Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Grand Jury Indicts Trump Organization

On Wednesday night, The New York Times reported, "Trump Organization and Top Executive Are Indicted in Tax Investigation." The executive in question is Allen Weisselberg, the organization's Chief Financial Officer. The charges are "not immediately clear," because the indictment has not been unsealed. It is expected to be once Weisselberg and lawyers appear in court, which is expected to be tomorrow.

Nevertheless, there is some speculation. From The Times:

But prosecutors in the Manhattan district attorney’s office have been examining bonuses and luxury perks that Mr. Weisselberg received — including an apartment in Manhattan, leased Mercedes-Benz cars and private school tuition for at least one of his grandchildren — and whether taxes should have been paid on those benefits.

The indictment is a major development in the investigation led by the district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., who has been conducting a sweeping inquiry into Mr. Trump and his business dealings along with the New York State attorney general, Letitia James.

The report also suggests that this indictment "will amplify the pressure that prosecutors have placed on Mr. Weisselberg for months to turn on Mr. Trump and cooperate with their investigation."

Weisselberg is described as having "operated behind the scenes" for "most of his professional career." The lengthy report from The Times goes into a deep dive on Weisselberg, quoting him acknowledging that he is a "micromanaging boss." The piece also quotes Angel Lopez, a former employee in the Trump organization's accounting department, who says that Weisselberg "always wanted to impress Donald Trump."

Michael Cohen, the disgraced former attorney of Donald Trump is also referenced in the report when it comes to his interactions with Weisselberg:

In his congressional testimony, Mr. Cohen pinned blame for masking the repayment scheme on Mr. Weisselberg.

Ultimately, the federal prosecutors scrutinized whether Mr. Weisselberg had committed perjury when he told a grand jury that he was unaware that the payment to Mr. Cohen involved reimbursement for the hush money, according to people with knowledge of the matter. (A person familiar with Mr. Weisselberg’s account has said he disputed Mr. Cohen’s assertions that Mr. Trump was involved in the payment to Ms. Daniels or the reimbursement.)

This report comes after Monday's news that the Manhattan DA was not going to be criminally charging Donald Trump, as Matt reported.

SIDNEY POWELL IS RIGHT AGAIN! — HUGE BREAKING NEWS: Thousands Of Votes Were Added To Every Democrat Candidate — It Happened Everywhere

On Tuesday, the New York City Board of Elections revealed that they left 135,000 test ballots on their machines before the election.

What’s more interesting is that these votes were included in the election night results.

But this would absolutely ‘NEVER’ happen in a national election, right?

Back in November, after the election, Attorney Sidney Powell joined Newsmax to discuss the developments in the 2020 election investigations.

During the interview, Powell revealed that 35,000 votes were added to every Democrat candidate in the state of Arizona.

“We have other testimonial evidence that appears to be coming in now that indicates the Democrats literally added 35,000 votes to every Democrat candidate, to begin with,” she said.

“Definitely, all over one state, and I’d be willing to bet it happened everywhere,” she added.

Today’s announcement from the New York Board of Election only proves what Powell has said.

It was a WIDESPREAD fraud!

We all know that millions of votes were added to Biden. This is how bad Trump was beating him!


SHOCKER: Politico reports that many of Kamala Harris’ current and former aides as well Biden admin officials ‘feel treated like sh*t’

 We take no pleasure in reporting Politico’s reporting on Kamala Harris’ trusty team:

We were kidding just then, of course. We revel in reporting like this. We live for reporting like this.

Oh, my!

More from Politico:

In interviews, 22 current and former vice presidential aides, administration officials and associates of Harris and Biden described a tense and at times dour office atmosphere. Aides and allies said [Harris’ chief of staff Tina] Flournoy, in an apparent effort to protect Harris, has instead created an insular environment where ideas are ignored or met with harsh dismissals and decisions are dragged out. Often, they said, she refuses to take responsibility for delicate issues and blames staffers for the negative results that ensue.

While much of the ire is aimed at Harris’ chief, two administration officials said the VP herself also bears responsibility for the way her office is run. “It all starts at the top,” said one of the administration officials, who like others requested anonymity to be able to speak candidly about a sensitive matter.

“People are thrown under the bus from the very top, there are short fuses and it’s an abusive environment,” said another person with direct knowledge of how Harris’ office is run. “It’s not a healthy environment and people often feel mistreated. It’s not a place where people feel supported but a place where people feel treated like s—.”

But Kamala Harris always seems so warm and agreeable and approachable! Plus that adorable cackle of hers … it’s so endearing!

If only.

But a pattern would mean that this happens a lo— oh, we see.

Stevie Wonder?

Sounds about right, actually.

Narrator: It’s her. It’s most definitely her.

Tough break, Kam.

Missouri Woman Apologizes After Using Cancel Culture Against Kids Over White Supremacist Hand Gesture

This is what happens when we live in a society in which people are slow to think and quick to become offended. A Missouri woman recently issued an apology to a group of Poplar Bluff High School students for drumming up social media outrage against them for supposedly making a white supremacist hand gesture during a group photo.

The woman became offended after seeing a picture on social media showing 2021 graduates of her former high school flashing a hand sign she believed to be linked to white supremacists on Instagram. She reacted by calling the teens out on social media, savaging them for having the temerity to engage in such racist behavior.

But there was a problem: The kids were not flashing a white supremacist hand signal.

The Kansas City Star noted:

In the photo, the students were mimicking a hand gesture made popular by Michael Jordan after he and his Chicago Bulls twice won the NBA national title three years in a row — a three-peat.

Like Jordan, the students are holding up three fingers, palms turned inward. They were innocently celebrating the third consecutive time they had won something called the Powder Buff championships, a local whimsical volleyball tournament played by the boys instead of the girls.

After realizing she had made a mistake, the woman removed her post criticizing the kids from Facebook. In an email to The Star, she acknowledged that “the implication is that I’m partly responsible for ruining innocent young lives for forwarding that screenshot,” and that “if true I much regret it.”

The Star did not name the woman in its editorial piece to avoid repercussions against her.

It appears that the woman mistook Jordan’s hand signal for the “A-OK” sign, which, according to high-profile leftists, is supposedly a white supremacist gesture. The notion that flashing the “A-OK” sign is a symbol of racism began to be circulated after trolls began spreading the hoax on an online message board called 4Chan. The Anti-Defamation League later added the gesture to its “Hate on Display” database.

However, it is a bit odd that the woman believed the kids to be communicating a racist message when you look at the photo. Two of the students are minorities. Perhaps she believed they had internalized whiteness?

The woman’s actions could have damaged not only the reputations of the kids in the picture but also the school itself. Superintendent Scott Dill said:

It’s most unfortunate that so many are so quick to believe the very worst of one another.

The superintendent characterized the reaction as “vicious” and stating that people were “brutal” as they accused the children of being racists. He explained that parents and teachers were unable to protect the students, who “were really taken aback by the comments.”

Even though the woman took down the Facebook post alleging that the students were racists, screenshots are still being circulated, meaning that there is the possibility that it could haunt the kids later in life. In an America where statements or social media posts made as high schoolers could cost someone a job, one does not need to imagine how hurtful this could be for people who did nothing wrong.

This story is yet another situation that illustrates how destructive cancel culture has become in America. The hard left and the activist media have cultivated an environment in which people become offended at the drop of a hat. Indeed, it seems that many want to be offended so they can voice their displeasure on social media. The fact that media outlets continually peddle outrage porn to keep us angry only adds to the problem.

The question is: When will the backlash against cancel culture grow heated enough to discourage this behavior?

Missouri Woman Apologizes After Using Cancel Culture Against Kids Over White Supremacist Hand Gesture – RedState

ORWELLIAN: Canada Moves to Ban 'Hate Speech' Online, Punishable by a $40,000 Fine

Last week, Canada’s Liberal Party headed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau proposed new legislation to criminalize “hate speech” online, punishable by a $50,000 fine (roughly $40,000 U.S.D.), paid to the government. Government officials, including the attorney general and the minister of public safety, announced the new bill on Wednesday.

“Canadians expect their government to take action against hate speech and hate crimes. These legislative changes would improve the remedies available to victims of hate speech and hate crimes, and would hold individuals accountable. The actions we are taking today will help protect the vulnerable, empower those who are victimized and hold individuals to account for the hatred they spread online,” David Lametti, minister of justice and attorney general, said in a statement.

Lametti introduced amendments to Canada’s Criminal Code, the Canadian Human Rights Act, and the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Lametti and his allies justified their Orwellian move by claiming that “hate speech” online can turn into “offline hate.”

“Too many people and communities in Canada are harmed and victimized by hate speech, which is often amplified and spread online. Online hate can turn into offline hate with devastating impacts on communities and families. We have a responsibility to victims to take action to combat hate online and continue to build a more inclusive Canada,” the Justice Department explained in a statement.

According to the Canadian Justice Department, the bill aims to:

  • amend the Canadian Human Rights Act to define a new discriminatory practice of communicating hate speech online, and to provide individuals with additional remedies to address hate speech;
  • add a definition of “hatred” to section 319 of the Criminal Code based on Supreme Court of Canada decisions; and
  • create a new peace bond in the Criminal Code designed to prevent hate propaganda offences and hate crimes from being committed, and make related amendments to the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

The law, Bill C-36, would enable citizens to bring legal claims against people who engage in “hate speech” online, and if a member or panel of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal finds the accused guilty, the tribunal can either: order the accused to “cease the discriminatory practice” and take steps to prevent it from happening again; order the accused to pay compensation of up to $20,000 “to any victim personally identified in the communication that constituted the discriminatory practice,” or order the accused to “pay a penalty of not more than $50,000 to the Receiver General” if the tribunal “considers it appropriate” considering “the nature, circumstances, extent and gravity of the discriminatory practice.”

The “Canadian Human Rights Tribunal” seems similar to bodies like the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, which discriminated against Christian baker Jack Phillips. Phillips refused to bake a custom cake celebrating a same-sex wedding, and the commission found him guilty of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, even though the same commission defended another baker’s right to refuse to create cakes that stated a message with which she disagreed.

Claims about “hate speech” are arguably even more slippery than claims about discrimination, and it seems extremely likely that Canada’s government will use this law to silence dissent from the government’s preferred ideologies — from transgender orthodoxy to COVID-19 (the border between the U.S. and Canada is still closed to those filthy Americans).

Canada Moves to Ban 'Hate Speech' Online – PJ Media 

Stefanik Drops Fact Check on WaPo's 'Hack' Fact Checkers

As Townhall explained last week, fact checkers have proven themselves on numerous issues to be far more interested in "suppression and censorship" than actual fact checking. One need look no further than how the Wuhan lab leak theory was initially treated, along with Hunter Biden's laptop, and Anthony Fauci's lies, to name just a few examples. Now, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik is calling them out for what she argues is a "hack fact check." 

On Wednesday, The Washington Post's fact checkers gave the New York Republican two Pinocchios for stating, "May was the third straight month of 170,000 apprehensions, which hasn't occurred since 2000." 

Stefanik, the No. 3 leader for House Republicans, said President Biden “has failed to secure our southern border.” She pointed to monthly apprehensions carried out by U.S. immigration officials and indicated that the numbers are reaching peak levels last seen in 2000.

But the comparison she makes is not apples to apples.

The figures for March, April and May of this year mostly reflect individuals who are being expelled at the border regardless of their immigration status, under emergency public-health rules adopted to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

The numbers from 2000 include only apprehensions under federal immigration law, in land areas between legal ports of entry.

Immigration analysts say the combined figure for border apprehensions and coronavirus-related expulsions is not a bad indicator of migrant activity along the U.S.-Mexico border. However, they add that it’s tricky to compare this newfangled statistic to one from over 20 years ago that includes only apprehensions.

Penalties for breaking the coronavirus rules are less harsh than those under immigration law. Migrants do not get black marks on their records for attempting to cross the border under these rules, and the rate of recidivism is escalating this year. Factoring in rising recidivism rates, the monthly totals for unique individuals appear to be below 2019 levels. (WaPo)

Stefanik wasted no time responding, pointing out that The Washington Post itself used the same statistic in articles about illegal immigration published earlier this month. 

"My statement is 100% accurate," Stefanik said in a statement to the Daily Caller. "Whether an illegal is processed after apprehension at the southern border under Title 42 or Title 8 does not negate the irrefutable fact that total apprehensions according to Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) are at a 20-year high. The Washington Post’s own reporting confirms this irrefutable fact." 

Stefanik Drops Fact Check on WaPo's 'Hack' Fact Checkers by Leah Barkoukis (

Establishment Media Admits ‘Biden Has Struggled to Find Footing’ on Border Crisis as Trump Arrives to Inspect Wall

The “Biden administration has… struggled to find its footing” on the border crisis, establishment media admitted Wednesday.

“In the early months of his presidency, Biden’s team stumbled with a surge of unaccompanied minors crossing the border, as shelters became overwhelmed and officials strained to process the influx of children,” the Washington Post reported.

The Post then slammed the administration for not rescinding “the Trump-era public health rule that allows the United States to expel migrants, including people seeking asylum, during the coronavirus pandemic.”

But the Post did defend President Joe Biden’s approach to immigration, claiming, “His administration canceled construction contracts for further walls at the border.”

Former President Trump will visit the the border wall Wednesday on an official visit with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), as there was nearly a 700 percent increase of migrant crossing since last May.

Trump will also receive a security border briefing with Texas state officials before he attends a town hall on Fox News.

The establishment media’s slamming of Biden’s border crisis comes amid sinking poll numbers for the administration on immigration.

A poll on Monday indicated 55 percent of Americans believe Biden should have continued former Trump’s southern border policies, such as the “Remain in Mexico” policy.

Another poll released June 28 suggested 57 percent of Texan voters disapprove of Biden’s handling of the border crisis after Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to the state on Friday to inspect the border 800 miles away from the crisis region.

And on June 24, a poll revealed 41 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of the immigration crisis.

Each year, four million young Americans enter the workforce. But they are forced by their government to compete against a growing population of illegal migrants, one million new legal immigrants, and the resident workforce of roughly two million temporary guest workers.

For many years, a wide variety of pollsters have shown deep and broad opposition to labor migration and the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs sought by young U.S. graduates. This opposition is multiracial,  cross-sexnon-racistclass-basedbipartisanrationalpersistent, and recognizes the solidarity Americans owe to each other.

The voter opposition to elite-backed economic migration coexists with support for legal immigrants and some sympathy for illegal migrants. But only a minority of Americans — mostly leftists — embrace the many skewed polls and articles pushing the 1950’s corporate “Nation of Immigrants” claim.

WaPo Admits 'Biden Has Struggled to Find Footing' on Border Crisis (

Bill Cosby's Sex Assault Conviction Overturned by Court

Bill Cosby's Sex Assault Conviction Overturned by Court
Pennsylvania’s highest court overturned Bill Cosby’s sex assault conviction Wednesday after finding an agreement with a previous prosecutor prevented him from being charged in the case.

Cosby has served more than two years of a three- to 10-year sentence at a state prison near Philadelphia. He had vowed to serve all 10 years rather than acknowledge any remorse over the 2004 encounter with accuser Andrea Constand.

The 83-year-old Cosby, who was once beloved as “America’s Dad,” was convicted of drugging and molesting the Temple University employee at his suburban estate.

He was charged in late 2015, when a prosecutor armed with newly unsealed evidence — Cosby’s damaging deposition from her lawsuit — arrested him days before the 12-year statute of limitations expired.

The trial judge had allowed just one other accuser to testify at Cosby’s first trial, when the jury deadlocked. However, he then allowed five other accusers to testify at the retrial about their experiences with Cosby in the 1980s.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court said that testimony tainted the trial, even though a lower appeals court had found it appropriate to show a signature pattern of drugging and molesting women.

Cosby was the first celebrity tried and convicted in the #MeToo era, so the reversal could make prosecutors wary of calling other accusers in similar cases. The law on prior bad act testimony varies by state, though, and the ruling only holds sway in Pennsylvania.

Prosecutors did not immediately say if they would appeal or seek to try Cosby for a third time.

The justices voiced concern not just about sex assault cases, but what they saw as the judiciary’s increasing tendency to allow testimony that crosses the line into character attacks. The law allows the testimony only in limited cases, including to show a crime pattern so specific it serves to identify the perpetrator.

In New York, the judge presiding over last year’s trial of movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, whose case had sparked the explosion of the #MeToo movement in 2017, let four other accusers testify. Weinstein was convicted and sentenced to 23 years in prison. He is now facing separate charges in California.

In Cosby’s case, one of his appellate lawyers said prosecutors put on vague evidence about the uncharged conduct, including Cosby’s own recollections in his deposition about giving women alcohol or quaaludes before sexual encounters.

“The presumption of innocence just didn’t exist for him,” Jennifer Bonjean, the lawyer, argued to the court in December.

In May, Cosby was denied paroled after refusing to participate in sex offender programs during his nearly three years in state prison. He has long said he would resist the treatment programs and refuse to acknowledge wrongdoing even if it means serving the full 10-year sentence.

This is the first year he was eligible for parole under the three- to 10-year sentence handed down after his 2018 conviction.

Cosby spokesperson Andrew Wyatt called the parole board decision “appalling.”

Prosecutors said Cosby repeatedly used his fame and “family man” persona to manipulate young women, holding himself out as a mentor before betraying them.

Cosby, a groundbreaking Black actor who grew up in public housing in Philadelphia, made a fortune estimated at $400 million during his 50 years in the entertainment industry. His trademark clean comedy and homespun wisdom fueled popular TV shows, books and standup acts.

He fell from favor in his later years as he lectured the Black community about family values, but was attempting a comeback when he was arrested.

“There was a built-in level of trust because of his status in the entertainment industry and because he held himself out as a public moralist,” Assistant District Attorney Adrienne Jappe, of suburban Montgomery County, argued to the justices.

Cosby had invited Constand to an estate he owns in Pennsylvania the night she said he drugged and sexually assaulted her.

Constand, a former professional basketball player who worked at his alma mater, went to police a year later. The other accusers knew Cosby through the entertainment industry and did not go to police.

The AP does not typically identify sexual assault victims without their permission, which Constand granted.

Bill Cosby's Sex Assault Conviction Overturned by Court |

Iowa aquatic center permitted biologically female teen to walk around topless, use men's, boys' facilities because she identifies as male: Report

2018 Olympic Swimming Pool Technology » Pivot-Solar BreezeAn Iowa public pool complex in Pella reportedly permitted a biologically female teen to walk around the facility topless and enter the men's and boys' changing facilities because she was said to have told them that she identifies as male, the Iowa Standard recently reported.The incident was said to have taken place on June 16.

What are the details? 

The Standard reported, "According to two people at the aquatic center, the incident did indeed happen and the aquatic center policy allows it to happen."

An assistant manager at the facility told the outlet that the policy says that "anyone can wear the clothing necessary in line with their gender identity rather than biological sex."

The policy, according to the manager, was set by the city council.

A local resident told the outlet, "When brought to the facility's attention, they explained there was nothing they could do. That state law protects this biological female, allowing her to walk around indecently exposing herself to all the families enjoying the facility. The facility is afraid if they act and require her to cover herself, they will face legal backlash."

"I find it appalling that this would actually be state law," the resident added. "If someone were to take a picture, it wouldn't be viewed as some boy at the pool in his swim shorts. It would be a topless photo of a biological female and it would be child pornography."

The center's general rules are available on the City of Pella's website, but do not contain any information about gender identity whatsoever. A portion of the rules read, “The Pella Aquatic Center is a family-friendly facility. Inappropriate behavior, language, or attire are not permitted and will be grounds for refusing admission or removal from the facility without a refund." 

What else? 

On Tuesday, KNIA-FM reported on a statement that the City of Pella issued in regard to the issue at the Pella Aquatic Center.

“The City of Pella has received concerns related to the swimming attire of a patron who recently visited the Pella Aquatic Center," the statement read. "The City has reviewed the matter with legal counsel and no further action will be taken. The City considers this matter concluded. The City of Pella operates its facilities consistent with state and federal law, which prohibits discrimination against any patron or participant on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion or disability."

On Wednesday, the station reported that a special Tuesday meeting of the city council heard several comments from area residents.

"The meeting was at capacity in the building, with multiple individuals following along outside and more than 200 watching the online stream," the station's report noted, pointing out that "several residents and regular visitors" of the Pella Aquatic Center spoke out against the policies in place at the pool.

"Mayor Don DeWard said in response to one citizen that the facility adheres to a 2007 state law outlawing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, and there is no specific City Code or policy in place as it relates to the swimming facility," the report continued. "Many in attendance demanded immediate action from the city council, but Councilmembers Lynn Branderhorst and Bruce Schiebout asked for patience as they sort out what — if any, options exist to change guidelines at the Pella Aquatic Center.

BLM Murals of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor Get a Makeover From ‘Peaceful Protesters’

Black Lives Matter murals of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor received a makeover by “mostly peaceful” vandals in Louisville, Kentucky.

The murals appear to have been painted by the same group that vandalized statues of Floyd last week in New York and New Jersey, as “Patriot Front” was tagged around each.

LEX 18 reports “a worker said security video shows two people at the wall, which was found splattered with blue paint, at about 1:30 a.m. She said one person on video used a spray gun while the other kept watch.”Another mural of Taylor in Louisville, on a basketball court, was defaced with tire marks last week.

ABC7 reported that a Floyd statue located in Brooklyn was also vandalized the day before “Juneteenth”. The vandalism is now being investigated by the NYPD Hate Crimes Unit and Gov. Andrew Cuomo has directed the State Police Hate Crimes Task Force to provide in the investigation.

A statue of Floyd that was erected outside of City Hall in Newark to commemorate Juneteenth was also covered with black paint last Thursday.

These “mostly peaceful protests” against BLM are clearly being taken far more seriously than when statues of our Founding Fathers were vandalized during the riots and chaos last summer.

BLM Murals of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor Get a Makeover From ‘Peaceful Protesters’ (

Israeli spy, who infiltrated the Muslim Brotherhood, warns Europe "they conquer Europe by immigration"

 Fearless a Jewish Israeli journalist who is a security expert, infiltrated the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe and revealed how they are using the immigration system to change the demographics of European countries.

This chilling interview went viral on social media. Please watch and share the video below.
Over the past decade, millions of migrants have infiltrated Europe illegally.

Most of the people who infiltrated into Europe are not refugees but illegal immigrants from Arab-Muslim countries where Jews were ethnically cleansed such as Morocco, Egypt, Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Algeria.

The influx of refugees and migrants in Europe in recent years has also given rise to numerous instances of anti-Semitism.

Europe is no longer a safe place for Jews.

It's deeply troubling that we've reached the point where Jews hide their identity in many parts of Europe including France, the UK and Germany and even flee Europe but no one in the Mainstream media seems to care.

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SCOTUS Upholds Biden's 'Ghost Gun' Restrictions, 7-2

Interesting -- as far as it goes. It serves as a reminder of the importance of winning elections, as we'll see soon, or so gun-rights gr...