Saturday, October 31, 2020

All of the cities where Election Day rioting is expected have one thing in common: They're run by Democrats

The next time a cable news anchor mentions the perpetual "growing threat of right-wing violence in America" (which, for some reason, never becomes much more than a "threat"), I'd like them to also name the list of cities preparing for mass rioting on Election Day.

Here's a hint: None of them voted for President Trump in 2016.

CNN earlier this month reported that "police department leaders in cities from Baltimore to Seattle and Portland...have prohibited officers from taking days off around the election."

Bloomberg reported likewise that "Chicago, Philadelphia and New York are among cities that have revealed plans to prevent violence on Nov. 3, when election observers worry polling sites could be targeted, or in the weeks that follow if historic levels of mail-in ballots preclude the declaration of an immediate winner."

In Washington, D.C., where I live, office and apartment buildings in and around downtown have spent the past week boarding up their doors and windows for the exact same thing. Students at George Washington University are being advised by administrators to have "at least one week of food, supplies and medicine" stored up, just as they would "for a hurricane or snowstorm that would prevent you from going outside for several days." (The district is ranked by Forbes as the second-most liberal city in the United States.)

I'd like for a very smart person somewhere to name just one Republican-led city where this is happening.

It's not happening. That's because, just as we saw over the summer with the Black Lives Matter riots, violence and looting in response to political events is an exclusively liberal phenomenon.

But the media talk about this as if they're oblivious to the pattern. It's simply one more sign, they say, of our "divisive" politics.

No, it's not. It's a reminder that liberals act like animals when an election doesn't go their way.

Furman U. Prof Kelly Sharp Resigns After Being Accused of Lying About Her Race

Furman Prof Kelly Sharp
Kelly Sharp

Professor Kelly Sharp of Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina, resigned this week after an anonymous blogger accused her of lying about her race. Sharp may the latest in a group of white academics that have dishonestly claimed a minority heritage.

According to a report by Inside Higher Ed, Professor Kelly Kean Sharp resigned from her post at Furman University this week after an anonymous blogger accused Sharp of lying about her ethnic background.

Sharp had described herself as “Chicana” on her Twitter bio, a term used to describe females of Mexican descent. At one point, Sharp allegedly participated as a panelist at an event at Luther College during which panelists discussed their experiences as Latino-Americans.

Professor Sharp’s racial identity was first questioned in an anonymous blog post that was published on on Tuesday. The anonymous blogger conducted research into Sharp’s family history and found no indication that Sharp had Hispanic ancestors.

But when some of us looked into genealogical records, we found that Kelly had no grandparents who were born outside of the United States or had Hispanic names. This is much more in line with how Kelly identified at UC Davis. The maternal grandmother who she claimed was from Mexico, was born in LA to white parents and was residing in the US during all the census records of her upbringing. A servant was even employed and living at the home according to census records. This grandmother eventually married a wealthy, white lawyer from Iowa.

Breitbart News reported in September that University of Wisconsin graduate student CV Vitolo-Haddad had admitted to lying about her race. Vitolo-Haddad, who is Sicilian, had told her peers that she was both black and Latino. She resigned from her position as a teaching assistant shortly after admitting to the lie.

American hostage Philip Walton rescued in dramatic military operation: Officials

Walton was abducted recently in Niger, where he had been living.

The mission was undertaken by elite commandos as part of a major effort to free the U.S. citizen, Philip Walton, 27, before his abductors could get far after taking him captive in Niger on Oct. 26, counterterrorism officials told ABC News.

The operation involved the governments of the U.S., Niger and Nigeria working together to rescue Walton quickly, sources said. The CIA provided intelligence leading to Walton's whereabouts and Marine Special Operations elements in Africa helped locate him, a former U.S. official said.

Then the elite SEAL Team Six carried out a "precision" hostage rescue mission and killed all but one of the seven captors, according to officials with direct knowledge about the operation.

"They were all dead before they knew what happened," another counterterrorism source with knowledge told ABC News.

President Donald Trump called the rescue mission a "big win for our very elite U.S. Special Forces" in a tweet and the Pentagon lauded the rescue mission in a statement.

“U.S. forces conducted a hostage rescue operation during the early hours of 31 October in Northern Nigeria to recover an American citizen held hostage by a group of armed men," said Pentagon chief spokesperson Jonathan Hoffman. "This American citizen is safe and is now in the care of the U.S. Department of State. No U.S military personnel were injured during the operation.

"We appreciate the support of our international partners in conducting this operation."

And Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said: "Thanks to the extraordinary courage and capabilities of our military, the support of our intelligence professionals, and our diplomatic efforts, the hostage will be reunited with his family. We will never abandon any American taken hostage."

ABC News consultant Mick Mulroy, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense and retired CIA officer, said preparations for Walton's rescue likely started when he was abducted.

“These types of operations are some of the most difficult to execute," he said. "Any mistake could easily lead to the death of the hostage. The men and women of JSOC [Joint Special Operations Command], and the CIA should be proud of what they did here. And all Americans should be proud of them. “

Eric Oehlerich, an ABC News consultant and retired Navy SEAL, said Walton was "lucky" that such a mission was possible such as short time after he was abducted, when others have been held for years.

"Men in these top-tier special forces units train their entire adult lives to be ready when called upon, hostage rescue operations are inherently dangerous," he said. "Those men put someone else's life above their own, they do so's an illustration of utter commitment."

A former U.S. counterterrorism official emphasized generally how long the odds are for rescue in the "highly dangerous" missions -- less than 30%. But the official said that it's crucial to act as quickly as possible so that hostages don't wind up in the hands of al Qaeda or ISIS.

"The longer a hostage is held the harder it is to find an exact location to be able and conduct a rescue operation," the official said.

U.S. and Nigerien officials had said that Walton was kidnapped from his backyard last Monday after assailants asked him for money. But he only offered $40 USD and was then taken away by force, according to sources in Niger.

Walton lives with his wife and young daughter on a farm near Massalata, a small village close to the border with Nigeria.

Nigerien and American officials told ABC News that they believed the captors were from an armed group from Nigeria and that it was not considered terror-related. But hostages are often sold to terrorist groups.

Concern grew quickly after the kidnapping that an opportunity to rescue Walton could become much more dangerous if he was taken by or sold to a group of Islamist militants aligned with either al Qaeda or ISIS and American special operations commanders felt they needed to act swiftly before that could occur, said one counterterrorism official briefed on the hostage recovery operations.

A U.S. State Department spokesperson confirmed after the kidnapping that an American citizen had been abducted in Niger and said the U.S. government was "providing their family all possible consular assistance." The spokesperson declined to comment on the case, citing "privacy considerations," but added, "When a U.S. citizen is missing, we work closely with local authorities as they carry out their search efforts, and we share information with families however we can."

Another American, Christian humanitarian aid worker Jeffery Rey Woodke, 60, has been held hostage for the past four years since being kidnapped in northern Niger by armed militants.

Niger, home to 22 million people and three times the size of California, is one of many Sahel nations plagued by terrorism and instability, but its military has been a close U.S. partner in the fight against regional jihadist groups, including affiliates of both al Qaeda and ISIS.

Last week, a U.N.-backed donor summit raised $1.7 billion to support the region's governments as Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned the humanitarian crisis is at a "breaking point," with 13.4 million people in need of assistance.

Thousands of mail ballots may be lost, Pittsburgh-area official says

A Pennsylvania county official warned Wednesday that potentially thousands of ballots mailed to voters have gone missing, with officials now rushing to send out new ones.

Leslie Osche, chair of the Butler County board of commissioners, told local CBS affiliate KDKA that officials have mailed new ballots, overnighted ballots to people residing out of state such as college students, and even had sheriff's deputies hand-deliver ballots.

Osche said it was unclear how many ballots have apparently gone missing, but estimated — based on the number of calls and emails that have flooded local offices — that it could well be in the thousands.

“At first we thought that maybe it just was a delay in the postal system,” Osche told the outlet. “And that could still be the case. But nonetheless, when we realized that, we changed our strategy and now have begun to tell folks that if they haven’t received a ballot, they still have multiple options.”

The U.S. Postal Service said in a statement Wednesday reported by local media that the post office is “unaware of any significant delays or issues and is in regular contact with the Board of Election as we work to locate and deliver ballots as they are presented to us.”

The Pennsylvania Department of State has asked the Postal Service and the county to investigate the apparently lost ballots, Spotlight PA reported.

Of the nearly 40,000 registered voters in Butler, only a quarter of them appeared to have returned their ballots, the outlet reported. That would make it the lowest return rate by far in any Pennsylvania county.

Butler County voters still have a few options left in casting their ballots. They can go to the Bureau of Elections to collect and submit their ballots or go to their local polling place to vote in person.

Spotlight PA noted that a similar problem seems to be occurring in nearby Westmoreland County, where election officials say they are receiving alerts from voters that ballots have not arrived.

The problems follow a separate incident in September when a batch of military mail-in ballots for President Trump were discovered in a trash can in northeast Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania is a key battleground state this year in the presidential race, with Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden making multiple trips to the area in the weeks leading to Election Day.

The Keystone State holds 20 electoral votes that could be crucial for either candidate's path to election.

Trump narrowly won the state in 2016, defeating Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton by less than 1 percent of the vote, the first time in nearly three decades a Republican had won the state.

Biden currently has a 4.3 percentage point edge in the RealClearPolitics polling index in the state.

Observation of Hope…

Observation of Hope…
Government Corruption

Over the past 3 years I have been monitoring air traffic relative to US Military operations as it relates to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and XPL Honduras (past 12 months) and several other locations. While watching the aircraft arrival activity, the following observations have been made:

There is a pattern and tempo as it relates to aircraft type and arrivals

There are about 5 locations I believe people are being detained, processed and tried for crimes

The crimes based on DoJ press releases, are for sex and human trafficking, drug smuggling, RICO act violations, and crimes against children

Like you, I have been anticipating and with great frustration I am highly disappointed we have yet to see anyone significant go to jail such as HRC, Comey, Obama, Biden, etc. as I do believe these people, as well as a SEA of others, are HEAVILY involved in the above as it is where they are likely get their funding.

I also believe that our government agencies are highly involved. If you have read my blog on The Five Star Trust, you can see that since the mid 1940’s our CIA has been running drugs globally to fund their black operations off the books. We saw this with Air America, the Flying Tigers and Evergreen operations. I have personally known guys who worked for the DEA who flew cessna’s out of Miami to New Jersey back in the day loaded full of drugs - all cleared through the agency. They were registered as a student at one the of the universities and got their paychecks through a concrete company. In both cases, they did not attend or work for either one - it was all cover. That is our government at work folks - like it or not.

Back to the air traffic and arrests… I mentioned 5 prison locations as these are where I have seen the patterns take place:

Guantanamo Bay Cuba - Per the National Defense Act (NDA) - Military aircraft cannot be used to transport prisoners - it will be charters (which we have seen)

XPL Honduras - The same rules for prisoner transport do not apply here - this location was new as the study was funded in the NDA - Q1 2020

San Juan Puerto Rico - MDC Guaynabo - this prison is know for holding people awaiting trial

Fort Worth JRB Prison - Previously an all women’s high security prison, has since been renovated to accommodate both males and females

Santa Cruz Islands (Spain) - There are a remote set of islands off the coast of Spain - I believe this may be another location

Flight confirmation:

For GTMO - We have seen about 15-20 “out of sequence” charters arrive over the past 3 years. Several of them, have aligned to some type of news drop around individuals including Epstein, Maxwell, RGB, Bush Sr, McCain, Snowden, and Assange to name a few

1 There have been commercial charter flights coming from the military bases (more so recently) that would indicate either Grand Jury or Legal Eagle arrivals - these are in addition to troop arrivals - such as the United, Sun Country and Delta charters. According to the court docket calendar - everything has been cancelled. This means that if a trial is taking place, it is classified and not being shown

2. Santa Cruz Islands (Spain) and we have been seeing US Navy 737 NavAir flights coming from there to Norfolk a lot lately. Keep in mind that Norfolk is the home of NCIS. My gut tells me that is another one of our prison locations

3. XPL Honduras and Puerto Rico - We have seen the MAGMA Spec Ops birds go between Puerto Rica, Columbia, Miami a multitude of times. My belief is that these guys are moving prisoners. Just a few days ago I watched a Ranger55 callsign (Marines) go from Camp Lejeune NC to XPL Honduras. Note that it will be the 2nd Battalion US Marines who are going to stand ground at the White House and Washington DC next week (bet money on that). Coincidence that the Marines are showing up at a US Air Force base and prison location a week before the election? Probably not.

4. Fort Worth Texas - We watched flights in recent months with callsign Cactus coming to and from the same locations shown in the DoJ press releases. Again, prisoner transports? These are not large aircraft; but small ones (BE20’s and the like)

This leads me to the who in terms of arrests as I believe what we are seeing for the most part are the deep states boots on the ground. The gangs, the thugs, the pedophiles, etc. I think if it is treason or crimes against humanity and they are not US Citizens, they are either sent to XPL Honduras, Puerto Rico (for holding and awaiting trial), or the Santa Cruz Islands, Spain in which they are tried, convicted and executed.

If they are US Citizens, I think those are the out of sequence charter flights we are seeing arrive at the Spa (GTMO). Now think about this, there are people who have just disappeared from the public eye - GW Bush, Huma, Podesta(s), Weiner, Lynch, Yates, Holder, Brennan, Clapper, Hunter… to name a few. Where are they? Out of the 15-20 out of sequence flights to the spa I have seen, I can account for a handful in which their timing coincides with big news about them (Epstein, Maxwell, RGB, Bush Sr. Snowden and Assange); but what about the other 15 or so aircraft? Simply unknowns.

So, are arrests taking place, absolutely. It’s just not the names we want to see yet. It will all come out eventually, and I think we will get the opportunity to see the BIG names if POTUS hold the seat for another 4 years.

God Bless. Monkey out.

It's Cartoon/Meme Time!


The Trump Support You Don't See


The Trump Support You Don't See

Washington, Pa. -- Everyone can see President Donald Trump's rallies. In the final days of the campaign, he is jetting from swing state to swing state, drawing big crowds to outdoor airport events as he makes his closing argument for reelection.

But there are also pro-Trump events that aren't covered in the media. A case in point was a recent road rally, with thousands of Trump supporters jumping in their cars and pickup trucks to drive through parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. Organizers estimated the rally included about 2,000 vehicles, each with two, three, or more people inside. Gatherings like it have been going on for months in some of the places President Trump needs to win most if he is to be reelected.

And here is a striking part -- the rallies are not the work of the Trump campaign. The tri-state road rally was organized and staged by local Trump supporters, linked together largely by Facebook, who want to show that enthusiasm for the president in western Pennsylvania and surrounding areas is not just strong, but stronger than it was when Trump eked out a victory in Pennsylvania in 2016. If Trump wins this critical state, it will owe in significant part to this organic movement and the energetic organizers who have nothing to do with his official campaign.

The route of the rally -- St. Clairsville, Ohio, to Wheeling, West Virginia, to Washington, Pennsylvania -- was in the heart of oil and gas country. Many, many of the participants had either direct or indirect connections to the energy industry. (The most concise statement on that came from a man from Greene County, Pennsylvania, who said, "Yes, I am connected to the energy industry, because I've got electricity and gas in my house." That was a short way of saying how important the industry is to all of us.)

The participants were well aware of Joe Biden's recent pledge to "transition" away from oil and gas. To them, that's Biden's way of saying he wants to destroy the oil and gas industry. And for them, the only answer to that is to reelect President Trump.

"We're here because we believe he is the only way we're going to have an economy in the future," said Sherri, from Claysville, Pennsylvania. "We're a big oil and gas family," said Kristie, from Washington. "We're living the American dream because of the oil and gas industry." "The enthusiasm for Trump is unreal," said Maria, also from Washington, whose husband could not attend because he was at his job at a coal mine in nearby Waynesburg.

The rally was organized by Amy Savage, founder, and owner of a company called Oil and Gas Safety Supply. Savage came to the area with the fracking boom in 2012. She built a business selling hard hats and flashlights and gas monitors and eye protection and all sorts of flame-resistant clothing. She said the area enjoyed a big boom when Trump was elected.

"Immediately, the oil fields in Pennsylvania were getting back to work," she explained. "They were drilling, drilling, drilling, and fracking, fracking, fracking. There were more oil and gas workers, more truck drivers, more hotels, more restaurants, more shopping centers. This area has exploded in the last three years with this influx of people. It was an economic explosion because you had a president standing behind the oil and gas industry in these three states, saying we need to be energy independent.

"And now, Joe Biden is going to put an end to it," Savage continued. "Anybody who watched the debate heard those words come out of his mouth. When I heard it, it sent chills down my spine. He's going to pull the rug out from under these three states."

That was what motivated the thousands who gathered recently. Americans didn't see their rally on the news, because it wasn't covered. But it was important. If Trump wins Pennsylvania -- and that would mean he'd have a good chance at winning a second term -- he might well owe his victory to his grassroots supporters' work on the road. Jumping in their cars and trucks and inviting others to come along has heightened the enthusiasm in oil and gas country. Look for them to keep driving all the way to Election Day.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Scotland passes “hate crime” law criminalizing “hate speech” inside people’s homes

Image: Scotland passes “hate crime” law criminalizing “hate speech” inside people’s homes

(Natural News) A Pakistani who currently works as the “Cabinet Secretary for Justice” in Scotland has announced plans to criminalize speech inside the home that he personally feels might lead to a “hate crime.”

Humza Yousaf, who is not even Scottish, is credited with creating and implementing the so-called “Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill,” which aims to protect “minorities” from mean talk that might take place around people’s dinner tables.

While the Public Order Act of 1986 has long prohibited threatening, abusive or insulting words and behavior, that law contains a “swelling defence” provision that allows people to say what they wish inside their own homes – something that Yousaf’s new legislation abolishes.

Under Yousaf’s new restrictions, Scots, including those who work as journalists and even theater directors, could be forced to face the courts if they say something not nice about Muslims, for instance, which are flooding the United Kingdom at record pace and displacing the natives.

According to Yousaf, Scots have no right to engage in “hateful speech,” even on their own property. Yousaf’s proposal was given the nod by Lord Bracadale to proceed with it, despite opposition from the Scottish Catholic Church, police representatives, academics, artists and others.

“It will introduce an offence of stirring-up hatred against people with protected characteristics, including disability, sexual orientation and age,” writes Mark McLaughlin for The Times (U.K.).

In other words, if you are someone who does not have a “protected characteristic,” then you will not be protected from “hate speech” under Yousaf’s law.

Why are foreigners allowed to create “hate speech” laws in countries where they do not even belong?

While Lord Bracadale is responsible for having made the recommendations that led to the bill’s creation, he did reportedly advise the Scottish Cabinet to think long and hard about how the public order will impact what used to be people’s private lives.

The committee’s convenor asked Lord Bracadale if from his “experience of the operation of criminal law” that the Parliament should “be alert to some danger in that,” to which Lord Bracadale responded in the affirmative.

“I think that your concern is well-founded,” he stated.

In other words, Scotland will now have a snitch culture in which angry “minorities” and their allies can target those they do not like with this weaponized legislation, which again was crafted by someone who is not even Scottish, but who somehow attained a high-level seat in Scotland’s government.

The Scottish government did agree to change one key piece of wording that, if left as Yousaf wrote it, would have made this “hate crime” bill even more of a threat than it already is.

Instead of reading “likely to stir up hatred,” the new version of the bill specifies that only language “intended to stir up hatred” can be prosecuted, which is much harder to prove than the former.

The Christian Institute, reporting on the bill, expressed thankfulness to the Justice Secretary for his willingness to compromise on what it describes as “one of the most controversial parts of the [b]ill.” At the same time, the group says that “many more changes are still required.”

Here in the United States, we are not that far gone – at least not yet – when it comes to criminalizing free speech. But we very soon could get to where Scotland is if the thought and speech police are allowed to continue in their quest to abolish the First Amendment – and the rest of the Constitution, for that matter.

We are already seeing glimpses of what is soon to come if things continue on their current trajectory with the attempted criminalization of phrases like “it’s okay to be white,” which social justice warriors (SJW) claim is “racist” and “hateful.”

NY Post Op-Ed: My Kid Has Cancer and Obamacare Eliminated Our Health Care Plan

 NY Post Op-Ed: My Kid Has Cancer and Obamacare Eliminated Our Health Care Plan

It was Obamacare-mania over the past few weeks. The Senate hearings over the nomination of now-Justice Amy Coney Barrett were dominated by President Barack Obama’s signature domestic achievement. Now, it’s not totally out of the left field as the Supreme Court will hear arguments that could gut the law a week after the election, but it goes to the whole notion that Democrats think the judiciary is a separate legislative wing. They wanted to hear what ACB thought about health care, abortion, and gun rights as if she’ll legislate from the bench. That’s what left-wingers do. 

Right now, Joe Biden and the Democrats are both touting Obamacare and trying to sell Bidencare. It’s nothing special. Bidencare the original iteration of what Obama pitched when he was president. It’s Obamacare with the public option. Keep in mind that this was a poison pill. Obamacare would never has passed with the public option attached to it. And this occurred when Democrats controlled the House and Senate; they had 60 seats in the upper chamber. 

So, for all the Obamacare peddlers, take a seat and read this op-ed where a father explains how Obamacare made their situation worse, it cost them their health care plan they loved, and it left his daughter virtually without health insurance as she fought cancer. Hellfire comes down upon Obama’s health care initiative (via NY Post):

Joe Biden has been running an ad in which he says he can’t imagine what it would be like to have a child with cancer and no health coverage. I don’t have to imagine. Under the health “reform” championed by Biden when he served as President Barack Obama’s vice president, I live that reality every day.

Twice over the past three years, ObamaCare has had no plans to sell us that covers little girls ravaged by cancer or recovering from that ordeal — and it might leave us floundering again.

In November 2015, my wife got the most dreadful call a parent can get. The doctor knew why our daughter Colette, then 2 ½ years old, hadn’t been feeling well: Blood work had revealed leukemia.

Thanks to ObamaCare, we were already in financial straits. In 2014, the law had eliminated a great plan we had had for years. Before ObamaCare went into effect, the private marketplace offered us a wide menu of relatively inexpensive plans that covered specialist care, even out of state.

Afterward, however, all that was left were increasingly costly plans with fewer benefits. Premiums swelled. In 2017, I took my family into the ObamaCare marketplace to escape at least the crushing premiums.


To solve the inherent instability of ObamaCare, the state could just take over all medical facilities. It’s called single-payer. But then we would all be at the mercy of the same government bureaucracy that has been working for years to slowly kill my daughter.

And that has taught us a lesson. Turns out there is a nightmare worse than one’s watching cancer brutalize one’s little girl. It’s having Obama’s law — which his vice president rightly claims as his own — collude with the disease against her.

‘Hello, 9-1-1, I’d like to report a murder.’

Obamacare was pitched as a law that would cut costs and save over a trillion dollars over a ten-year period. Not the case. Obama also said if you liked you plan you could keep it. Another lie. Even CNN reported that the law was unaffordable for the middle class. The endless stream of stories of rising premiums also marred the law. Yet, that’s the sick irony. Obamacare was never supposed to work. It was meant to serve as the basis for single-payer, which Joe Biden hasn’t really jumped on, much to the dismay of folks like Bernie Sanders. Medicare for all, single-payer—that’s the overall goal. And it would take a massive jump towards becoming a reality if Joe Biden wins this election.

Get out and vote Republican.

Joe Biden Rambles Incoherently In Pennsylvania Speech Just Days Before Election

 Joe Biden Rambles Incoherently In Pennsylvania Speech Just Days Before Election

2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden illustrated another concerning display of incoherence Saturday, just days out from the November election during a campaign stop in Pennsylvania.

“I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trunalimunumaprzure,” Biden said, following the words with, “isolated punish China.”

The latest episode of incoherent speech comes on the heels of several recent slip-ups renewing fresh concerns about the former vice president’s age and ability to effectively take the reins of the White House.

Two days later on Oct. 26, Biden called his running mate’s husband, Doug Emhoff, “Kamala’s wife.”

On Sunday, Biden confused President Donald Trump with former President George W. Bush.

Earlier this month, the presidential candidate called himself a candidate for the Senate around the same time that he confused his November opponent with Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney, who ran for president in 2012.

Biden meanwhile, has repeatedly called “lids” on campaigning throughout the month, including a 72-hour lid in the run-up to the second and final presidential debate, keeping the 77-year-old out of the public eye as Trump continues an aggressive campaign schedule around the country. The lid strategy has also shielded Biden from answering tough questions on recent scandals surrounding his family’s business ventures.

Keep up with Biden’s worst slip-ups here.

You Knew This Was Coming: The Latest Number of COVID-19 Cases Continues to Rise Across US — Several States Set New Records Just Days Before Election



Several states are reporting their highest COVID-19 case numbers this past week JUST DAYS before the national election.

Imagine that?

What a stunning coincidence?
It’s almost as if the disease knows when it is the best time to damage President Trump and help Dementia Joe Biden.

Covid case numbers via worldometer:

Of course, the number of Covid deaths peaked out in April — months ago in the US.
Covid deaths via worldometer:

The media is working overtime to push the panic porn before the election..

IBTimes reported:

Authorities recorded a new single-day high of 87,164 coronavirus cases, breaking the previous record of 83,731 set six days ago. The large number came as the U.S. inches closer to recording 9 million coronavirus cases just nine months after the pandemic began. It is also the third time in a week that the single-day record was broken, NBC News reported.

Health officials also reported 996 coronavirus-related deaths on Wednesday, bringing the country’s total death toll to 228,636, according to Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 dashboard.

The coronavirus death toll could hit 256,000 over the next four weeks. An ensemble forecast by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also indicated that the number of new weekly deaths might even exceed 6,000 by Nov. 15.

The media wants you to hate Trump over this virus. 

BREAKING: DC Circuit Court of Appeals Blocks Judge Chutkan’s Order Doxxing DOGE Workers

Judge Tanya Chutkan The DC Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday temporarily blocked Judge Tanya Chutkan’s  order  doxxing DOGE workers. Ear...