Monday, March 24, 2025

“The Gravy Train is Over” – HUD Secretary Scott Turner Ends All Taxpayer-Funded Housing For Illegals


HUD Secretary Scott Turner announced he partnered up with DHS Chief Kristi Noem to end taxpayer-funded housing for illegal aliens.

“U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Scott Turner and U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kristi Noem today signed the “American Housing Programs for American Citizens” Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), to end the wasteful misappropriation of taxpayer dollars to benefit illegal aliens instead of American citizens,” HUD announced on Monday.

“As part of this new agreement, HUD will provide a full-time staff member to assist in operations at the Incident Command Center (ICC), establishing an interagency partnership to facilitate data sharing and ensure taxpayer-funded housing programs are not used to harbor or benefit illegal aliens,” HUD said.

“American tax dollars should be used for the benefit of American citizens, especially when it comes to an issue as pressing as our nation’s housing crisis,” said Secretary Scott Turner. “This new agreement will leverage resources including technology and personnel to ensure American people are the only priority when it comes to public housing. We will continue to work closely with DHS to maximize our resources and put American citizens first.”

“The Biden Administration prioritized illegally aliens over our own citizens, including by giving illegal aliens taxpayer-funding housing at the expense of Americans. Not anymore. The entire government will work together to identify abuse and exploitation of public benefits and make sure those in this country illegally are not receiving federal benefits or other financial incentives to stay illegally. If you are an illegal immigrant, you should leave now. The gravy train is over,” said Secretary Kristi Noem.

“Americans will no longer take a back seat to illegal aliens,” Scott Turner said in a video announcement.


From Feeding the Kids to Fleecing the Government: Inside the Country's Largest COVID Fraud

Salim Said (L.) and Aimee Brock (R.) stand for mugshots.

What happens when you cross a Third-World tribal culture with an urban Democratic establishment? You can probably guess the outcome, but in Minnesota we don’t have to guess. We have seen it on display in the sprawling Feeding Our Future case that represents the largest COVID fraud discovered so far in the United States.

A cast of almost entirely Somali immigrants is charged with siphoning some $250 million from the federal child nutrition program administered by the Minnesota Department of Education into their own pockets between March 2020 and January 2022, when federal agents assembled from around the United States to raid the many scenes of the crime around the Twin Cities. Since then 70 defendants have been charged, 37 have pleaded guilty, and 7 have been convicted in the two trials conducted in the case so far. The others have yet to be tried.

Minnesota—mostly the Twin Cities area—is home to some 100,000 Somali immigrants, the largest Somali population in North America. Starting in the 1990s, the State Department directed thousands of refugees from Somalia’s civil war to Minnesota. As Kelly Riddell reported in a 2015 Washington Times story, Minnesota affords these refugees "some of America’s most generous welfare and charity programs." Riddell quoted Professor Ahamed Samatar of St. Paul’s Macalester College: "Minnesota is exceptional in so many ways but it’s the closest thing in the United States to a true social democratic state." After a dip in 2008, the inflow of Somalis has continued unabated and augmented by Somalis from other states. If it takes a village, Minnesota has what it takes.

Minnesota’s Somali community has been a fertile source of recruits for ISIS and al-Shabab. The FBI’s Minneapolis field office has accordingly devoted substantial resources to terrorism-related issues.

The Feeding Our Future case represents old-fashioned corruption of two federal nutrition programs. Feeding Our Future was a small nonprofit that served as a "sponsor" of "sites" such as day cares that participated in the programs. In the COVID era, from April 2020 until January 2022, Feeding Our Future along with its sites and site vendors found it remarkably easy to bilk the programs out of millions of dollars a month by filing false claims for reimbursement supported by false meal counts, fake rosters, and bogus invoices.

The programs were administered by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) and funded by the United States Department of Agriculture. With regulatory "waivers" adopted by the department on account of COVID, the MDE proved a remarkably easy mark. It didn’t take much more than absurd claims of racism to scare the agency off its suspicions while "sites" proliferated and funds kept rolling out the door. In 2021 alone, Feeding Our Future siphoned nearly $200 million to fraudulent sites and vendors.

A frustrated MDE official, however, tipped the FBI to her suspicions in April 2021. FBI forensic accountant Pauline Roase followed up in the ensuing months by collecting relevant bank records. FBI special agents Jared Kary and Travis Wilmer investigated in the field. In the last six weeks of the investigation they posted surveillance cameras outside 12 sites. The videos depicted a sleepy time at the sites that were supposedly feeding thousands of kids a day.

On January 20, 2022, the investigation "went overt" when federal authorities raided sites around the Twin Cities in the largest such operation ever conducted in Minnesota. The following September then-United States Attorney Andrew Luger announced the first indictments handed up in the case.

Aimee Bock was the founder and executive director of Feeding Our Future as well as the ringleader of the fraud scheme. As the sponsor of more than 250 sites sponsored by Feeding Our Future around the state, Bock certified the accuracy of the ludicrously inflated meal claims she submitted for reimbursement on behalf of the sites she enrolled in the program with the approval of MDE. Unlike the Somali players at Feeding Our Future’s sites and vendors, however, Bock was white. She introduced a multicultural liberal element to the massive fraud she oversaw.

The fraud in this case is gross, disgusting, and despicable. In financial terms, Bock herself may have profited the least from it. Defendants expended proceeds intended as reimbursement for meals served on cash purchases of luxury automobiles, deluxe homes, and commercial properties in Minnesota, Ohio, Kentucky, Turkey, and Kenya. Bock appears to have been compensated mostly in the form of the autocratic coin and the adoration of her Somali co-conspirators. Still, the amount she received in the scheme—$1.9 million, according to FBI accountants—is nothing to sneeze at.

Bock was the star defendant in the second of the two trials conducted so far. Her trial concluded with the jury's guilty verdict on all counts this past Wednesday. Bock was tried along with Salim Said, whose fraud netted him $5.5 million. Said’s Safari Restaurant off Lake Street in south Minneapolis reported approximately $600,000 in annual revenue in each of the three years prior to the onset of COVID. In April 2020, Safari enrolled in the federal child nutrition program under the sponsorship of Feeding Our Future. By July 2020, Said claimed to be serving meals to 5,000 children per day, seven days a week, every month. In total, Said claimed to have served over 3.9 million meals to children from the Safari Restaurant food site between April 2020 and November 2021. Said profited from claims that associates provided more than 2.2 million meals at other food sites involved in Feeding Our Future’s fraud scheme.

Bock’s fakery occasionally had an unintentionally comic component. Except for the checks it issued to sites and vendors, everything about Feeding Our Future was fake. Feeding Our Future listed three key outside board members who had no idea they had been so named. Two were bartenders and one was a small-engine mechanic for the city of Eagan, Minnesota.

Called as witnesses by the prosecution, they radiated blue-collar charisma. When Assistant United States Attorney Joe Thompson displayed a Feeding Our Future organization chart with St. Paul bartender Ben Stayberg at the top, he commented laconically: "Yeah, big shoes." They all testified to their lack of qualifications to serve on a nonprofit board and their lack of knowledge that they were (allegedly) on the Feeding Our Future board. The board held no meetings. Bock’s board minutes were fake. She never communicated by email with any of her purported board members. She never sent them any documents to review. There is a Coen Brothers movie lurking in the facts of this case. Frances McDormand could play Aimee Bock.

Minneapolis’s Lake Street runs east-west through the city from St. Paul to St. Louis Park. Feeding Our Future sponsored 21 sites in 2021 (including Safari) on a 1.8 mile stretch of Lake Street. Together these sites claimed to be serving as many kids as populated the Minneapolis public schools.

Bock and Said were charged on 28 counts of wire fraud, federal programs bribery, money laundering, and related conspiracy counts. In the course of the six-week trial federal prosecutors introduced a massive amount of evidence in support of the charges. The jury convicted Bock and Said on all counts within five hours of commencing their deliberations. More trials are scheduled this year, but in part thanks to the result in this case there will probably be more guilty pleas as well.

Sitting through every day of the trial I wondered if there was a single Somali who elected not to participate in the fraud when he or she was presented with the opportunity. Everyone who heard about it seemed to want to get in on the action.

One Somali immigrant, however, spoke up when he saw something shady. His name is Abdihakim Osman Nur. He was my first Somali source on Ilhan Omar’s fraudulent marriage to her brother. Coincidentally, in his defense Salim Said sought to introduce a campaign video of Omar serving meals at Safari. Judge Nancy Brasel asked Said’s counsel to edit Omar from the video and it was never introduced, but it would have been perfect—one pioneering fraudster speaking up for another.

In January 2022, just before the raids that brought the fraud to an end, Abdi commented in Somali on a video in a Facebook post that a mutual friend translated for my use on Power Line. Prosecutors introduced both the video and a version of Abdi’s commentary into evidence. Abdi’s was the voice of decency in this case:

The most amazing incident that you all witnessed happened last night in Minneapolis. We all witnessed a wedding of a young Somali woman who works at the office of Feeding Our Future—a nonprofit that helps provide meals to indigent children who need supportive food programs. … [Vendors] are contracted in that program to distribute that food.

Last night what happened at that staff member’s wedding was shocking to the entire city. The contractors gifted the young woman in charge of coordinating the program gold worth 10,000 dollars each—so much gold that it was wheeled in on a gold tray. The people who gifted her that entire tray are the very contractors in charge of that delivery.

Can someone tell me how and with what funds they were able to gift an office person that expensive gift individually and collectively almost $100,000? These same people, some of whom are under investigation for forging names of young children they are supposed to serve!

We cannot close our eyes to such corruption which will put our entire community’s name in the news as fraudsters and criminals when we only have a few bad apples. These women who are gifting this have been submitting names of thousands of children who are in no data base anywhere and are still being audited for those invoices.

I’m saddened that this same bride was once asked why she had signed people as vendors who were clearly unqualified and unable to follow the program’s rules. These are the same characters who did a song and dance event for the lady contracted to manage this program whose name is Amy [i.e., Aimee Bock]. I would like the entire community to be aware that we are following these events very closely as they unfold.

Sitting through the trial I also wondered where state authorities were while the funds continued to roll out the door from MDE to Bock and her co-conspirators through 2021. Governor Tim Walz has bragged with respect to the colossal fraud in this case that "we caught it very early." He declined to respond to any of the related questions I submitted to him in writing—twice, the second time in response to an email asking me to submit my questions to another email address.

Minnesota attorney general Keith Ellison has recently been quoted bragging (about President Donald Trump): "I know a scam when I see one." He too declined to answer my questions asking when he saw that Feeding Our Future and its sites were operating a scam and what he did about it.

In a post-verdict press conference, Thompson, the assistant U.S. attorney, aptly called the Feeding Our Future fraud "the shame of Minnesota." Thompson and fellow AUSAs Matthew Ebert, Harry Jacobs, and Dan Bobeir should be the pride of Minnesota.

Trump’s war against the deep state starts with the courts

The left intends to use rogue judges to undermine Trump’s second term, just as it relied on the Russia investigation and Fauci to derail his first.

We are not a nation of laws, and we never have been. We are a nation of political will, and we always will be.

For more than a generation, the right has either failed or refused to acknowledge this essential truth. Meanwhile, the left has embraced it with unwavering commitment. As a result, it was on the verge of fulfilling Antonio Gramsci’s vision of a “long march through the institutions” — until the 2024 election stopped the left just short of the goal line.

Trump has an opportunity to turn the left’s misuse of the courts against it. He has already set the stage for a second term that could make him a once-in-a-century leader.

The good news is that after the 2024 election, we’re still in the fight. The bad news? We have 99 yards to march in the opposite direction. Here’s how we got here.

The left understands that politics is ultimately about power — acquiring it and using it — not about process. Leftists start with the policy outcome they want, no matter how extreme or destructive, and then fabricate a process to make it appear “legal.” That’s how judges, with no constitutional authority to do so, can decide that Venezuelan drug lords have a greater right to live in America than unborn babies have to be born.

Meanwhile, the right has typically responded by meticulously adhering to every subsection of every constitutional doctrine in its desperate, fleeting attempts to preserve what remains of sanity. And the right has done so at a glacial pace — while the left sprints toward Gomorrah.
Aggression on many fronts

Enter Donald Trump.

Unconventional quarterbacks rarely score 99-yard touchdowns, but they change the game. The right’s shift in leadership last decade introduced a wild card that made the left feel genuinely threatened for the first time. Instead of a predictable, by-the-book leader — akin to a classic drop-back passer — Trump operates best outside the pocket, forcing opponents to react to him.

His administration shattered the traditional “first 100 days” playbook, which typically focuses on one major campaign promise at a time. Instead, from day one, Trump aggressively took on the left across multiple fronts simultaneously.

This unpredictability has sent the left into a panic, driving leftists to act in ways previously confined to their most fevered fantasies. That’s why Trump faced two coup attempts in his first term. The Russian collusion hoax, orchestrated through the intelligence community, was nothing more than a psychological operation designed to nullify the 2016 election.

The second coup attempt came in the form of COVID-19 — a manufactured crisis weaponized by the bureaucratic swamp, with Anthony Fauci leading the charge. This psyop wasn’t about public health. It was designed to ensure Trump’s defeat in the 2020 election.

When that failed, leftists tried to imprison him, hoping to prevent his return. When that, too, didn’t work, they even attempted to assassinate him. That, by sheer providence, also failed.

Now, with its back against the wall, the ruling class has deployed its ultimate weapon — the most powerful psyop of all. The one that, for decades, has made Republicans surrender without a fight the moment they hear four dreaded words: “The courts have spoken.”
Injunctions as weapons

Trump has served as president for just 18% of the 21st century, yet he has been the target of nearly 70% of all federal injunctions issued against a sitting president in that time. An overwhelming 92% of those rulings came from Democrat-appointed judges. In February alone, Trump faced more federal injunctions than Joe Biden has during his entire presidency.

The same Biden who opened the borders to drug cartels and human traffickers, mandated controversial COVID-19 vaccines as a condition for employment, and pressured Big Tech to suppress dissenting views. In a just and rational world, such corruption would be unthinkable — but it was where we lived until just a couple of months ago.

Trump has thrown the Democratic Party into chaos, but the swamp’s power structures remain intact. The intelligence community, the administrative state, and activist judges continue their work, shielding the establishment from accountability. Hardly a day passes without a leftist judge fabricating authority the Constitution never granted, imposing new “rights” and obligations as phony as a country called “Palestine.”

Just as the Russia collusion hoax and Fauci-funded COVID hysteria were used to derail Trump’s first term, the judiciary is now the left’s weapon of choice against his second. Leftists will not stop unless they are forced to stop.
Beat the system

The right has little experience — let alone success — challenging judicial supremacy. For too long, conservatives have played by the left’s rules, expecting fair outcomes in a system rigged against them.

But one example proves it can be done. I know it well because it wouldn’t have happened without me.

In 2010, Iowa made history as the first state to remove state supreme court justices through a retention election, holding them accountable for their rulings. I was one of the movement’s leaders. No one expected us to succeed. The Republican Party wanted no part of it. We had no support from GOP candidates for governor or Senate. Republican-aligned trial lawyers stayed out of it. We were an underdog coalition taking on a judicial leviathan.

On election night, we won by 10 points. All three justices we targeted received higher percentages of “no” votes than the Republican gubernatorial nominee — who had refused to support us.

We accomplished this with just $1 million, a small sum for a modern statewide campaign. Not only did we convince voters to take a stand, but we also got them to turn over their ballots and vote in a way they never had before.

For months, my three-hour radio show — broadcast on the state’s largest media platform — focused on the retention vote, providing invaluable in-kind support. After the victory, key backers of our campaign approached me with an offer to fund a national expansion of my show. They knew we wouldn’t have won without that messaging effort, and that’s how I ended up where I am today.
Opportunity of the century

That campaign taught us several lessons — lessons the Trump administration would do well to apply now.

First, this is not a debate over legal theory or constitutional interpretation. It’s a battle over authority — not just between branches of government but over whether we still have a government that operates with the consent of the governed. Who is truly sovereign in America? The people or the judges? No branch of government — especially an unelected one — should be above the will of the people.

Second, the foundation of this fight is the source of law itself. Democrat-appointed judges reject “the laws of nature and nature’s God,” acting as if they are a law unto themselves. They do not see themselves as just a Supreme Court but as supreme beings. Whatever they decree must be enforced, with no questions asked, despite their lack of any inherent enforcement power. This is the essence of dictatorship.

Third, exposing this reality is crucial. These judges must be drawn into open confrontation where they admit their unchecked power. Voters — particularly those even remotely sympathetic to us — will be infuriated by their smug entitlement.

Finally, the people need a galvanizing issue that forces them to reject the myth of judicial supremacy. Their current outrage over an urgent cause must outweigh their long-standing deference to the courts.

We haven’t had a president challenge judicial overreach since Abraham Lincoln defied the Supreme Court’s heinous Dred Scott decision by issuing the Emancipation Proclamation. Thomas Jefferson, the man who wrote America’s mission statement, spent much of his public life warning about the dangers of an unchecked judiciary. He feared that if left unrestrained, corrupt judges would twist the Constitution into “a mere thing of wax.” He argued that the other branches must do their duty to prevent judicial usurpation.

Trump has an opportunity to turn the left’s misuse of the courts against it. He has already set the stage for a second term that could make him a once-in-a-century leader. Now, he faces a moment that could define his presidency. Stripping illegitimate power from unelected judges and returning it to the people who rightfully govern stands as the ultimate act of populism.

For the last 50 years, the left has imposed its most destructive policies on the country by judicial fiat. If Trump takes bold action now, he has a chance to cement his place in history alongside Lincoln and Jefferson.

Far-Left ‘Morning Joe’ Panelist Wants Dems To ‘Eliminate’ All Voter Registration Laws To Help Party Win Elections

The Nation’s justice correspondent Elie Mystal argued on “Morning Joe” Monday that all U.S. voter registration laws should be eliminated.

Mystal argued that any American should only have to meet eligibility requirements, such as age, in order to cast a ballot during elections, suggesting that voter registration has a racist and anti-immigrant undertone. He stated that voting rights need to be expanded in order to help more Democrats vote.

“We could eliminate all voter registration laws. You see, when Democrats get in charge we try to protect voting rights. We don’t make voting easier. Now I’m all for voter eligibility requirements, we might disagree with what those requirements should be. But let’s say that there should be an age limit to vote, I might say 16, you might say 18, but I’m not gonna say 8. So we’re gonna agree that there should be voter eligibility requirements, but once you’re eligible, why do you have to preregister? Why is that even a thing?” Mystal said.

“It wasn’t a thing in this country at the founding, we didn’t have voter preregistration in 1787, we didn’t have voter preregistration in 1821, we only started having voter registration generally speaking after the Civil War,” Mystal continued. “Why do you think that is? It’s because a bunch of freed African slaves were migrating up north and all of a sudden New York was like ‘we need some registration up in here.’ A bunch of immigrants from Europe, [from] Ireland and Italy were coming to New York, people were like ‘oh, we need some registration in here.'”

As the population rapidly expanded, U.S. states largely adopted voter registration requirements between the 1870s and World War I due to the increasing need to prevent fraud, confusion and conflicts during elections, according to the Institute for Rapid Government.

Mystal appeared to blame voter registration laws for former Vice President Kamala Harris’ loss in the 2024 election, claiming millions of eligible voters did not show up because they were not registered.

“We have to expand voting rights so that the 90 million people who sat on the couch and sat out this last election between democracy and fascism so that maybe they have a little bit of an easier time getting off the couch and come participate in the democracy,” Mystal continued.

Democrats have fought against requiring voter identification or any documents proving eligibility since Republicans raised election integrity concerns after the 2020 election. Of the 19 states Harris won in 2024, 18 of them lack any requirements related to photo identification in order to vote, while Colorado and Washington hold all of their elections by mail.

The party has even expressed support for permitting illegal immigrants to vote in elections. House Democrats urged Congress to vote against a Republican-led bill to bar The D.C. Noncitizen Voting Act, which the Washington, D.C., city government passed in 2022 to allow illegal immigrants to vote in local elections.

Mystal has a long history of bashing the history of the U.S., the Founding Fathers and the Constitution, stating on “The View” in March 2022 that the nation’s most sacred document is “kind of trash.” In May 2022, he further accused the Founders of being “racist, misogynist jerk faces” because they did not recognize abortion as a fundamental right back in the 1780s.

JUST IN: President Trump Nominates Next CDC Director

Dr. Susan Monarez

President Trump nominated Dr. Susan Monarez to serve as the next director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Monday afternoon.

“I am proud to announce that Dr. Susan Monarez is my Nominee to serve as the next Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Dr. Monarez brings decades of experience championing Innovation, Transparency, and strong Public Health Systems. She has a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, and PostDoctoral training in Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University School of Medicine,” Trump said on Truth Social on Monday.

“As an incredible mother and dedicated public servant, Dr. Monarez understands the importance of protecting our children, our communities, and our future. Americans have lost confidence in the CDC due to political bias and disastrous mismanagement. Dr. Monarez will work closely with our GREAT Secretary of Health and Human Services, Robert Kennedy Jr. Together, they will prioritize Accountability, High Standards, and Disease Prevention to finally address the Chronic Disease Epidemic and, MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN!” Trump said.

This comes after the White House withdrew former Congressman Dr. David Weldon’s nomination as CDC Director.

Weldon accused Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) of blocking his nomination to lead the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Just twelve hours before his scheduled confirmation hearing, he received a phone call from the White House notifying him that his nomination had been withdrawn due to insufficient votes for confirmation.

“I then spoke to HHS Secretary Bobby Kennedy, who was very upset,” Weldon revealed. “He told me he had been looking forward to working with me at CDC and that I was the perfect person for the job.”

According to Weldon, who was picked by President Trump himself, the major roadblocks to his confirmation came from within his own party.

The CDC was weaponized during the COVID-19 pandemic under then-director Rochelle Walensky.

Rochelle Walensky

Rochelle Walensky is a monster for what she did during the Covid pandemic.

During the height of the pandemic, the CDC announced a 60-day moratorium on evictions.

Then-CDC Director Rochelle Walensky acted independently and signed the order – no congressional authorization needed. Walensky is queen and what she says goes.

‘This moratorium is the right thing to do to keep people in their homes and out of congregate settings where COVID-19 spreads,’ Walensky said. ‘Such mass evictions and the attendant public health consequences would be very difficult to reverse.’

The Supreme Court eventually struck down Walensky’s unconstitutional moratorium.

Walensky previously admitted to Congress that vaccinated people can spread the COVID virus.

This is after she said vaccine misinformation was one of the biggest health threats.

Walensky was also behind the push for the child masking policy in the US.

“The Gravy Train is Over” – HUD Secretary Scott Turner Ends All Taxpayer-Funded Housing For Illegals

Finally! HUD Secretary Scott Turner announced he partnered up with DHS Chief Kristi Noem to end taxpayer-funded housing for illegal aliens. ...