Friday, April 30, 2021

Red States Are Fighting Back Against The Reset – What Does This Mean For The Future?

The past year I have been writing extensively about what I call the “great conservative migration”; a shift in US demographics not seen since the Great Depression. Approximately 8.9 million Americans have relocated since the beginning of the covid lockdowns according to the US Postal service, and a large portion of these people are leaving left-leaning blue states for conservative red states in the west and the south. States like California, Illinois, New York and New Jersey were at the top of the list of states people wanted to escape.

The response from leftist states has been amusing. California, for instance, has tried to obscure the data on population loss and has dismissed the existence of the migration. They claim that the state population is actually rising, but fail to mention that most of California’s population “gains” have been from babies born along with an increase in illegal immigration. This has not offset the 267,000 individuals and families that left the state in the last three months 2020 alone. That’s an entire city of people, gone in 90 days.

And where are these people going? Places like Idaho, Texas, Tennessee, Florida, etc. ALL red states that are fighting back against draconian covid mandates and other unconstitutional measures. The only outlier seems to be Oregon, which also has seen a population spike, and this indeed appears to be a migration of Californians to the north.

This leads some conservative groups to believe there is an “invasion” going on of liberals into red states. After looking at the data and meeting many people moving to my own area in Montana, I find the “liberal invasion” narrative to be fraudulent.

Leftists don’t relocate to red states, at least not very often. They do not run away from their safe spaces. Rather, they relocate an hour or two from the cities they are addicted to. This is what the data from San Francisco shows. With over 80% of people moving from the city staying within California. In other words, some leftists want to get out of the cities, but they don’t want to move far from their beloved progressive Utopias and they certainly don’t plan on embedding in conservative strongholds and trying to “take over”.

Why this theory persists is beyond me as it has no basis in reality.

No, the people moving across state lines today are mostly conservatives, they are congregating en masse in red states, and the effects have been rather dramatic. Home prices have skyrocketed due to extreme demand. In Montana, people are buying real estate sight unseen, a lot of it raw land that they are trying to build on. Lumber prices have tripled, and anyone in the construction business is booked a year and a half out. There are new residents actually scouring the message boards looking for ANYONE that can do work for them. There is nobody available. No one I know has seen anything like it in their lifetime.

Luckily, a lot of these people seem to be on the same page in terms of principles. Those I have met are all conservative and the majority of them are preppers. They moved here because they know what is coming and they want to be surrounded by like minded neighbors when the manure hits the fan. Specifically, they do not want to be caught isolated in a blue state where vaccine passports, masks and lockdowns become a regular part of life for them and their children. They want to remain free.

On the other hand, I am also hearing rumors that the relatively small number of leftists that live in my county want to leave. Some have expressed the need to “get out” and vacation in places like Portland, Oregon, where they “feel safe” because “everyone wears masks”. And I say, good for them. Hopefully they will stay there. These types of people are miserable excuses for human beings and they make everyone else around them miserable by constantly whining about how “no one follows the rules”.

As a point of reference, there have been only 17 deaths from covid in my county in well over a year. The death rate is non-existent, and the virus already swept through the area with almost everyone either infected or asymptomatic. No one in Montana is afraid of this virus except a handful of weak minded progressives.

My suspicion is that when all is said and done by the end of 2021 the US will essentially be split into two distinct nations: A leftist Marxist nation that continues to degrade into tyranny, and a conservative nation that people want to escape to so they can keep their liberties. Leftists won’t want to live near us, and we certainly will not want to live near them. Hypothetically, it should be a win-win situation, but there are other factors to consider.

We must also take into account red counties. For example, the blue state of Virginia is actually only blue in a handful of counties. The majority are conservative and have stood in defiance of attempts by gun grabbing governor Ralph Northam, saying they will ignore any new gun laws Northam and the state legislature passes. County governments and county sheriffs are in agreement; Northam has no power in these places.

In Eastern Oregon and Northern California, there is a push by multiple counties to actually join Idaho and become a part of the conservative state. The majority of voters in these counties supported the transition. The idea being that this is not a secession, and so the move will be far easier to accomplish with less legal obstacles. The decision will be voted on by county residents in May, and of course there will be attempts by congress to obstruct if the outcome is favorable.

Even if the movement is not successful, the fact that voters in red counties are unified in their goal to get away from leftist political control should be taken very seriously. This is not just about states defying federal dictates, it’s also about counties defying state governments that do not represent their values.

The bottom line is this – The leftist ideology is collectivist and totalitarian in nature. It is completely incompatible with the conservative principles of liberty, self determination, meritocracy, limited government and free market economics.

The social justice cult has gone so far into extremism that reason and logic are actually vilified by them. They openly support mass censorship, mass violence against innocent people, mob intimidation against the citizenry, they argue in favor of economic lockdowns and unconstitutional covid mandates, they support draconian vaccine passports, and they are partners with Big Tech corporations as well as globalists institutions like the Ford Foundation and the Open Society Foundation. They are diametrically opposed to everything that conservatives and lovers of liberty hold dear.

Honestly, it is unlikely that we will be able to share the same land mass, let alone the same cities and states, but I’ll get to that in a moment…

At the state level, there has been a dramatic push-back against constitutional trespasses by the federal government under Biden, and these include measures which are aggressively promoted by the World Economic Forum and other globalist institutions in the name of the “Great Reset”. Multiple red states have passed laws or executive orders making it illegal to require proof of vaccination (vaccine passports). Some blue states have also “claimed” they will not require vaccinations, but the devil is in the details when dealing with the political left.

In Montana, the governor and the state legislature will not allow government enforcement of vaccine passports, AND, they also will not allow corporations to demand vaccine passports either. In blue states like Illinois, the government might keep its word on passports, it might not, but they don’t really need to enforce vaccinations; all they have to do is allow major corporations to do it for them.

With colleges (public institutions posing as private), airlines, hotels, hospitals, and major retail chains requiring a vaccine passport for employment or to make purchases, the effect of medical tyranny will be the same.

Without state legal protections in place to limit social engineering by corporate behemoths the establishment still has all the tools it needs to assert covid controls.

These companies do not represent private business or free markets anymore. Instead, they are appendages of establishment power that receive billions in taxpayer dollars to finance their operations. They should no longer be treated as if they have the same rights as normal businesses.

Another interesting development is the number of red states that are passing laws which prevent the enforcement of any new federal gun controls. In Montana, Greg Gianforte just signed a bill nullifying federal gun bans. Federal rules do not apply here and state law enforcement agencies are prohibited from helping federal agencies enforce such laws. Similar legislation has been passed or is being considered in other red states like Utah and Arizona.

It is unclear what would happen if the ATF or FBI tried to make arrests within Montana based on federal gun restrictions. I suspect that without extra protection from local law enforcement these agencies would be much more vulnerable in their operations. If they met with stiff resistance, they would be on their own. I also would not be surprised if sheriffs in most Montana counties stood in their way.

The mainstream media has been almost completely silent on these developments. They barely even acknowledge the conservative migration. I doubt they will speak of the separation at all until the latest census data and postal data is more thoroughly examined. However, the changes to our nation are going to have far reaching consequences, and the consequences will be obvious in the near term.

The “Great Reset” is meant to be a global project; meaning, no one is allowed to opt out. Leftists and globalists are notoriously plantation-minded; they believe that society is involuntary, and their rules for society should apply to all people. Those who wish to leave are actually seen as traitors, because the very act of leaving suggests that the system is flawed, and doubt creates questions, and questions create demands, and demands lead to defiance, and defiance leads to rebellion.

The progressive/globalist plantation becomes an exercise in antagonistic self affirmation – You cannot leave the system, because everything is fine, and if you left people might think something is wrong and then everything would not be fine, so why would you want to upset the balance and ruin what is already perfect?

In my last article I noted that red states in the US are the ONLY places in the world where freedom from the Reset is ingrained and people have the means to fight back. I still stand by that assertion. Some conservatives assume countries like Russia are going to fight the Reset, yet Putin and the Russian government enforced extensive covid restrictions recommended by the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization, just like every other government. The head of the Russian Parliament’s committee on public health, Dmitri Morozov, stated that vaccine passports were “very important and needed in Russia”.

Let’s face it, no major government is coming to save us; these delusional fantasies of Russia or any other foreign nation fighting against the Reset need to stop. The bottom line is this: The American red states are probably the only regions in the world that are resisting the reset agenda while also having the arms to back their resolve. If a rebellion is going to start against the globalists, it will start here.

What does this mean for the future? It means we are going to be targeted. This is how I see the situation playing out…

I have no doubt that the first step by the federal government under Biden will be to start cutting off federal funds to red states while flooding blue states with stimulus money. The strategy being that blue states will have unlimited free goodies while red states languish in poverty. Biden will be betting that red state citizens reliant on government checks will become despondent or angry. Of course, these taxpayer backed funds belong to all the states, but that won’t matter to Biden or to leftists; they will claim we are getting what we deserve.

The logical response by red states will be to stop paying taxes, and to take over federal lands and the resources within their borders. Red states and red counties could also negate all EPA and BLM restrictions on resource usage and launch an epic revitalization of industry. In my area, I believe the logging industry which has been stifled by the federal government will return in full force. With lumber prices nearing hyperinflationary levels, it makes perfect sense. This will enrage the feds.

The next step would be to make travel to and from certain red states difficult in order to isolate them. The feds may shut down airline flights while proclaiming that red states are “havens for covid infection”. This will not go over well with conservatives, and we will start demolishing any checkpoints that are meant to keep us in. Leftist controlled states and counties will start checking license plates and ID and harassing or arresting anyone from a conservative area. Travel will stagnate as people will not know which places are safe and which are dangerous.

There will also be attempts to use federal agencies to insert into conservative areas to make arrests based on federal laws that have already been nullified. The goal will be to make examples out of some people, and send a message that conservatives “are not safe”, even in their own states. Eventually, the shooting will start and federal agents will die. Biden will demand a martial law response.

If everything develops as described, the question arises, how many people in the military are actually willing to die for Biden? My guess is not that many, but with the right excuses and rationalizations who knows? Conservatives have been demonized for many years now, there may be a large enough chunk of the military that believes the propaganda, but I am doubtful.

It could take two full terms of Biden for these events to happen. It could take far less time. I would not hold my breath for a 2022 or 2024 election to defuse matters. I think most conservatives learned their lesson on the futility of politics the last four years. The best possible outcome right now is that conservatives congregate, unify and organize from the local level to the state level to the point that we act as a deterrent to future tyranny.

We all know one day the establishment is going to come for us, and if so then we’ll greet them with a long range love letter (if you get my meaning). But at least we will know where we stand. At least we will be living among kindred spirits, and at least there will be a glimmer of hope for the world. Sometimes the greatest act of rebellion is to offer people an alternative, a place where the rules of tyrants hold no weight. Conservative states and counties are doing this today, and it is a beautiful thing.

Red States Are Fighting Back Against The Reset – What Does This Mean For The Future? | ZeroHedge

Why are certain 5G cell tower components labeled “COV-19?”


(Natural News) Reports are coming out to show that some of the electrical components being used in 5G tower installations bear the marking of “COV-19,” which just so happens to be almost identical to COVID-19, the name used for the infection supposedly caused by the Wuhan coronavirus.

The “Patriot Street Fighter” account on Telegram is one of the latest to share video footage of the components, which can clearly be seen with the marking of COV-19 on their chipsets.

5G component installers all around the world have reported similar markings on the equipment going into their towers, which shows that the phenomenon is strangely widespread and clearly not coincidental.

As you may recall from early on in the plandemic, reports emerged about how Wuhan, China, where it all originated, had just turned on its 5G towers at almost the exact same time that area residents started to get sick. Some of them got so sick that they dropped dead in the streets, or so we were told.

Donald Trump fast-tracked the rollout of 5G here in the United States not long after that, and here we are a year later with many who are sick and dying, purportedly from the “virus.”

What is really going on here? We will leave it up to our readers to decide if there is a connection between 5G and the symptoms and sickness associated with the Chinese virus.

Be sure to watch the following video from, which shows yet another COV-19 chipset component being used in 5G installations (WARNING: LANGUAGE):

Vaccines and 5G, not some phantom “virus,” are spreading disease and death.

Throughout the past year while tens of millions of Americans were on lockdown, telecommunications carriers were busy installing 5G chipsets in towers all across the land, including at schools where developing children spend all day in the classroom.

Could it be that 5G radiation exposure produces the very same symptoms that are now being blamed on the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19)? What about Chinese virus injections? Are they, too, producing symptoms that mirror those caused by exposure to 5G radiation?

Perhaps the jabs and the towers are delivering a one-two punch, creating the same health problems together. All of it combined is a recipe for health disaster, and yet the mainstream media is solely focused on the “virus,” with the occasional mention of a “rare” blood clot or death.

Try as they might to convince us all that only the “virus” is dangerous, while everything they propose as the “solution” is perfectly “safe,” millions are waking up to the fact that it is all a sham.

“Oh dear, technocrats, the cat’s out of the bag,” wrote one Brighteon commenter. “Targeted frequencies causing certain designer illnesses in conjunction with bioweapons.”

“If real, what more proof do you need, 5G deniers, than the wording stamped right on the custom-made RF modulator module (which determines output frequency)? The FCC must be investigated.”

Another responded by recommending that those interested check out the book The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life by Arthur Firstenberg.

“Over the last 220 years, society has evolved a universal belief that electricity is ‘safe’ for humanity and the planet. Scientist and journalist Arthur Firstenberg disrupts this conviction by telling the story of electricity in a way it has never been told before—from an environmental point of view—by detailing the effects that this fundamental societal building block has had on our health and our planet,” part of the book’s synopsis reads.

Why are certain 5G cell tower components labeled “COV-19?” - DC Clothesline

Texas man, wife survive home invader's hammer attack; pistol ends brutal beating

'I stuck the pistol in his side and I pulled the trigger three times'

David DeHoyos and his wife Lisa discuss an April 17 attack by a hammer-wielding suspect. Mr. DeHoyos shot the home intruder multiple times in order to survive the attack. (Image: KHOUS-11 CBS video screenshot)
David DeHoyos and his wife Lisa discuss an April 17 attack by a hammer-wielding suspect. Mr. DeHoyos shot the home intruder multiple times in order to survive the attack. 

A Texas couple is alive today thanks to a fierce survival instinct and the willingness to practice their 2nd Amendment rights.

David DeHoyos and his wife were relaxing on April 17 inside their Pearland home when they were forced into a life-or-death situation with a hammer-wielding home intruder.

“It’s just surreal that it happened to us so randomly,” the NASA photographer said of the 10:30 p.m. home invasion. “I heard a commotion going on downstairs, and I thought, well, that’s more than our two cats.”

Mr. DeHoyos grabbed his pistol and soon found himself face-to-face with a hammer-swinging attacker.

“I stuck the pistol in his side and I pulled the trigger three times,” he told a local CBS affiliate of the moments after the suspect also threatened his wife.

White House: Biden will deploy a middle-ground approach to N. Korea

Most of the attack remains a haze prior to cops’ arrival and their rush to the hospital, although Robert Hebert was ultimately taken into custody and charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and one count of burglary.

Some of the injuries the couple now are recovering from include: bleeding on the brain; brain swelling; a pierced eardrum; a broken orbital bone; and possibly permanent vision loss by Mr. DeHoyos.

“We absolutely know that it was God that got us through this,” Mrs. DeHoyos told the station.

Court documents viewed by the station on Tuesday show Hebert remaining in jail on a $575,000 bond.

David DeHoyos, wife survive home invader's hammer attack; Texan's pistol ends brutal beating - Washington Times

Joe Biden: Leader of the free world is cognitively deliquent

 Alan Jones was a conservative radio host for decades before he retired from radio and went to Sky News. This is his take on Biden. Watch the video, it's worth the 5 minutes or so.

Joe Biden: leader of the free world—how sad!

30.04.21.  The ‘leader of the free world’ is ‘cognitively delinquent’, says Sky News host Alan Jones and putting Joe Biden in the position of “leading the world’s democracies” amounts to “elder abuse” and as such there must be a “presidential resignation” soon. “China is militarising ports across our region. It has invaded Taiwan’s airspace. What did the leader of the free world have to say in his first address about any of that? Nothing,” Mr Jones said. “And no mention of Israel, with reports in the last 48 hours that former Secretary of State John Kerry, now Biden’s Climate Change Tsar, dished details of covert Israeli actions to the Iranians. “And you mean to say this bloke, Biden, isn’t cognitively delinquent?” Mr Jones pointed to a video grab from President Biden’s address to Congress where the president appeared to stumble over his words and lose his flow of speech. “Putting Biden in this position of leading the world’s democracies is elder abuse. His incoherence is not new, but it surely can’t go on – there will have to be a presidential resignation shortly. “If we don’t think the free world is in a mess, we are bad students of the current international situation.”

Joe Biden: leader of the free world—how sad! - News (

Sen. Tim Scott Exposes the Democrat Party’s War on Black America


Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Tim Scott, a black United States Senator who in 2016 won 61 percent of the vote in the conservative state of South Carolina, who earned more raw votes and won by a wider margin than Donald Trump, has done more in just a few days to drag the racism of the Democrat party out into the sunlight than the feckless Republican party ever has.

On Wednesday night, during his brilliant rebuttal to His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s congressional address, and through the simple act of stating a truth, Scott smoked these racist monsters out and proved once again that racism is still very much a part of the Democrat party’s DNA, a DNA that stretches back to their creation of the Jim Crow South and their willingness to go to war to stop a Republican president from taking away their slaves.

“Hear me clearly,” Scott said. “America is not a racist country.”

With those nine words, Scott undermined everything that motivates today’s organized left, and to prove Scott wrong, to prove America is indeed a racist country, Democrats hurled the worst kind of racism directly at Scott.

Instead of addressing the substance of his argument, Democrats took direct aim at his skin color. For hours, “Uncle Tim” — a play on the slur “Uncle Tom” — was allowed to trend on Twitter, and the only reason it trended at all was Democrats, including countless members of the Blue Checkmark Mafia, who ensured it trended.

Cable news anchors smeared him for throwing “white Republicans” a lifeline, which is just a dog whistle screaming “Uncle Tom.”

It was a grotesque display but an illuminating reminder of just how far Democrats and their allies in Big Tech and Big Media are willing to go to, as they see it, keep black people in line.

For centuries Democrats have used these tactics against any black American who, as Scott himself said, dares to “step down out of your lane according to the liberal elite left.”

Today’s terrorist weapon wielded by Democrats is no longer a burning cross (the KKK was founded by Democrats). Instead, Democrats and their billion-dollar media, tech, and entertainment corporations use smear tactics and racist bullying campaigns. Black apostates are attacked as “Uncle Toms” as “sellouts” and “house n****rs” engaging in ”minstrelsy” and as “not really black.”

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is such a threat to Democrats that for 30 years he’s been smeared by one of the most racist stereotypes of all: the scary black predator. Over his support for former president Trump, Kanye West was relentlessly demonized by billion-dollar media corporations as insane. The examples are endless: Herman CainBen CarsonCondi Rice, etc…

The disease of racism has never left the Democrat party. It’s still there and as toxic as ever. Scott accurately describes it as “liberal oppression.” Think about this, because I’m sure Scott has: it is modern-day Democrats who:

  • encourage riots in predominantly black neighborhoods.
  • believe white people should be allowed to smoke the brand of cigarettes they enjoy while black people should not.
  • oppose school choice in favor of herding inner-city children into failing government-run schools.
  • allow something as blatantly racist as “Uncle Tim” to trend on Twitter.
  • disappear” documentaries about esteemed black Americans because that particular black American dares hold beliefs Democrats will not allow blacks to hold.
  • encourage black youth to give up on their dreams with racialist propaganda about how it’s impossible for blacks to succeed in America.
  • call for the kind of boycotts that rob a predominantly black city like Atlanta of $100 million in business revenue.
  • whose idea of criminal justice reform is to release violent criminals who prey disproportionately on black Americans.
  • are desperate to flood the country with the illegal labor that takes starter jobs away from the inner-city kids who need them most and undermine the wages of the black working class.

And most damning of all…

“I get called ‘Uncle Tom’ and the N-word, by progressives, by liberals!” Scott said in his Wednesday night speech, and within minutes Democrats were attacking him as “Uncle Tim,” Twitter was promoting it, and today no one has paid any kind of social or professional price for these overt acts of racism.

Well, hear me clearly: The only “systemic racism” that remains in this country comes directly from the Democrat party.

Nolte: Sen. Tim Scott Exposes the Democrat Party’s War on Black America (

House Republicans Question Biden Admin on Alleged 'Political Interference' in Census Numbers


Jim Jordan and James Comer
Republican Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and James Comer of Kentucky speak prior to a hearing before the House Oversight Committee on Aug. 24, 2020 in Washington, D.C.

A group of House Republicans wrote a letter asking Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo if there “was any political interference” in the final census numbers that will be used to decide representation for each state for the next 10 years.

Kentucky Rep. James Comer led a group of over a dozen Republican representatives, including Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan and Arizona Reps. Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs, in the letter outlining their allegations against the Biden administration, Fox News reported.

“Given the extra time it took to complete the 2020 Census — including not meeting the statutory deadlines by months — we have questions about the methodology and the role the Biden White House may have played in releasing these numbers,” the letter said.

“Especially as the results differ from evaluation estimates released mere months ago in ways that benefit blue states over red states.”

In December, the Census Bureau released a range of estimates that showed many traditionally Republican-leaning states gaining seats in the House of Representatives.

The group of representatives pointed out that the population results released by the Census Bureau this week “are strikingly different” than those estimates.

“The apportionment population results released by the Census Bureau are strikingly different from the population evaluation estimates released just months ago on December 22, 2020,” the representatives said.

“Remarkably, the differences benefit traditionally blue states — which gained population compared to the estimates — over red states which tended to lose population compared to the estimates.”

They pointed out New York’s estimated population of 19,336,776 rose to 20,215,751 while states like Arizona, Florida and Texas saw large decreases in their population estimates.

Texas gained two seats instead of its projected three and New York was estimated to lose either one or two seats but only lost one.

“While Democrats falsely accused the Trump Administration of using the Census process for political gain, President Biden has done just that,” the lawmakers said.

The Republicans asked Raimondo to provide the committee with a series of documents and communications related to the Census data, including information on whether illegal immigrants were counted and could have affected the final numbers.

Former attorney general Eric Holder floated the idea the Trump administration’s attempt to add a citizenship question to the census could have resulted in lower-than-expected population counts due to undercounting Hispanics in Florida, Arizona and Texas, according to The Washington Post.

“I just wonder if it had the impact of suppressing the count,” he said.

Former Census Bureau statistician Chris Dick said it will be hard to know the details until the bureau releases race, ethnicity and geography data later this year.

“I think we have to be careful,” he told The Post.

“I don’t think we have enough information to say the census was flawed, but I don’t think we have enough information to say the census was a success.”

House Republicans Question Biden Admin on Alleged 'Political Interference' in Census Numbers (

UH OH: Evidence Shows the Intel on Israel that John Kerry Shared with Iran Was Not in the Public Domain as Claimed by Biden’s State Department

John Kerry must resign.  And while he’s at it, Biden and his entire Administration should too.

A few days ago it was reported that John Kerry told Iran about some Israeli secrets related to Syria:

The White House ignored this story and wouldn’t talk about it:

Then John Kerry claimed that he didn’t give Israeli information to Iran, the event never happened:

Then the State Department attempted to cover for Kerry so they said that Kerry may have talked about Israel with Iran’s Zarif but not about anything that was not in the public domain.  But, Twitchy notes that this is not the case:

Remember when people (aka the State Dept) defending John Kerry said he didn’t tell Iran anything about Israel they didn’t already know? It was in the public domain? That anyone pretending that Kerry (aka Sing Like a Canary) was spilling secrets had an agenda because orange man bad and stuff?

Yeah, that appears to be bullsh*t.

At least according to this problematic leaked audio.

Looks like Kerry gave Iran intel on our friend Israel and it was not in the public realm.  With friends like Kerry, who needs enemies?

Trump Media and partner on ETF offerings

  The ETFs and SMAs offered by Trump Media and are expected to launch later this year Trump Media & Technology Group announce...