Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Conservatives Mobilize to Break the Stranglehold of Woke Capital


On Wednesday, a new conservative coalition launched a website aimed at combatting “woke” capital and cancel culture. aims to educate Americans on the dangers of far-Left advocacy in corporate America and equip them to fight back against the swelling tide of the “woke” inquisition. The coalition, Back to Neutral, includes organizations and leaders fed up with the Left weaponizing big business to achieve its political goals.

“We’ve watched with growing concern the Left’s efforts to infiltrate corporate boardrooms and use that power to force their agenda on Americans everywhere,” Justin Danhof, general counsel at the National Center for Public Policy Research, said in a statement on the launch. “We are drawing a line. It’s time to hold corporate America accountable for canceling conservatives. We seek to restore a healthy understanding of, and respect for, liberty, free enterprise, and American culture, all of which is being corrupted by corporate oligarchs.”

From Disney’s double standard in firing Gina Carano to Amazon’s shameful reliance on the Southern Poverty Law Center, it seems corporations are bowing to the radical Left’s orthodoxy with abandon. In fact, a large coalition has already gathered to boycott Georgia over its voter integrity bill.

“Whether under the guise of ‘ESG’ (environmental, social and governance), ‘wokeness’ or ‘stakeholder capitalism,’ make no mistake, all these terms are just cover for liberals weaponizing big business to achieve their radical, political goals,” Steve Soukup, author of the new book The Dictatorship of Woke Capital: How Political Correctness Captured Big Business, said in a statement on the website launch.

Back to Neutral will use grassroots activism, media outreach, and social media advertising to pressure corporations to stop engaging in activities that undermine Freedom enterprise, individual liberty, limited government, free speech, and the rule of law. The coalition’s press release declared that “Corporate leaders must instead return to their proper role as stewards for their investors by providing the best possible products and services in the marketplace for their customers.”

“Corporations shouldn’t be bowing to politically correct factions for perceived short-term public relations gains at the expense of their customer base and shareholders,” Back to Neutral insisted.

I have long covered these important issues and I am honored to be a part of this coalition and the new website as a member of the Speakers Bureau. will help push back against the corrupt smear factory the Southern Poverty Law Center, which I exposed in my book Making Hate Pay.

The bureau also includes Retired Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin (executive vice president at the Family Research Council), the Capital Research Center’s Kristen Eastlick, the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Richard Morrison, Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Jeremy Tedesco, and the Capital Research Center’s Scott Walter.

I look forward to working with this team to combat the nefarious impact of woke capital.

Conservatives Mobilize to Combat Woke Capital – PJ Media

More California Latinos Than Whites Want to Dump Gov. Newsom

There's a reason that Democrats are nervous about Latinos, and it's a very good reason. It's not that they don't still have a majority of the Latino vote, they do. But the Latino vote remains erratic and unpredictable, the product of people who make up and change their own minds, than a bloc vote.

These Newsom recall numbers have good news for him, but bad news for Democrats watching the Latino vote.

Just 40% of voters said they would cast a ballot to recall Newsom if the election were held today, while nearly 46% said they’d vote to support the governor, according to a poll from Newport Beach-based Probolsky Research.

The picture looks even better for Newsom when looking at responses from likely voters. In that group, less than 35% support the recall and nearly 53% oppose it, with opponents also more likely to be certain about how they’ll vote.

Latinos are by far most likely to support the recall effort, according to Probolsky Research, which polled 900 voters statewide in mid-March. Nearly 45% of Latino voters favor a recall vs. 39% of white voters, 29% of Asian American voters and 19% of Black voters who feel the same.

When it comes to age groups, voters 50 to 64 years old are most likely to support booting the governor, while voters 65 and older, who are most vulnerable to the coronavirus, are least likely to favor the recall.

Newsom has been aggressively reopening the state and so the numbers for him have been improving, but a situation in which the Latino numbers have tilted against him has to be worrisome. Latino demographics helped flip California, but as these numbers show, the Latino vote is starting to look more hostile to the Democrat one-party state than the white vote. Considering how many working-class and middle-class white voters have fled California, that's not surprising either.

Governor Newsom has been careful to appoint Latino officials, but it's not enough. 

More California Latinos Than Whites Want to Dump Gov. Newsom | Frontpagemag

Democrat who lost close Iowa race withdraws request for House to throw out results

 Rita Hart says she's 'saddened' but wishes Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks 'all the best'

Image source: KCCI-TV YouTube video screenshot
Democrat Rita Hart has withdrawn her request for the U.S. House of Representatives to toss out her narrow but certified loss to Republican Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks.

What are the details?

Hart lost by only six votes to Miller-Meeks in Iowa's 2nd Congressional District race last November, and the state certified the election results. But the Democrat cried foul, claiming the race was essentially stolen.

The Hill reported:

Hart had presented her challenge to the House Administration Committee, saying that 22 ballots that were not counted should have been part of the tally. The panel's investigation could eventually have led to a vote on the House floor on whether to seat Hart despite an earlier decision by Iowa's election board.

But now, Hart has alleviated Democrats from taking that vote, after the party roundly condemned Republicans who joined former President Donald Trump in questioning the outcome of his loss against President Joe Biden.

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) had warned that Democrats were seeking to "steal" the Iowa race from Miller-Meeks, and accused them of "hypocrisy" for challenging the election of a duly-elected Republican congresswoman while denouncing Trump's challenges.

In a statement released Wednesday, Hart wrote, "After many conversations with people I trust about the future of this contest, I have made the decision to withdraw my contest before the House Committee on Administration."

She added that she was "saddened that some Iowans' votes will not count through no fault of their own."

The Democrat also extended her well-wishes to Miller-Meeks before acknowledging, "This has been a difficult process for all of those involved and it's incredibly important that we work together to reform the system so this does not happen again in the future."

What was the reaction?

In reaction to Hart withdrawing her request, House Administration Committee Ranking Member Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) told The Hill, "Glad to see Rita Hart do the right thing and withdraw her objection. It had to be a difficult decision."

Davis added, "I am still bewildered that Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi even envisioned a scenario that removed the certified winner in Iowa's Second District, Congresswoman Miller-Meeks."

Ahead of Hart's announcement, McCarthy tweeted, "The votes in #IA02 were counted, recounted, and certified unanimously by the bipartisan Canvassing Board. @RepMMM won. Period. Pelosi's Power Grab would disenfranchise voters in Iowa and remove an army veteran, doctor, and public health expert from Congress."

Afterward, he posted a picture of himself and Miller-Meeks both smiling.

Democrat who lost close Iowa race withdraws request for House to throw out results - TheBlaze

Africa’s “Bigger Slave Problem"

More pressing than Democrats’ quest for reparations.

Last year Joe Biden said African Americans who don’t support him “ain’t black,” but this year the Delaware Democrat is open to reparations for slavery, America’s “original sin,” according to the composite character president David Garrow described in Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama. A neglected historical account provides enlightenment on slavery’s true origins and its most enduring practitioners.

In 1856, British Army officer John Hanning Speke set out to find the source of the Nile. Speke’s massive Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile documents the African societies he found, and the widespread practice of slavery.  “To catch slaves is the first thought of every chief in the interior,” Speke wrote, “Hence fights and slavery impoverish the land.”

Many Africans were “caught in wars, as may be seen every day in Africa, made slaves of, and sold to the Arabs for a few yards of common cloth, brass wire, or beads. They would then be taken to Zanzibar, resold like horses to the highest bidder, and then kept in bondage by their new masters.”

As slaves, the Africans were “circumcised to make Mussulmans of them, that their hands might be ‘clean’ to slaughter their master’s cattle and extend his creed. For the Arabs believe the day must come when the tenets of Mohammed will be accepted by all men.” True to form, “the slave is willed to his successor.”

On Arab slave ships, “old women, stark naked, were dying in the most disgusting ‘ferret box’ atmosphere.” By contrast, “Slavery had received a severe blow by the sharp measures Colonel Rigby had taken in giving tickets of emancipation to all those slaves our Indian subjects the Banyans had been secretly keeping.”

Speke found an ally in chief  Mbumi who “knew that the English were the ruling power in that land, and that they were opposed to slavery.”  In some parts of Africa, Speke found, “cows, sheep, slaves have to be given to the father for the value of his daughter.” The Wahuma people kept slaves and “do not allow their daughters to taint their blood by marrying outside of the clan.”

Black Africans were not the only target for Arab slave traders. As Roger Crowley notes in Empires of the Sea, Muslims were raiding Europe for slaves well into the 1800s. Mohammed did not condemn slavery, which had been standard practice in Africa centuries before any European set foot there. So contrary to the composite character president, the “original sin” of slavery was not America’s.

Leftist Democrats, so eager to condemn the United States, seem unaware that slavery continues in African nations such as Mauritania, where as much as 20 percent of the population is enslaved. In January, Ahmed Salem Bouhoubeyni of Mauritania’s human rights commission told the Africa Report, “some of our neighbors have a bigger slavery problem than we do.” For example, in Mali, “slavery is not even on the books as a criminal offence.”

In Africa, slavery endures 158 years after Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, 188 years after the British abolished slavery, and 165 years since John Speke set out to find the source of the Nile. Africa’s “bigger slave problem” is more of a pressing concern than reparations in the United States.

The prime mover for reparations is Texas Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee, who in 2000 supported the forced return of Cuban refugee Elian Gonzalez to Fidel Castro’s Communist dictatorship. Jackson Lee reportedly has 173 co-sponsors for her reparations bill, but newly elected Utah Republican Rep. Burgess Owens takes a different view.

“Though it is impractical and a nonstarter for the United States government to pay reparations, it is also unfair and heartless to give black Americans the hope that this is a reality,” said Owens, whose great-great-grandfather escaped slavery through the Underground Railroad and became a successful entrepreneur.

For Larry Elder, “reparations is the extraction of money from people who were never slave owners to be given to people who were never slaves.” Elder cites Harvard sociologist Orlando Patterson that America, while flawed in race relations is “now the least racist white-majority society in the world; has a better record of legal protection of minorities than any other society, white or Black; offers more opportunities to a greater number of Black persons than any other society, including all those of Africa.”

Thirty years after Patterson made that statement, slavery still thrives in parts of Africa. When John Speke went there in 1856, Africans were enslaving each other and Muslim Arabs were enslaving Africans. By contrast, the British were freeing slaves and John Speke’s African helpers were richly rewarded. As Speke noted in his Journal, “they all volunteered to go with me again, should I attempt to cross Africa from east to west through the fertile zone.”

Africa’s “Bigger Slave Problem" | Frontpagemag

ISIS Branches Out Into Comedy, Accuses Pope Woke I of Trying to Start New Crusade


What’s the absolute last thing in the world that Pope Woke, aka Francis, would want to do? What would cause him to recoil in the most spine-tingling horror imaginable? That’s right: the prospect of following in the footsteps of his long-gone predecessor, Pope Urban II, and calling for a new Crusade. Yet that’s exactly what the Islamic State (ISIS), which is apparently not aware of just how woke and accommodating to their various demands the pope is, has just accused him of wanting to do. reported the improbable news on Tuesday: in an article in its weekly publication Al-Naba, ISIS claimed that Pope Francis’ recent trip to Iraq heralded a new “Crusade” to “remove the shariah of Allah from this land and to establish polytheistic religion in its place,” and that the pope marked the beginning of this “Crusade” by “lifting his profane cross over the ruins of Mosul.” The woke pope, with his fond daydreams about Islam being a religion of peace and tolerance, has once again run into the law of unintended consequences, and caused more trouble than he solved.

Jihad attacks will follow in Iraq, ISIS declared, warning Iraqi churches that the jihadis “will remove their crosses very soon” as they did “the first time, with Allah’s permission.” This came in an editorial entitled “Messages of the Christian Idolator-Tyrant [Taghut al-Nasara al-Baba] on His Visit to Iraq.” As I explained to Church Militant, taghut refers to idols or idolaters, particularly as rulers; nasara is the Qur’an’s word for Christians; and al-baba is the pope. So taghut al-nasara al-baba is the Christian idolater or idolator-tyrant, the pope.

ISIS claimed that Francis went to Iraq bent on “propagating new crusader ideas towards Muslim countries, especially Iraq, which has been the site of a grinding war for the last two decades between the Muslims and the mushrikeen,” that is, the idolators or polytheists. The pope’s interfaith event in Iraq amounted to “unleashing an invitation to a new religion of unbelief and atheism” adhered to by Christians, Jews and “the idolator-tyrants [taghut] of Muslim countries.”

Decrying the pope’s cherished idea that Christianity and Islam can come to a mutual accord and understanding based on their supposed “common father” Abraham, ISIS continued: “The so-called ‘Abrahamic religions’ — whether true or false — are said to belong to Ibrahim, the prophet of Allah, and based on the claim that the city of Ur, which the Christian idolator-tyrant visited and from where he launched his campaign for this new religion is the birthplace of Ibrahim, the prophet of Allah.”

The idea of “Abrahamic religions,” according to ISIS, is “Satanic,” basing this idea upon the Qur’an: “Abraham was not a Jew, nor was he a Christian, but he was a Muslim hanif, and he was not one of the idolaters” (3:67). It may seem strange to Westerners to claim that Abraham was a Muslim in light of the fact that Islam didn’t come to the world until 600 years after Jesus. But in the Islamic scheme of things, Islam was the original religion of all the prophets of the Bible. Their followers corrupted their teachings to create Judaism and Christianity, which are both false religions. That idea is mainstream Islam, not just the province of “extremists.”

The author of this document also refers to the pope profaning Mosul by lifting his cross over it. This is because in Islam, Jesus was not crucified (cf. Qur’an 4:157), and to affirm otherwise is to suggest that Allah is not strong enough to protect his prophets.

The pope would most likely be shocked to find that his very attempts at conciliation and peace are being viewed as provocations, but this is yet another example of his getting involved in affairs that he only dimly understands at best, and creating more problems than he is solving. He almost certainly doesn’t know that the Qur’an says that “the Jews and the Christians will never be satisfied with you until you follow their religion,” (2:120). So even his outreach is viewed as a sinister attempt to seduce Muslims away from Islam, and that this group is likely to strike at Christians to protect themselves against this perceived attack on Islam.

Pope Francis’ peace outreach may consequently end up getting even more Christians killed than would have been if he had left well enough alone and stuck to preaching the Gospel, which it is supposedly his mission to propagate and defend. But that has never seemed to be very high on his priority list.

ISIS Incites Laughter, Claims Pope Trying to Start Crusade – PJ Media

Associated Press editor asks staff not to call US-Mexico border crisis a 'crisis'

An AP editor now suggests that reporters rely on data, so as not to "portray migrants as a negative, harmful influence."

Associated Press editor asks staff not to call US-Mexico border crisis a 'crisis'

The Biden administration is urging people not to call the situation at the US-Mexico border a "crisis," and the Associated Press has taken heed. An AP editor now suggests that reporters rely on data, so as not to "portray migrants as a negative, harmful influence."

A leaked memo from Associated Press Vice President and Editor-at-Large for Standards John Daniszewski told AP staff to aim for "accurate and neutral language," and that the definition of "crisis" has not yet been met by the disastrous situtaion at the US-Mexico border.

The memo was called "From the Standards Center: A note about the current increase in border entrances," reports the Washington Examiner.

The memo read that "The current events in the news–a sharp increase in the arrival of unaccompanied minors–is a problem for border officials, a political challenge for Biden and a dire situation for many migrants who make the journey, but it does not fit the classic dictionary definition of a crisis."

Daniszewski said that if the word "crisis" is used, "we need to ask of what and to whom. There could be a humanitarian crisis if the numbers grow so large that officials cannot house the migrants safely or in sanitary conditions. Migrants may face humanitarian crises in their home countries. In theory, there could be a security or a border crisis if officials lose control of the border, allowing people to enter unencumbered in large numbers. But, in general, avoid hyperbole in calling anything a crisis or an emergency."

"Therefore," it goes on to say, "we should avoid, or at least, be highly cautious, about referring to the present situation as a crisis on our own, although we may quote others using that language."

The AP has had no problem referring to events at the US-Mexico border as a crisis in the past. They repeatedly used the term when Trump was in office, and even during the Obama years. Certainly if it was a crisis then, it is a crisis now.

While other news organizations continue to use the term, it appears "crisis" will no longer be in the Associated Press' vocabulary when describing the situation at the border.

Associated Press editor asks staff not to call US-Mexico border crisis a 'crisis' | The Post Millennial


New Dr. Yan Report Blasts CCP-Aligned Scientists, Asserts ‘Bioweapon’ Hypothesis.

dr. yan

A new report from Dr. Li-Meng Yan gives further credence to the oft-dismissed “lab theory” and goes further by asserting the virus is an “Unrestricted Bioweapon.”

The March 31st report can be read, in full, below.

Dr. Yan et al claim:

A massive misinformation campaign has been undertaken by the CCP government to cover up the true origin of SARS-CoV-2, which involved destroying data and samples, publishing fabricated viruses on top scientific journals, controlling the narrative of the origin debate through bribed top scientists and organizations, amplifying the falsified natural origin theory through media control, labeling all other origin theories as “conspiracy theories”, and defaming individuals who reveal the truth of SARS-CoV-2. As a result of the CCP’s efforts here, the true, weaponized nature of SARS-CoV-2 has been obscured and was not known by most of the public.

The report notes that the “defamation” against two previous studies undertaken by Dr. Yan and her team were a part of the same “disinformation” campaign. In fact, The National Pulse uncovered deep financial links between “disinformation” reporters that have attempted to refute Dr. Yan’s claims and Chinese Communist Party investment vehicles.

Once a “core team member of the WHO H5 Reference Laboratory and the State Key Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases of China at the University of Hong Kong School of Public Health,” Li-Meng Yan conducted two investigations into the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan (December 31, 2019, and January 16, 2020), using personal research and hospital connections (including in the CDC) to gather information on the severity of COVID-19 and government cover-up.

Her supervisor, Leo LM Poon, warned her she would “be disappeared” if she went further, but she still broadcast on January 19, 2020, on YouTube channel LUDE Media, causing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the international scientific community to respond with concerted cover-up and defamation measures.

Read the report:


New Dr. Yan Report Blasts CCP-Aligned Scientists, Asserts 'Bioweapon' Hypothesis. (

Trump says there’s hope for a 2024 run during viral interview — and Facebook yanks video, saying 'voice of Donald Trump' is not allowed on platform

In a Tuesday night interview, former President Donald Trump said that there's "hope" for a 2024 run — and Facebook almost immediately yanked video of the interview from its site, stating that the "voice of Donald Trump" is not permitted on the social media network.

What are the details?

In remarks made during an interview with daughter-in-law Lara Trump on "The Right View," the former president said that his supporters should have "hope" that he will run again in 2024.

During the interview, he also stated that he should have won the 2020 presidential election and blasted President Joe Biden for the job he's done in office since January.

Lara asked the former president, "The other question people all want to know — and I know you're not ready to answer it yet — but do we have hope that there's a possibility to see Donald Trump run again in 2024?"

He responded, "You do have hope, that I can tell you. You do have hope. We love our country — this country. We all owe a lot to our country, but now we have to help our country. ... And we were there. We were so good. What we did with Iran, what we did with China. We were all set to do some great things. And then you see what's going on right now."

Lara later added, "So we may see a Trump run again in 2024. Stay tuned, ladies and gentlemen."

Not even Trump's voice is allowed on Facebook

On Wednesday, Facebook yanked instances of the interview off its platform, stating that any content "in the voice of Donald Trump" would be scrubbed from the site altogether.

Following the interview, a Facebook employee reportedly messaged several Trump affiliates and warned that any such content would be removed from the platform and that continued infractions could result in "additional limitations on accounts that posted it."

"This guidance applies to all campaign accounts and Pages, including Team Trump, other campaign messaging vehicles on our platforms, and former surrogates," the email, posted on Lara's Instagram, stated.

The message said, "Hi folks. We are reaching out to let you know that we removed content from Lara Trump's Facebook Page that featured President Trump speaking. In line with the block we placed on Donald Trump's Facebook and Instagram accounts, further content posted in the voice of Donald Trump will be removed and result in additional limitations on the accounts."

What else is there to know?

A spokesperson for Facebook confirmed the report with NBC News on Wednesday.

Facebook blocked the former president following the Jan. 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol, insisting that the risks of permitting him to use Facebook following the insurrection were "too great."

You can watch the full 18-minute video below:

Mozambique: Islamic State brags of ‘killing Christians’ in jihad massacre

Why did the Islamic State (ISIS) mention Christians? Don’t they realize that they have nothing to do with Islam, and that their massacres are wholly politically motivated, with no religious aspect whatsoever? Why do these simple truths about the Islamic State, truths that are so very clear to mainstream “terrorism” analysts in the West, so hard for the Islamic State itself to grasp?

An update on this story

“ISIS brag of ‘killing Christians’ in Mozambique massacre that claimed one British life as tales of horror from the attack emerge including a baby shot as his mother carried him to safety,” by Charlotte Mitchell, Mailonline, March 30, 2021:

The Islamic State has bragged of ‘killing dozens of Mozambican armed forces and the Christians’ in a days-long assault near a major gas plant in the country’s northeast. 

ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement issued by its Amaq news agency on Monday alongside a photo of militants from the group celebrating the capture of the town of Palma.

Scores of people have been killed, including one British contractor, and dozens of expats remain unaccounted for following the attack, which began last Wednesday.  

A caterer from Somerset who worked at a hotel in the area is among the missing. 

Tales of horror began to emerge on Monday as some survivors made it to safety and established contact with loved ones.

A small UN plane carrying adults and children – including an injured one-year-old baby – arrived on Monday at the airport in Pemba, the provincial capital where many survivors have been evacuated to.  

According to the Lusa news agency, a bullet hit the baby’s leg while he was in his mother’s arms as they ran from the rebels. 

ISIS has alleged that 55 people have been killed but this has not been independently verified….

At least seven people, including an unnamed British contractor, are known to have been killed when a convoy from a hotel was ambushed by waiting militants. 

The Amarula Lodge had become a refuge for 190 residents and locals but evacuation plans were complicated as the insurgents drew nearer….

Al-Shabab, an ISIS-affiliated jihadi group with no links to the Somali militants, has made gains in Cabo Delgado, the northeast of Mozambique, and seized the strategic port of Mocimboa da Praia in August before the latest attack in Palma….

COVID Panic Peddlers Get Clobbered by Their Own Boomerang in Pushing Doom and Gloom Narrative

COVID Panic Peddlers Get Clobbered by Their Own Boomerang in Pushing Doom and Gloom Narrative

The end is near. A new COVID spike is upon us. We can’t ease restrictions. Keep wearing masks. Keep living in fear. The medical experts are working overtime at the panic factories to keep us afraid. For some, it will continue to work. Coastal elitists, liberals, and the entire viewership of CNN will keep believing it because they’re just stupid people. Yet, it seems the narrative has finally come off the hinges. Well, it already has—but here we have a textbook example of when the boomerang circles back and breaks liberal America’s face.  

We have panic on one hand, but light at the end of the tunnel in another. Both cannot be true. Either we have a doom and gloom or not. It cannot be doom, but the vaccines are working. Let’s get to what the COVID panic peddlers cooked up at The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (via CNBC):

The U.S. is facing “impending doom” as daily Covid-19 cases begin to rebound once again, threatening to send more people to the hospital even as vaccinations accelerate nationwide, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Monday.

“When I first started at CDC about two months ago I made a promise to you: I would tell you the truth even if it was not the news we wanted to hear. Now is one of those times when I have to share the truth, and I have to hope and trust you will listen,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said during a press briefing.

“I’m going to pause here, I’m going to lose the script, and I’m going to reflect on the recurring feeling I have of impending doom,” Walensky said. “We have so much to look forward to, so much promise and potential of where we are and so much reason for hope, but right now I’m scared.”

Quick! Everyone rush out and get toilet paper again, right? Nope. Here’s NBC News on the latest regarding the COVID vaccines and the latest on who is getting infected right now (via NBC News) [emphasis mine]:

People under 60 are accounting for the majority of new Covid-19 cases across the country — likely a testament to the success of the vaccines that have been administered to primarily older, more vulnerable Americans.

The number of cases is rising again following a steep decline and then plateauing for several weeks. During a White House Covid-19 briefing Monday, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said the rise in cases — an average increase of 10 percent from the previous week — gave her a sense of "impending doom."

But doctors say that patients seeking care this time around are younger and, notably, not as sick.

In New York, where cases are rising, some Covid-19 patients still require hospitalization, but the numbers of such patients are nowhere near the "astronomical" levels from a year ago, said Dr. Frederick Davis, an associate chair of emergency medicine at Northwell Health's Long Island Jewish Hospital.

Now, Davis said, Covid-19 cases are mostly mild.

"The cases we are seeing are the younger groups that probably aren't eligible for vaccines just yet," Davis said.

More than 73 percent of people over age 65 has received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, and nearly half are fully vaccinated. Monday, the CDC reported that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are 90 percent effective against Covid-19 in the real world.

Alas, why everyone doesn’t care what these experts say anymore. They peddle panic, but if the new cases are mild and hospitalization rates aren’t nearly as bad as what they were a year ago—is there reason to panic? No. So what if younger folks are seeing a spike. We generally don’t go to the hospital regarding COVID infections. I had it last year. I was able to recover from home, though I still plan to get the vaccine when its available. This is progress. What’s being missed here is that we’re near herd immunity. It’s a virus with a 90+ percent survival rate. We have over 100 million shots administered. Now, Pfizer and Moderna require two shots, but an unpublished study done by Israel’s health ministry on the Pfizer vaccine showed that subjects are virtually “bulletproof” after four weeks from just one dose. What the experts are not talking about is the number of Americans who have natural immunity to COVID now, which could be as high as two-thirds of the country. Generally, kids don’t get it and they don’t spread it. So, reopen the damn schools. 

The experts had their 15 minutes. It’s time for them to shut up now. They’re wrong. They’ve been wrong since the mask fiasco. It’s why scores of Americans will ignore them as the weather becomes warmer. People should go outside, go out to eat, go to bars, and get back to normal. Texas nixed their mask mandate three weeks ago and pretty much reopened. There’s been no COVID spike.

Every state can and should ease ALL COVID restrictions as soon as possible. Herd immunity is coming. It might be here. and again, if hospitalizations rates are nearly as bad and the cases mild, then the CDC’s director really just put on an Emmy-worthy performance with her doom and gloom antics. We’re done. Hang up the lab coat for a bit and just shut up. This goes double for Fauci. I never want to hear that clown say anything ever again. 

Honorable Mention: The media is attacking Ron DeSantis for hiding COVID data. The only problem is that it's totally false. New York's Cuomo is still the dude who actually cooked the books on COVID deaths in his state. 

‘RUSSIAN HOOKERS’ – Tweets From Lincoln Project Co-Founder Rick Wilson Raise Questions About Apartment Shared with Prostitutes, Pal Running For Virginia Governor


Rick Wilson, Pete Snyder

SURPRISE! Never Trumper and Russia Hoaxer Rick Wilson Lived With Virginia Governor Candidate Pete Snyder Down the Hall from “Russian Hookers”

Lincoln Project co-founder, Never Trumper, and pedophile protector Rick Wilson spent years hyping the Russia Hoax nonsense against President Trump, including the now-debunked smear that he spent the night with Russian prostitutes in Moscow.

As it turns out, Wilson is the one familiar with Russian hookers – he’s admitted so himself.

In recently unearthed tweets Wilson directed at his longtime pal Pete Snyder – the former RNC chair of Mitt Romney’s campaign in Virginia who is currently running for governor of that state – Wilson mentions an apartment he shared with Snyder and “Russian hookers.”

Like his friend and former roommate Rick Wilson, Snyder has viciously criticized Donald Trump, once calling him a “racist jerk.” Snyder has also praised Joe Biden, said he disagrees with Trump, and said he thinks Romney would have made a great president.

The chairman of Trump’s 2016 campaign in Virginia, Corey Stewart, recently called on Snyder to “explain his relationship with Rick Wilson, the founder of the Lincoln Project—and the prostitutes Wilson said they lived with.”

Interestingly, Politico reported that Snyder’s home study was decorated “with artwork from Moscow and St. Petersburg” and he “studied Russian for four years at William and Mary.”

Wilson has twice tweeted about Snyder and the Russian hookers, once in 2011 and once in 2013.

Curiously, Snyder appears to have deleted his tweet that Wilson replied to:

Never Trump Rick Wilson and Pete Snyder have been best friends for years, it has been revealed, and the two often traded tweets about their old apartment:

Here’s Snyder and Wilson together in New York in 1997:

Snyder and Wilson are so close that they have been known to share sexually loaded jokes on Twitter:

Even in 2019, after Wilson had spent years saying the most vile things about President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, Snyder was still exchanging chummy tweets with Wilson.

So what exactly happened with those Russian hookers that Rick Wilson and Pete Snyder lived with?

Trump Media and partner on ETF offerings

  The ETFs and SMAs offered by Trump Media and are expected to launch later this year Trump Media & Technology Group announce...