Saturday, November 30, 2019

American elections

This is interesting. Scary, but interesting. I have to assume that there is truth in the article.

By Howell Woltz
-December 1, 2019

The New Leftist Playbook is Out—and Soros’ Minions are Goose-stepping to it

Any who thinks it is a coincidence that Leftists have paid for and stolen Brexit in England, Fraser Anning’s Senate election in Queensland or thousands of elections in America are kidding themselves.

The same money and master are behind them all.

U.S. Congress has finally announced a “full investigation” of Soros and we’ll take a small piece of the credit for that due to our relentless reportage on this hideous little man and his serious crimes.

While the U.S. Congress is focused on Soros’ attempts to install leftist regimes in Eastern Europe (using U.S. taxpayer funds), we recently disclosed his joint funding with the Obama Department of State to foment riots and rebellion worldwideThey are channeling the Bolsheviks of old. If you can’t beat ’em, cheat ’em!

Lately Soros has been particularly busy – from buying elections (down to the local prosecutor level) in America, to defying Britain’s vote to leave the EU.

But he appears to be unable to stop the Revolution against him and his Minions, so Soros is changing up his game plan.
Looks like the charade of ‘Democracy’ now ends and taking nations by fraud, bribery and criminal acts begins

Imagine Illinois Republican Jim Moynihan’s surprise. In the recent election, he pressed the button beside his own name at the Schaumburg Public Library and the “Smartmatic” voting machine registered his vote for his Democrat Socialist opponent.

This, and the thousands of other mis-votes were deemed to be ‘calibration errors. Apart from Illinois, these not-so-smart voting machine are used in Arizona, California, Colorado, DC, Florida, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.

Coincidentally, (or not) these states are all Democrat strongholds.

Guess what else these States and machines all have in common? They are heavily controlled by George Soros—including the Smartmatic company who made them and Leftwing leaders who bought and put them into use.

The funny thing is, every ‘calibration error’ we’ve learned of thus far was in the direction of Leftists and Democrat Socialists—in States and Districts which were heavily funded by George Soros. Amazing, eh?

Mark Malloch-Brown is a former #2 in the UN and an Open Society Global Board member. He is Soros’ tie to the Smartmatic company (and that would fill an entire article by itself).

Unfortunately for this pair, they were caught in 2004 in Venezuela using this junk machine to seal the deal for Hugo Chavez.

They were doing the same thing in 2016 for Hillary Clinton in America which is why they were so sure she would win.

According to the non-partisan watchdog.orggroup, Soros-backed and funded Obama Administrators used the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to create fictitious congressional districts and send hundreds of billions of dollars to fund Leftist schemes.

They used the ARRA’s $747 billion funding, “to set aside money for [congressional] districts that did not exist.”

According to, “the plan outlined that its funds would go to 884 congressional districts, though there are only 435.”

They sent hundreds of billions to 449 non-existent districts to steal America from its citizens—a la Venezuela.

It’s amazing Donald Trump won in 2016. But what do you do if your local leaders won’t buy Soros “Left Only” machines?
Ain’t she a ‘beaut’ Georgey? This little rig you financed stole more elections than all your bribes added together!

Yep. If you can’t steal a whole vote, you grab a little slice of the other guy’s—each time anybody pushes the button!

Nobody sees it, as it’s just a little glitch in the software. That’s why they say it’s ‘magic’.

Lots of Socialist votes can be created out of thin air. Combined with the Smartmatic machines, elections are being stolen, and no one in government(s) seem to be doing a damn thing about it.
Get rid of those things. Put them on the blacklist.

Edmund Kozak wrote an article about the Soros machine being used to win Venezuela for the Communists.

In it he said, “It appears that at least 16 states [U.S.] may be using up to 50,000 George Soros-linked Smartmatic voting machines which have not yet been approved to be used in the U.S. Presidential Election,”

The left-wing fact checking site, Snopes, swears this is not true, but the National Association of Secretaries of State says it is. So, who do we believe?

(NOTE: Snopes also claims Fascism—the invention of the Italian Marxist Party of Benito Mussolini—is a ‘right wing’ political ideology, so they are either completely ignorant of history, intentionally re-writing it for their Leftist masters, or both.)

Yeah. Let’s believe them. Marx was a Conservative and the Secretaries of State are lying.
So, what about this ‘playbook’?

Yes. It’s a 49 page downloadable ‘playbook’ from Daddy Soros-funded Media Matters—this one aimed at ‘taking out Trump’.

The plan is to instruct Leftists on how to take over governments and reduce us all to the proletariat whether we want to be in a ‘workers paradise’ or not.

Gran daddy Soros, of course, was in on the playbook and you’ll probably recognise the trade craft from his days as a young Nazi in Budapest.

You can even download Uncle George’s new Manifesto to take out Western Leaders like President Trump here. Look for a ScoMo version soon.
But there’s much more Soros magic behind the curtain!

When your Socialist policies are crap, and citizens won’t vote for you, all you have to do is import poor people from other nations who want your own citizen’s money for free.

It’s easy. Open the door wide and offer them handouts and “free stuff” to vote Socialist.

“Isn’t that illegal?” you ask.

Of course, it is, but when you control the local District Attorneys and prosecutors like Daddy Soros does, who’s going to challenge you?

Even election officials caught packing their voting rolls with dead people and illegals just put them back when they think no one is looking. That happened in Kentucky last month to ‘fix’ the governor’s race.
Voter fraud in Kentucky: Electoral office confirms 175k voters were added back to the voter rolls in 2019

How else could ‘blue’ Socialist, Andy Beshear, beat ‘red’ Republican incumbent, Matt Bevin, in this overwhelmingly ‘red’ [Republican] state?

And the Soros plan is already preparing the millions of illegals he paid to import from Central America for their new role as Democrat Socialist voters.

He is doing this by having their fake IDs shipped to them in time to register for 2020’s big election next November to take out President Trump!
MMMMM…Who shall I be today? In Louisville, Kentucky a shipment was inspected at the mail facility. The parcel contained 238 counterfeit driver licenses and 536 blank card stocks

In fact, Deroy Murdoch of National Review found that in preparation for their plan to take down President Trump in 2020, “462 U.S. counties had a registration rate that exceeded 100% of all registered voters.”
Voter fraud is so blatant in Socialist Democrat strongholds, elections have become meaningless

Los Angeles County, with 10 million people—many there illegally—has 12% more registered voters than people living there.

A Republican would have to win by 65% just to overcome the built-in Democrat fraud.

In San Diego, it’s even worse. There are 138% more registered voters than actual population. In other words, there are 810,966 ‘ghost’ voters to overcome before a Republican even registers.

21 States (that’s almost half of them) have more registered voters than citizens.

Recent documents from Judicial Watch show 3.55 Million ‘ghost voters’ in just a handful of Democrat-controlled cities.

And that matters greatly. Even a few illegal votes turn elections.

“Since just 2000 there have been literally dozens of elections at the state, local and federal level decided by 100 votes or fewer,” according to Investor’s Business Daily.
You think it’s any better down under?

Think again.

How did Fraser Anning lose his election for Senate in Queensland. I don’t know but the whole thing smelled like a three-day old, unrefrigerated fish. In some of his strongest seats, his lower house candidates polled higher than he did.

Fraser was famous (infamous if you’d prefer) the world over. He was trending number 1 in the world on Twitter before they decided he was too deplorable and shut down his account (ISIS never seemed to have these problems).

So how did an unknown candidate, who had only signed on two weeks before the election, poll higher than Fraser Anning? It beggars belief.I lost, how did that happen?

Voter fraud is the one logical answer, so you can bet the Soros “magic” has spread to Queensland and a Soros ‘Beat ScoMo’ handbook will be out soon.
Since you can’t cure ‘STUPID’ in government, what do we force them to do to protect our Republics?

I’m so glad you asked.
No matter what names they call us—you know, the usual—racist, homophobe, misogynist, etc.—WE FORCE THE VOTER ID ISSUE AS A MATTER OF NATIONAL SECURITY—and make it a requirement to vote in federal elections for representatives and leaders.
This new ID must have a readable security chip, confirmed by a federally issued machine in order to get a ballot.
And don’t let them tell you there is not enough time. The technology is in every credit card in your wallet and readily available.

Americans have a year, and Australia has almost three. Both our nations prepared for world war twice last century in less time.

We must do this or risk losing our nations.

We ‘Change Everything.’ A Good Start: Tearing Down Our ‘Colonial, Racist, and Patriarchal Systems of Oppression’

On Friday, Greta Thunberg let the enemies of the earth have it via an op-ed published by Project Syndicate.

In addition to saying fossil fuels “are literally” killing humanity, the teenager also fingered her ultimate manmade enemy — literally man-made: “colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression.”

Along with early-twentysomething cohorts Luisa Neubauer and Angela Valenzuela, Thunberg lunged after lewd lovers of ‘lectricity in a piece titled “Why We Strike Again.”

In it, the 16-year-old laid out a prediction of fossil fuel use eleven years from now:

Recent research shows that we are on track to produce 120% more fossil fuels in 2030 than would be consistent with the 1.5°C limit. The concentration of climate-heating greenhouse gases in our atmosphere has reached a record high, with no sign of a slowdown. Even if countries fulfill their current emissions-reduction pledges, we are headed for a 3.2°C increase.

As pointed out by The Daily Wire, those numbers show the Paris Climate Accord to have fallen short.

From The American Prospect:
In 2015, the Paris climate accord gave every country in the world the ability to set its own goals to combat the climate crisis. World leaders agreed to do their part toward stopping planet temperatures from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius—later updated to 1.5 degrees—above pre-industrial levels.

More, courtesy of TDW:

Even the left-leaning New York Times admitted that the Paris Climate Accord has been a failure, reporting that “even if every country did manage to fulfil its individual pledge, the world would still be on pace to heat up well in excess of 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) over preindustrial levels, the threshold that world leaders vowed to stay ‘well below’ in Paris because they deemed it unacceptably risky.

Now to extinction, from the young activist and her crew:

Fossil fuels are literally choking the life from us.

She believes the work to be done “must be powerful and wide-ranging.”

And why? Because our crisis isn’t “just about the environment.”

Let’s check it out:
It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it.


In with the new:

We need to dismantle them all. Our political leaders can no longer shirk their responsibilities.”

In her view, we must “[change] perceptions,” “[shift] public opinion,” and employ “schoolchildren” to take the lead in raising awareness. In fact, we must “change everything.”

That’s her goal.

We will keep up a steady drumbeat of strikes, protests, and other actions. We will become louder and louder. We will do whatever it takes to persuade our leaders to unite behind science so clear that even children understand it.

They’re certainly becoming louder. Or, at least, they’re being given more of a voice. In September — just hours before a Democratic debate in Houston — activists dangled themselves from a bridge, ultimately costing taxpayers millions of dollars (here).
A couple weeks later, radicals shut down 22 intersections in Washington D.C.

And to hear David Hogg tell it, it’s going to get much worse.

The Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High student who began as an anti-gun guy on CNN recently shifted, explaining to MSNBC that gun violence is a problem caused by white supremacy (here).

Now it appears he’s moseyed over to climate change:

“We need some 1960s-level activism to save our planet and democracy. In the next couple of years the protests will become so big that cops wont be able to handle it and the national guard/military will have to be called in. But you can be sure we will persist and win.”

I’ll never stop wondering why, when talking about issues which have nothing to do with democratic concepts, people will invoke democracy. How do we stop this trend?

And speaking of stopping stuff, pro-battery Greta charges the reader:

Join us. Participate in our upcoming climate strikes in Madrid or in your hometown. Show your community, the fossil-fuel industry, and your political leaders that you will not tolerate inaction on climate change anymore. With numbers on our side, we have a chance.

I ask with authenticity, how do we show them? Not use electricity? Not go anywhere? Not do anything? Anyone who does that will wreak havoc in their life.

As for hanging from bridges like dingleberries, in my view, that doesn’t help.

However, according to the thunderous girl who loves a good iceberg — Ms. Thunberg, if you will — it must be done; and it “works”:

Collective action works; we have proved that. But to change everything, we need everyone. Each and every one of us must participate in the climate resistance movement. We cannot just say we care; we must show it.


CNN's Chris 'Fredo' Cuomo mocked after attempt to disprove Trump's phone theory with call to mom fails

CNN's Chris Cuomo mocked after attempt to disprove Trump's phone theory with call to mom fails

CNN host Chris Cuomo was mocked Thursday after his attempt to disprove President Trump’s theory about how phones work backfired on live television.
David Holmes, the political counsel at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, testified during Thursday’s impeachment hearing that he overheard a would-be damning phone call between Trump and European Union Ambassador Gordon Sondland. Holmes said he “could hear the president’s voice through the earpiece of the phone,” which was not on speakerphone.
Trump, in real-time, tweeted his skepticism.
“I have been watching people making phone calls my entire life. My hearing is, and has been, great. Never have I been watching a person making a call, which was not on speakerphone, and been able to hear or understand a conversation. I’ve even tried, but to no avail,” Trump tweeted. “Try it live!”

CNN’s Cuomo took the president up on the challenge and called his mother during coverage of the impeachment hearing.
“Let's just play with that for a second. Mom can you hear me?” Cuomo asked, without receiving a response from his mother.
“I’m with Dana Bash… can you just say hello? Mom? She probably can’t hear me,” Cuomo said as he struggled to hear whether or not his mother could hear him.
Cuomo then put the device on speakerphone.
“Mom, can you hear me?” he asked again.
“I hear you, when you talk to me I hear you,” his mother responded.
The “Cuomo Prime Time” namesake then turned off speakerphone and could no longer hear his mother — just as Trump explained is typically the case.
A frustrated Cuomo then hung up the phone and critics quickly lampooned the moment.
“CNN’s Cuomo trying to prove you can hear a conversation on another person’s cell phone (while on speaker, mind you) is the most ill-advised thing we’ve witnessed on live TV since Marcia Clark had OJ try the gloves on,” The Hill media reporter Joe Concha wrote.
Concha wasn’t the only person to mock Cuomo on social media.
The CNN host is the younger brother of Andrew Cuomo, the Democratic governor of New York. He made news earlier this year for threatening a man who taunted him with the nickname "Fredo," a reference to Fredo Corleone, the weak and facile brother in the movie “The Godfather.”
Several critics revisited the “Fredo” controversy when mocking the failed phone stunt.
Earlier this year, CNN’s Jim Acosta was also mocked when a stunt backfired after he posted a video that was meant to downplay Trump's claims of a border crisis — but ended up supporting the president’s argument that border barriers improve security.
“Here are some of the steel slats that the president’s been talking about,” Acosta said while reporting from the southern border. “But as we’re walking along here, we’re not seeing any kind of imminent danger.”
Acosta then declared there was “no sign of the national emergency that the president has been talking about” and it was “tranquil” near him. The debacle prompted then-press secretary Sarah Sanders to thank the CNN reporter for explaining “why walls work.”
Fox News’ Alex Pappas contributed to this report.

WOAH! Unhinged Far Left Rep. Jasmine Crockett Swears at Republicans During Race-Baiting Rant in House DOGE Hearing on Defunding PBS and NPR

Radical left Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) on Wednesday went on a vulgar and racially charged rant in the House Oversight Delivering on Gover...