

Retrieved from:

Come Again? Ukrainian Parliament Member Tells Fox News: “We Not only Fight For Ukraine – We Fight For this New World Order”


Ukrainian parliament member Kira Rudik said the quiet part out loud when she joined Fox News on Sunday to provide an update about the ongoing advance on Kyiv by Russian forces.

During the interview, Rudik detailed the efforts Ukrainians are making to defend against Putin’s invasion, highlighting how countless civilians have “taken up arms” and are standing at the ready – including herself.

The people are “ready to fight” for their country, she explained.

However, there’s something else they are fighting for. According to Rudik, the Ukrainian people are also laying their lives on the line for the democracy of the “New World Order.”

In response to the host asking if she was “surprised” to see Ukrainians displaying such strong will to fight back against Russia, Rudik explained:

“I’m not surprised. We have been fighting Putin for the last 8 years and we had three other revolutions in our country when we did not agree with what was going on with the direction we were moving in.

But right now it’s a critical time because we know that we not only fight for Ukraine, [but] we fight for this New World Order for the democratic countries. We [know] that we are the shield for the Euro. We [know] that we are protecting not only Ukraine, [but] we are protecting like all the other countries that would be next if we failed. That’s why we just cannot fail.”


The full interview is below:

However, Rudik letting the cat out of the bag does make the scenes showing Ukrainian security forces frantically burning documents that much more interesting.

Come Again? Ukrainian Parliament Member Tells Fox News: "We Not only Fight For Ukraine - We Fight For this New World Order" (VIDEO) (

Ukraine’s Deadly Gamble


 By tying itself to a reckless and dangerous America, the Ukrainians 

made a blunder 

that client states will study for years to come

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, at left, meets with U.S. President Joe Biden in the Oval Office on Sept. 1, 2021

Russian President Vladimir Putin chose this war, Joe Biden said in his Thursday afternoon speech to America regarding the conflict in Ukraine. That is true, but U.S. elites also had something to do with Putin’s ugly and destructive choice—a role that Democrats and Republicans are eager to paper over with noble-sounding rhetoric about the bravery of Ukraine’s badly outgunned military. Yes, the Ukrainian soldiers standing up to Putin are very brave, but it was Americans that put them in harm’s way by using their country as a weapon, first against Russia and then against each other, with little consideration for the Ukrainian people who are now paying the price for America’s folly.

It is not an expression of support for Putin’s grotesque actions to try to understand why it seemed worthwhile for him to risk hundreds of billions of dollars, the lives of thousands of servicemen, and the possible stability of his own regime in order to invade his neighbor. After all, Putin’s reputation until this moment has always been as a shrewd ex-KGB man who eschewed high-risk gambles in favor of sure things backed by the United States, like entering Syria and then escalating forces there. So why has he adopted exactly the opposite strategy here, and chosen the road of open high-risk confrontation with the American superpower?

Yes, Putin wants to prevent NATO from expanding to Russia’s border. But the larger answer is that he finds the U.S. government’s relationship with Ukraine genuinely threatening. That’s because for nearly two decades, the U.S. national security establishment under both Democratic and Republican administrations has used Ukraine as an instrument to destabilize Russia, and specifically to target Putin.

While the timing of Putin’s attack on Ukraine is no doubt connected to a variety of factors, including the Russian dictator’s read on U.S. domestic politics and the preferences of his own superpower sponsor in Beijing, the sense that Ukraine poses a meaningful threat to Russia is not a product of Putin’s paranoia—or of a sudden desire to restore the power and prestige of the Soviet Union, however much Putin might wish for that to happen. Rather, it is a geopolitical threat that has grown steadily more pressing and been employed with greater recklessness by Americans and Ukrainians alike over the past decade.

That Ukraine has allowed itself to be used as a pawn against a powerful neighbor is in part the fault of Kyiv’s reckless and corrupt political class. But Ukraine is not a superpower that owes allies and client-states judicious leadership—that’s the role of the United States. And in that role, the United States has failed Ukraine. More broadly, the use of Ukraine as a goad against enemies domestic and foreign has recklessly damaged the failing yet necessary European security architecture that America spent 75 years building and maintaining.

Why can’t the American security establishment shoulder responsibility for its role in the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine? Because to discuss American responsibility openly would mean exposing the national security establishment’s role in two separate, destructive coups: the first, in 2014, targeting the government of Ukraine, and the second, starting two years later, the government of the United States.

In the last year there have been two attempted “pro-democracy” inter-elite coups in pro-Kremlin states on Russian borders: Belarus and Kazakhstan. Both of those so-called “color revolutions” failed, but Ukraine represents a much more pressing concern, especially given the country’s push for NATO membership, which Biden officials like Secretary of State Antony Blinken publicly encouraged last year with no intention or possibility of actually making it possible. Yet rather than compelling the United States to rethink the wisdom of planting the NATO flag on Russia’s border, Putin’s escalating rhetoric—and troop movements—only made the Biden team dig in deeper.

This is a game that Biden and key figures in his administration have been playing for a long time, beginning with the 2013-14 Obama administration-backed coup that toppled a Russia-friendly government in Kyiv. This was the so-called Maidan Revolution, a sequel of sorts to the George W. Bush-backed Orange Revolution of 2004-05. Much of that same Obama foreign policy team—Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Victoria Nuland, Susan Rice, and others—is now back in the White House and State Department working in senior posts for a president who personally ran Obama’s Ukraine policy.

What did all these figures have in mind for Ukraine? The White House and U.S. foreign policy experts from both parties are united in claiming that Ukraine is a U.S. ally, a democracy, and a beacon of freedom, which are no doubt fine words to hear when you have been left to fight Vladimir Putin on your own. But to understand what Ukraine truly is, we must start where all geopolitics begins: by looking at a map.

Ukraine is situated between two greater powers, Russia and the European Union. That makes Ukraine a buffer state. Geopolitical logic dictates that buffer states cultivate and maintain cordial relations with the greater powers that surround them, unless they want to be swallowed up by one of those powers. That’s because siding with one great power against another often leads to catastrophe. No less an authority than the prophet Isaiah tells us so. He warned the Jews not to side with the pharaoh—a broken reed, he called Egypt, which pierces the hand of anyone who leans on it—in the dynasty’s conflict with the Babylonians. Isaiah was right: The Jews bet wrong and were dragged off into exile.

Today Israel is no longer a buffer state; rather, it’s a regional power. But geography didn’t change, which means that Israel is still a tiny country surrounded by larger entities, like Turkey and Iran.

So how did the Jewish state transcend buffer-state status? Because it acquired what is reportedly a large nuclear arsenal with air, land, and sea delivery capabilities—the vaunted nuclear triad—which render it immune to an enemy’s first strike, and ensures, for the time being anyway, that Israel is no longer a stomping ground for empires. Conversely, Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal in 1994 in exchange for U.S. security guarantees in the event its neighbors, Russia in particular, turned hostile.

What kind of strategy dictates that a state hand over its security vis-a-vis local actors to a country half the world away? No strategy at all. Ukraine was not able to transcend its natural geography as a buffer state—and worse, a buffer state that failed to take its own existence seriously, which meant that it would continue to make disastrously bad bets. In 2013, the European Union offered Kyiv a trade deal, which many misunderstood as a likely prelude to EU membership. Young Ukrainians very much want to join the EU, because they want access to Europe so they can flee Ukraine, which remains one of the poorest countries on the continent.

The trade deal was an ill-conceived EU project to take a shot at Putin with what seemed like little risk. The idea was to flood the Ukrainian market, and therefore also the Russian market, with European goods, which would have harmed the Russian economy—leading, the architects of this plan imagined, to popular discontent that would force Putin himself from office. Putin understandably saw this stratagem as a threat to his country’s stability and his personal safety, so he gave Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych an ultimatum: either reject the deal and accept Moscow’s $15 billion aid package in its place, or else suffer crippling economic measures.

When Yanukovych duly reneged on the EU deal, the Obama administration helped organize street demonstrations for what became history’s most tech-savvy and PR-driven regime change operation, marketed to the global public variously as Maidan, EuroMaidan, the Revolution of Dignity, etc. In February 2014, the protests forced Yanukovych into exile in Moscow. Consequently, Nuland and other Obama administration officials worked to assemble a new Ukrainian government friendly to the United States and therefore hostile to Russia.

In late February, the Russians responded to the American soft coup in Ukraine by invading Crimea and eventually annexing it and creating chaos in Eastern Ukraine. The Obama administration declined to arm the Ukrainian government. It was right to avoid conflict with Moscow, though by leaving Kyiv defenseless, it showed that the White House had never fully gamed out all the possible scenarios that might ensue from setting a client state on course for conflict with a great power. Instead, Obama and the Europeans highlighted their deadly miscalculation by imposing sanctions on Moscow for taking advantage of the conditions that Obama and the Europeans had created.

The White House seems to have taken a perverse pride in the death and destruction it helped incite in Eastern Europe. In April 2014, CIA Director John Brennan visited Kyiv, appearing to confirm the agency’s role in the coup. Shortly after came Vice President Biden, who took his own victory lap and counseled the Ukrainians to root out corruption. Naturally, a prominent Ukrainian energy company called Burisma, which was then under investigation for corruption, hired Biden’s son Hunter for protection.

By tying itself to an American administration that had shown itself to be reckless and dangerous, the Ukrainians made a geopolitical blunder that statesmen will study for years to come: A buffer state had staked its future on a distant power that had simply seen it as an instrument to annoy its powerful neighbor with no attachment to any larger strategic concept that it was willing to support. Russia then lopped off half of the Donbas region on its border and subjected Ukraine to a grinding, eight-year-long war, intended in large part to underline Russian capacity and Ukrainian and American impotence.

A buffer state had staked its future on a distant power that had simply seen it as an instrument to annoy its powerful neighbor with no attachment to any larger strategic concept that it was willing to support.

Ukraine then made a bad situation even worse. When the same people who had left them prey to Putin asked them to take sides in an American domestic political conflict, the Ukrainians enthusiastically signed on—instead of running hard in the opposite direction.

In 2016, the Hillary Clinton campaign came calling on Ukrainian officials and activists to lend some Slavic authenticity to its Russia collusion narrative targeting Donald Trump. Indeed, Russiagate’s central storyline was about Ukraine. Yes, Trump had supposedly been compromised by a sex tape filmed in Moscow, but Putin’s ostensible reason for helping Trump win the presidency was to get him to drop Ukraine-related sanctions. Here was another chance for Ukraine to stick it to Putin, and gain favor with what it imagined would be the winning party in the American election.

With the CIA’s Brennan and a host of senior FBI and DOJ officials pushing Russiagate into the press—and running an illegal espionage campaign against the Trump team—Ukrainian political figures gladly joined in. Key participants included Kyiv’s ambassador to Washington, who wrote a Trump-Russia piece for the U.S. press, and a member of the Ukrainian parliament who allegedly contributed to the dossier. The collusion narrative was also augmented by Ukrainian American operatives, like Alexandra Chalupa, who was tied into the Democratic Party’s NGO complex. The idea that this game might have consequences for Ukraine’s relations with its more powerful neighbor doesn’t seem to have entered the heads of either the feckless Ukrainians or the American political operatives who cynically used them.

Of course, Ukraine was hardly the only American client state to involve itself in domestic political gamesmanship. By appearing before the U.S. Congress to argue against Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took sides with Republicans against a sitting American president—which seems like an even bigger potential faux pas.

The differences between the two situations are even more revealing, though. The Iran deal touched on a core Israeli national interest. As a U.S. ally, Israel was challenging the wisdom of handing nuclear weapons to its own (and America’s) leading regional competitor and rival. By contrast, Ukraine had no existential or geopolitical reason to participate in the anti-Trump operation, which allowed it at best to curry favor with one side of the D.C. establishment while angering what turned out to be the winning party. Russiagate was the kind of vanity project that a buffer state with a plunging GDP and an army equipped with 40-year-old ex-Soviet weapons in a notoriously risky area of the world can ill afford—especially one that lacked a nuclear arsenal.

And that was only the beginning. Just as Russiagate seemed to be coming to a close in July 2019, U.S. national security officials injected yet another Ukraine-related narrative into the public sphere to target the American president. This one appears to have been initiated by Ukrainian American White House official Alexander Vindman and his colleague Eric Ciaramella, a CIA analyst who had served as Vice President Biden’s point man on Ukraine during the Obama administration. When Vindman told Ciaramella about a phone call in which Trump had asked the Ukrainian president for information regarding allegations about the Biden family’s corrupt activities in Kyiv, they called on help from U.S. intelligence services, the State Department, the Pentagon, Democratic Party officials, and the press. Quick, scramble Team Ukraine—Trump is asking questions!

In order to cover up for what the Bidens and perhaps other senior Obama officials had done in Ukraine, a Democratic Congress impeached Trump for trying to figure out what American policymakers had been doing in Ukraine over the past decade. As for the Ukrainians, they again put themselves in the middle of it, when they should have stayed home.

The end result was that the Ukrainians had helped weaken an American president who, unlike Obama, gave them arms to defend themselves against the Russians. More seriously, they reinforced Putin’s view that, especially in partnership with the Democrats, Ukraine did not understand its true place in the world as a buffer state—and would continue to allow themselves to be used as an instrument by policymakers whose combination of narcissism and fecklessness made them particularly prone to dangerous miscalculations. The 2020 election victory of Joe Biden, a man whose family had been paid by the Ukrainians to protect them, can have done little to quiet Putin’s sense that Ukraine needed to be put in its place before it was used yet again as a weapon against him.

From the perspective of the U.S. national security establishment, Biden’s victory over Trump signaled that its actions in Ukraine would stay hidden. So long as the media continued to bark that the 45th president of the United States is Putin’s stooge, no one would be held accountable for anything. Except, as it turns out, D.C. political operatives aren’t the only people who can make history. Putin can, too. And the people of Ukraine will come out much the worse for both of their efforts.

WHO Quietly Pushes for Global Pandemic Treaty That Would Give Organization Precedence Over Participating Nations During “Pandemics”


The World Health Organization (WHO) announced last week a partnership with Deutsche Telekom to develop a global digital COVID-19 jab certificate:

WHO Signs Contract with Deutsche Telekom to Build Global Digital COVID-19 Jab Certificate

But that’s not the endgame for the global health agency’s sinister plans.

The WHO is preparing an international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness.

For participating countries, this global binding agreement would override their nation’s constitution and pandemic response strategies.

Thus, it establishes a pre-determined global response to any “pandemic.”

The WHO published this news release in December 2021:

In a consensus decision aimed at protecting the world from future infectious diseases crises, the World Health Assembly today agreed to kickstart a global process to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument under the Constitution of the World Health Organization to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, said the decision by the World Health Assembly was historic in nature, vital in its mission, and represented a once-in-a-generation opportunity to strengthen the global health architecture to protect and promote the well-being of all people.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a light on the many flaws in the global system to protect people from pandemics: the most vulnerable people going without vaccines; health workers without needed equipment to perform their life-saving work; and ‘me-first’ approaches that stymie the global solidarity needed to deal with a global threat,” Dr Tedros said.

“But at the same time, we have seen inspiring demonstrations of scientific and political collaboration, from the rapid development of vaccines, to today’s commitment by countries to negotiate a global accord that will help to keep future generations safer from the impacts of pandemics.”

The Health Assembly met in a Special Session, the second-ever since WHO’s founding in 1948, and adopted a sole decision titled: “The World Together.” The decision by the Assembly establishes an intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, with a view to adoption under Article 19 of the WHO Constitution, or other provisions of the Constitution as may be deemed appropriate by the INB.

Article 19 of the WHO Constitution provides the World Health Assembly with the authority to adopt conventions or agreements on any matter within WHO’s competence. The sole instrument established under Article 19 to date is the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which has made a significant and rapid contribution to protecting people from tobacco since its entry into force in 2005.

Under the decision adopted today, the INB will hold its first meeting by 1 March 2022 (to agree on ways of working and timelines) and its second by 1 August 2022 (to discuss progress on a working draft). It will also hold public hearings to inform its deliberations; deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly in 2023; and submit its outcome for consideration by the 77th World Health Assembly in 2024.

Through the decision, the World Health Assembly also requested the WHO Director-General to convene the INB meetings and support its work, including by facilitating the participation of other United Nations system bodies, non-state actors, and other relevant stakeholders in the process to the extent decided by the INB.

As noted by the European Council, the first meeting to establish the global treaty takes place on March 1st, 2022:

An intergovernmental negotiating body will now be constituted and hold its first meeting by 1 March 2022 (to agree on ways of working and timelines) and its second by 1 August 2022 (to discuss progress on a working draft). It will then deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly in 2023, with the aim to adopt the instrument by 2024.

cont. from the European Council:

The COVID-19 pandemic is a global challenge. No single government or institution can address the threat of future pandemics alone.

A convention, agreement or other international instrument is legally binding under international law. An agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response adopted under the World Health Organization (WHO) would enable countries around the globe to strengthen national, regional and global capacities and resilience to future pandemics.

Such an instrument would also:

  • ensure higher, sustained and long-term political engagement at the level of world leaders of states or governments
  • define clear processes and tasks
  • enhance long-term public and private-sector support at all levels
  • foster integration of health matters across all relevant policy areas

We need to create an environment where every scientist, health worker, and government can band together for a common cause. Working together to build new solutions to protect what is most precious – our health and our lives.

Charles Michel, President of the European Council at World Health Summit, 25 October 2021

What’s the purpose of an international agreement on pandemics?

The proposal for an international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response is guided by a spirit of collective solidarity, anchored in the principles of fairness, inclusiveness and transparency.

Neither individual governments nor the global community can entirely prevent pandemics. But the international community needs to be much better prepared and better aligned in responding to possible future pandemics across the entire cycle of detection, alarm and response.

The instrument would set out the objectives and fundamental principles in order to structure the necessary collective action to fight pandemics.

An international convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemics would support and focus on:

  • early detection and prevention of pandemics
  • resilience to future pandemics
  • response to any future pandemics, in particular by ensuring universal and equitable access to medical solutions, such as vaccines, medicines and diagnostics
  • stronger international health framework with the WHO as the coordinating authority on global health matters
  • the “One Health” approach, connecting the health of humans, animals and our planet

More specifically, such an instrument can enhance international cooperation in a number of priority areas, such as surveillance, alerts and response, but also in general trust in the international health system.

WHO Quietly Pushes for Global Pandemic Treaty That Would Give Organization Precedence Over Participating Nations During “Pandemics” – LibertyWire 

North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Eastward Toward Sea as Vladimir Putin Orders Nuclear Forces on Highest Alert

 North Korea on Sunday fired what is believed to be a medium-range ballistic missile eastward toward the sea, according to Yonhap News Agency.

Reuters reported:

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff reported that North Korea had fired a suspected ballistic missile toward the sea off its east coast from a location near Sunan, where Pyongyang’s international airport is located. The airport has been the site of missile tests, including a pair of short-range ballistic missiles fired on Jan. 16.

The missile fired on Sunday flew to a maximum altitude of around 620 km (390 miles) and to a range of about 300 km (190 miles), the Joint Chiefs of Staff said.

The United States condemned North Korea’s missile launch and begged Pyongyang to engage in dialogue, in a statement to Yonhap:

“The United States condemns the DPRK’s ballistic missile launch,” the department spokesperson told Yonhap News Agency, referring to North Korea by its official name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. 

“This launch, like the other launches earlier this year, is a clear violation of multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions, and demonstrates the threat the DPRK’s illicit weapons of mass destruction and missile programs pose to the DPRK’s neighbors and the region as a whole,” the official added.

“We stand with the international community to call on the DPRK to abide by Security Council resolutions, refrain from further provocations, and engage in sustained and substantive dialogue,” the department spokesperson said, asking not to be identified.

North Korea fired a ballistic missile while Vladimir Putin is threating to nuke the West.

Vladimir Putin put Russia’s nuclear deterrent forces on highest alert on Sunday.

Putin justified his actions after top NATO officials made “aggressive statements against our country.”

Meanwhile Joe Biden is hiding out in his Delaware basement.









Hunter Biden Associate Devon Archer Sentenced to One Year, One Day in Jail


A longtime associate of President Joe Biden’s son was sentenced on Feb. 28 to one year and one day in jail for defrauding a Native American tribe.

Devon Archer was convicted for participating in a scheme to bilk the Wakpamni Lake Community Corporation of the Oglala Sioux Tribe of tens of millions of dollars. The tribe didn’t answer a phone attempt for comment on Monday.

Archer was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Ronnie Abrams, an Obama nominee who split the ground between prosecutorial and defense sentencing recommendations.

Prosecutors asked for 30 months in prison, arguing for the same sentence as the one handed down to Bevan Cooney, a co-defendant. Prosecutors noted that there were 10 or more victims of the scheme, which caused a loss in excess of $25 million, and said guidelines would lead to a sentence of between 108 and 135 months, but decided not push for a longer sentence because of a “need to avoid unwanted sentencing disparities.”

Matthew Schwartz, representing Archer, claimed his client was “plainly kept in the dark” about much of the scheme and himself lost “a substantial amount of his own money” while receiving nothing from the plot. Schwartz asked the court for no jail time.

Abrams told the courtroom that the fraud was too serious for a sentence of no time behind bars but that the COVID-19 pandemic led her to give a shorter sentence than the one prosecutors sought, the New York Post reported.

Abrams also ordered Archer to forfeit some $15.7 million and pay over $43 million in restitution.

Abrams is the same judge that tossed Archer’s conviction in 2018, only for an appeals court to reinstate it in 2020.

An appeal to the Supreme Court from Archer was rejected in late 2021.

Archer has been linked with Hunter Biden, President Biden’s son, for years.

Archer and the others involved in the scheme used Hunter Biden’s name in convincing the Native American tribe to invest assets, and emails show Hunter Biden was involved with Archer’s company. Hunter Biden was never charged in the defrauding operation, and his lawyer has told news outlets that those who were “invoked and used Hunter’s name—without his knowledge—to lend their business venture more credibility.”

Hunter Biden is currently under investigation by federal prosecutors.

All but one other defendant in the fraud scheme has been sentenced. Jason Galanis, who authorities said orchestrated the scheme, was sentenced to 189 months in prison; John Galanis was sentenced to 10 years in prison; Gary Hirst was sentenced to 8 years; and Michelle Morton was sentenced to 15 months. Abrams sentenced all of them, and Cooney.

High Dunkerley, the other defendant, recently successfully pushed his sentencing back to later this year.

Hunter Biden Associate Devon Archer Sentenced to One Year, One Day in Jail (

The Government From Hell


The trucker convoy has come and gone. The bouncy castles have been put away, the hot tubs dismantled, the 18-wheelers towed, the party atmosphere vanished into air, into thin air. They are such stuff as dreams are made on.

The convoy’s main accomplishment was to force the government to show its autocratic hand to the observant and the doubtful. The invoking of the Emergencies (or War Measures) Act was a groundless abuse of power and its hasty withdrawal a sign of an authoritarian government caught with its pants down. But in the aftermath of the Freedom Convoy’s magnificent display of resolute patriotism and good faith, the federal vaccine mandates it protested remain in place, a finance minister of dubious antecedents bears the fasces, and the administration of a petty and vindictive tyrant is still intact. The partial triumph of the truckers turns out to be a Pyrrhic victory, for it is the truckers who have suffered most.

Our blue-collar benefactors now face the consequences of the scorched-earth policies adopted by the anointed class. Many have lost their rigs. Operating licenses have been revoked. Criminal charges have been laid. Bans on trucker commerce have proliferated. Bankruptcy looms for many. Livelihoods have been demolished. Families have been obliterated. Marriages are bound to collapse. And I suspect that suicides will mount as desperation sees no escape from ruination. In effect, Justin Trudeau declared war on those who kept the goods and services flowing through the ersatz pandemic and who enabled the populace to weather the government-induced travesty. Gratitude is not in the dwindling catalogue of common virtues. The casualties, though hidden by the Soviet-style media, are devastating.

Canadians mourn the death and destruction they read about in the press and view on television newscasts in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The media wax furious over the suffering of ordinary people in that far Republic. But not a word about the war unleashed on our most loyal and courageous citizens by an unmitigated despot and his suppliant minions, a disaster whose consequences are not yet fully known but are gloomily foreseeable. Just as there is no guarantee that the America of old will still be recognizable come the November midterms, so there is no assurance that the Canada we once knew will survive until the next election. Canada’s traditional mode of civic decorum has been supplanted by rancor and schadenfreude. What we are witnessing is the death of “eh.”

The fact is that the government from hell is working to transform a democratic nation into a police state and normalize totalitarian rule without having to mobilize the military and scramble its jet fighters. It moves subtly, insidiously, through legislation, decree, deception, legal subterfuge, financial penalties, and targeted defamation. It divides a country into sectarian belligerents, employs tested techniques of misinformation and disinformation, prevents the free expression of opinion (Bill C-11), and impoverishes and segregates its perceived adversaries. It manipulates a strategy of covert control which, in the long run, may be more effective than overt physical repression. It doesn’t need tanks; a few RCMP horses will do. Slander and sanctimony are excellent weapons.

The truckers were never a menace, bore no resemblance to the volley of epithets hurled against them: white supremacists, racists, misogynists, antisemites, and the like. A Liberal MP is convinced that “honk honk” is code for “Heil Hitler.” Reviewing Paul Gottfried’s must-read Antifascism: The Course of a Crusade in American Greatness, Christopher Zeeman writes, “Organizing a state around a nonexistent threat is a novel approach to governing…the lack of proof is confirmation that they must redouble their efforts to thwart the threat”—a threat, be it said, not to the nation but to the impious power of the managerial elect. In other words, our political elites must conjure their enemies in order to maintain their own compromised existence. The dumbing down of a supine population, still wearing their badges of conformity across their faces, completes the task.

Of course, as noted, there will be the inevitable casualties. The truckers who protested the draconian and useless vaccine mandates have been crushed and their lives ruined. And the majority of Canadians do not care. Some believe the truckers got what they deserved, gloating over the misfortune of their betters. Others do not give them a second thought. The feeble-minded claim to be suffering from “phantom honking.” Some hover over the top like a helicopter pilot surveying rush hour traffic and move on: nothing very significant to see here. Their sympathies go out to the Ukrainian victims of Russian aggression. The victims of government oppression in their own country are an afterthought. Stupefying indifference to the fate of their nation is the order of the day. The government from hell remains solidly entrenched.

O Canada! What has become of thee?

The Government From Hell – PJ Media

New study from Sweden says, Pfizer mRNA does indeed integrate into our DNA

 This article is thanks to D A

For over a year, we've been told that mRNA vaccines, including Pfizer and Moderna, don't integrate with human cell DNA. However, a new study from Sweden published in the Current Issues of Molecular Biology says otherwise.

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Swedish lab studies show that mRNA from the ‘vaccines’ does integrate itself into human cellular DNA. This means that a shot of the Pfizer vaccine, taken even once, permanently changes the DNA of affected cells.

For over a year, we’ve been told that mRNA vaccines, including Pfizer and Moderna, don’t integrate with human cell DNA.

Read also: Check out our coverage on curated alternative narratives

What the article shows is that in vitro, using a human liver cell line, the Pfizer mRNA vaccine uses a natural reverse transcriptase enzyme called LINE-1, and the genetic code of the vaccine is reverse transcribed into the DNA.

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It also explains that vaccine mRNA actually does travel to the liver as one of the preferred sites (the other sites, as we heard, are ovaries and more).

What does it mean? Normally, our cells do the reverse: the cell nucleus, where the DNA is, expresses certain DNA code based on conditions of the cell and produces natural, human messenger RNA.

That messenger RNA travels out of the nucleus, where it is expressed into proteins needed for cell building. This is how growing organisms express different genetic programs to grow muscle cells or brain cells, etc.

This process is called “transcription”.

For many years, Central Dogma of Molecular Biology stated that the “reverse transcription” — moving genetic code from RNA back into the sacred cellular nuclear and recoding the DNA — was impossible.

Eventually, scientists realized that it is possible under various conditions. For example, the HIV RNA virus is able to do so and it reprograms our DNA to produce copies of it. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.

To effect reverse transcription, enzymes called “reverse transcriptases” are needed. One of them is called LINE-1.

Apparently, the Pfizer mRNA vaccine causes cells to produce that LINE-1 enzyme, says the study.

After seeing LINE-1 reverse transcriptase rise, they tested for alterations to the DNA, making sure they are not picking up the RNA instead.

Considering that Sars-Cov-2 “spike protein” has a cancer code from Moderna 2017’ patent 9,587,003, it is imperative to find out the implications of this reverse transcription, and whether the vaccinated now have any undesirable genetic code embedded into their DNA.

Of particular interest is whether this mRNA-induced reverse transcription affects the “germ line”, such as eggs and sperm cells, and whether it also affects the fetus of pregnant mothers.

Download the study here.

New study from Sweden says, Pfizer mRNA does indeed integrate into our DNA - The Rio Times (

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