Thursday, October 17, 2024

'This isn't 1984, but 2024': Court finds British Army veteran guilty over silent prayer for his dead son'

'This isn't 1984, but 2024': Court finds British Army veteran guilty over silent prayer for his dead son

Adam Smith-Connor now has a criminal record for silently asking God for forgiveness for having his son aborted.

British Army veteran Adam Smith-Connor of Southampton traveled to the English county of Dorset in 2022 to silently pray near an abortion clinic for his son Jacob and "for other babies who have lost their lives to abortion, for their grieving families, and for abortion clinic staff."

A pair of officers then accosted the grieving 51-year-old father and notified him that in his silence, he had breached a Public Spaces Protection Order. Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole Council subsequently charged and slapped Smith-Connor with a hefty fine, which the veteran challenged.

Bournemouth Magistrates' Court ultimately found Smith-Connor guilty on Wednesday, claiming his prayer amounted to "disapproval of abortion."

The faith-based freedom advocacy group Alliance Defending Freedom International, which represented Smith-Connor, indicated that Smith-Connor was sentenced to a conditional discharge and ordered to pay prosecution costs amounting to nearly $12,000.

The condition of his discharge is that he must refrain from similar behavior for the next two years. He will have a criminal record regardless.

'Thoughtcrimes are now being prosecuted in the U.K.'

In response to the ruling, Smith-Connor said, "Today, the court has decided that certain thoughts — silent thoughts — can be illegal in the United Kingdom. That cannot be right. All I did was pray to God, in the privacy of my own mind — and yet I stand convicted as a criminal?"

"I served for 20 years in the army reserves, including a tour in Afghanistan, to protect the fundamental freedoms that this country is built upon," continued Smith-Connor. "I continue that spirit of service as a health care professional and church volunteer. It troubles me greatly to see our freedoms eroded to the extent that thoughtcrimes are now being prosecuted in the U.K."

Smith-Connor said in an ADF International testimonial last year that "22 years ago, I drove an ex-girlfriend to a facility where I paid for her to have an abortion. Many years later, I came to realize what I had done, and it has been a source of great grief to me in my life."

"I now pray for my son and to God for forgiveness," added Smith-Connor.

Blaze News previously reported that the penitent approached a British Pregnancy Advisor Service abattoir on Nov. 24, 2022, to pray for his son. He did so positioned behind a tree with his back turned to the clinic.

The BPAS is the top provider of abortions in the U.K. and boasts on its website that one in three British women will "have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old."

Standing nearby the BPAS clinic, Smith-Connor slightly bowed his head, clasped his hands, and prayed. This caught the attention of law enforcement.

Footage of the incident shows a male and female officer press the Christian father about his intentions.

'I'm sorry for your loss. But ultimately, I have to go along with the guidelines.'

"What is the nature of my prayer? I'm praying for my son," Smith-Connor tells the officers.

The female officer states that there is "a clause within the Public Space Protection Order around prayer and around disapproval around the activities at the clinic here."

In areas where Public Spaces Protection Orders are in effect, the "Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act" prohibits protest, "namely engaging in an act of approval/disapproval or attempted act of approval/disapproval, with respect to issues related to abortion services, by any means. This includes but is not limited to graphic, verbal or written means, prayer or counselling."

Anyone found in violation will face "an unlimited fine."

In the footage, Smith-Connor admits to the officers that he was indeed praying for his slaughtered son, and the officer replies, "I'm sorry for your loss. But ultimately, I have to go along with the guidelines of the Public Space Protection Order, to say that we are in the belief that therefore you are in breach of clause 4a, which says about prayer, and also acts of disapproval around the activities at the clinic."

GBNews presenter and former parliamentarian Miriam Cates said in a statement, "This isn't 1984, but 2024 — nobody should be on trial for the mere thoughts they hold in their mind."

"It's outrageous that the local council are pouring taxpayer funding into prosecuting a thoughtcrime, at a time where resources are stretched thin," continued Cates. "Buffer zone regulation are disproportionately wide, leaving innocent people vulnerable to prosecution merely for offering help, or simply holding their own beliefs."

'To offer a prayer silently in the depths of your heart cannot be an offense.'

"It is disgraceful that in Britain in 2024 someone can be put on trial for praying silently in his head," said Edward Leigh, a member of Parliament and incumbent father of the House. "Unfortunately we have seen repeated cases of free speech under threat in the U.K. when it comes to the expression of Christian beliefs."

Isabel Vaughan Spruce was similarly charged with violating a PSPO near an abortion clinic in Kings Norton, Birmingham.

In January, a Christian singer was accosted in London for daring to sing gospel music "outside of church grounds." The backlash over the incident ultimately prompted Metropolitan Police to issue an apology.

"To offer a prayer silently in the depths of your heart cannot be an offense," continued Leigh. "The government must clarify urgently that freedom of thought is protected as a basic human right."

Britain is set to further curb speech rights around abortion clinics later this month.

Whereas there are presently five councils across the U.K. with censorship zones around abortion clinics — officially referred to as "buffer zones" around abortion clinics — the government is imposing 492-foot censorship zones around every abortion clinic around the isles on Oct. 31. Inside these zones, it will be illegal "to do anything that intentionally or recklessly influences someone’s decision to use abortion services, obstructs them, or causes harassment or distress to someone using or working at these premises."

Andrew Tettenborn, professor of law at Swansea Law School, noted in the Spectator (U.K.):
Smith-Connor's case was in some ways unusual, since he actually admitted to the police officers that approached him that he was praying for his dead son. But what if it had been different? Many people, thus approached by officialdom in a public place and interrogated as to their private thoughts, would have an entirely creditable Englishman's instinct to tell the official concerned in no uncertain terms to mind his own business. Would this protect them? Possibly. One fears not, though. The lack of an admission may make it more difficult to get a conviction, but might still allow an officer to arrest that person.

Kamala Harris Touts Mass Amnesty Offering Fast-Tracked Citizenship to Nearly Every Illegal Alien in U.S.

Migrants cross the Rio Grande into El Paso, Texas, from Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua state, Me

Vice President Kamala Harris is touting a mass amnesty plan that would offer fast-tracked naturalized American citizenship to the 11 to 22 million illegal aliens residing in the United States.

On Wednesday evening in an exclusive sit-down interview on Fox News Channel’s Special Report, Harris seemed to praise the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 — a mass amnesty plan benefiting nearly all illegal aliens in the United States.

“The first bill, practically within hours of taking the oath, was a bill to fix our immigration system … we recognized from day one … it is a priority for us as a nation and for the American people,” Harris said of the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021.

The legislation, sent to Congress by President Joe Biden immediately after being sworn into office on Jan. 20, 2021, would offer so-called “Lawful Prospective Immigrant” status to most of the millions of illegal aliens living in the United States — allowing them to hold American jobs, secure Social Security cards, and travel outside the United States and still be readmitted.

Then, after five years on Lawful Prospective Immigrant status, such illegal aliens would be able to obtain a green card. After only three years on a green card, a shortened length of time compared to current federal immigration law, such illegal aliens would be eligible to apply for naturalized American citizenship.

The mass amnesty plan provides that illegal aliens, in less than a decade, could get naturalized American citizenship and thus become eligible to vote, providing they meet other voting eligibility requirements.

Meanwhile, illegal alien farmworkers, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, and those in the U.S. on Temporary Protected Status (TPS) would be offered green cards immediately. After only three years, these three subsets of migrants would be able to apply for naturalized American citizenship.

Though including nearly every illegal alien in the United States, the mass amnesty plan goes even further. Under one such provision, the plan would allow illegal aliens deported under former President Donald Trump to secure amnesty if they were present in the United States for at least three years before their deportation.

The plan also would remove all uses of the word “alien” in federal immigration law, replacing the term with “noncitizen.”

Melania Trump’s Autobiography Hits #1, Releasing Special Edition

Melania announced that her book has hit the #1 spot on New York Times bestseller list.

So what’s next for her?

Well, the first lady is now releasing a special edition version!

And this one will have new personal photos she snapped while in the White House.

Plus it includes a peek into her pre-politics life.

Breitbart reports:

News of the Melania Trump’s book hitting the coveted slot was shared on Wednesday by political strategist and commentator David Urban and the former first lady herself.

According to Fox News, Melania Trump also plans to release a special edition memoir that will feature photographs that she herself captured while serving as first lady and also her life prior to entering politics:

Former first lady Melania Trump is releasing a special collector’s edition of her new memoir containing exclusive images she photographed at the White House and around the world.

The collector’s edition of the former first lady’s first-ever memoir, “Melania,” features 256 pages in full color, with each copy signed by Trump.

The collector’s edition includes photos hand-selected by Trump, many she photographed herself surrounding her home and various trips she has taken around the world.

Fox News adds:

Former first lady Melania Trump is releasing a special collector’s edition of her new memoir containing exclusive images she photographed at the White House and around the world.

The collector’s edition of the former first lady’s first-ever memoir, “Melania,” features 256 pages in full color, with each copy signed by Trump.

The collector’s edition includes photos hand-selected by Trump, many she photographed herself surrounding her home and various trips she has taken around the world.

Fox News Digital exclusively obtained several photos taken by the former first lady featured in the collector’s edition, including a photo of her and former President Donald Trump on their very first date.

“Donald and I on our first date night,” she told Fox News Digital. “It was an enjoyable and memorable evening.”

India Aims to Export Solar Panels by 2029, Challenging Chinese Dominance

Standard & Poor’s CRISIL analytics firm published a report on Wednesday that predicted India will become a major exporter of solar energy equipment by 2029.

The report noted that India has implemented policies favorable to the solar industry, it has an ample supply of skilled labor, and it can secure the raw materials needed for solar manufacturing. 

India’s Ministry of New and Renewable Energy said the government’s solar-friendly policies include permitting foreign direct investment in solar projects, special financing for solar development, government support for solar energy research, and state subsidies for solar production. 

India has also imposed steep tariffs on imported solar cells to give its domestic industry a leg up. Some Indian solar companies say the tariffs are too high, increasing the cost of components they must import until domestic production improves.

Ironically, one of India’s biggest hurdles is difficulty in producing the most vital component of solar panels, polysilicon, and the reason it has so much trouble is that energy costs in India are higher than in the nation that currently dominates the solar industry, China. About 80 percent of the world’s solar cells are produced in China.

Despite these obstacles, CRISIL projected solar demand in India will increase steadily, with corresponding increases in domestic production, until the industry ramps up enough to become a significant exporter in about five years. The authors expected rising global demand would also inspire Indian investors to put more money into solar manufacturing.

Indian manufacturers believe they have a chance to break China’s stranglehold on the industry because the moral hazard of obtaining solar panels from China – with its environmentally devastating mining practices and use of forced labor – is so high for buyers in other countries. Also, the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic made international corporations nervous about running their supply chains entirely through China.

On the other hand, there are signs the “solar boom” is winding down after a few years of very rapid growth. China’s massive production has created a glut of solar inventory, pushing prices down and making big investments in new solar production look risky. Some critics accuse China of deliberately creating this oversupply situation to push prices down and keep competitors out of the market.

Oh My: Lip Reader Has Figured Out That Conversation Between Obama and Biden at Memorial Service


I reported on Wednesday about a fascinating conversation that was observed between Barack Obama and Joe Biden at Ethel Kennedy's memorial service in Washington, D.C. 

It was easy to see why it went viral, with many speculating on what was said and what appeared to be the tension in the conversation. 

The service also had bizarre remarks from Bill Clinton and Biden looking ticked off at Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). 

READ MORE: WATCH: Fascinating Exchange Between Obama and Biden at Ethel Kennedy Memorial Goes Viral

So the NY Post actually engaged a lip reader to figure out what they were saying. 

The dialogue was translated for The Post by Jeremy Freeman, a London-based forensic lip reader who was born deaf and for 16 years has served as a University College London-certified expert witness for litigants, the police and journalists.

Here's some of what they said during that conversation, according to the lip reader. 

“She’s not as strong as me,” said Biden, 81, according to the translation, which was produced by analyzing the on-video lip movements during the discussion.

“I know … that’s true,” the popular former president agreed, adding, “We have time.”

“Yeah, we’ll get it in time,” said Biden, who was forced by fellow Democrats to relinquish the party’s nomination in favor of Harris on July 21 in a mutiny that Obama was believed to support.

Moments earlier, Obama said, “it’s important that we have some time together” in a possible reference to campaigning alongside Harris.

That would explain the look on his face, if he's upset that after he agreed to step aside, now he's petrified she's going to lose, which would mean they hosed him and lost anyway. There are other words in there, I assume the lip reader wasn't able to pick them all up. 

But they in fact don't have a lot of time left, so what do they intend to do? Sounds like Obama had something in mind if he was suggesting they have further discussion -- "have some time together."

The Post asked for reaction on it from Democrats as well as the Obama and Biden people. 

“From the outset, there has been widespread concern that Harris was not a strong alternative to Biden, who clearly was a sinking ship. So much so [that] multiple House members floated the idea of an open convention or removing Harris from the ticket along with Biden,” said one Democratic source.

But as one might expect, the Obama/Biden folks tried to put down the translation. They don't want anyone thinking that's correct, because both Biden and Obama are recognizing the problem with Kamala Harris in that conversation. 

Biden spokesman Andrew Bates scoffed: “A ‘lip reading expert’? Did your usual right-wing soothsayer have their out-of-office up? Only President Biden and President Obama know what they discussed, but this certainly wasn’t it.”

A source close to Obama didn’t deny the translation but said, “Only President Obama and President Biden know what they discussed yesterday. Any assertion otherwise is ridiculous.” [....]

Two former Biden White House officials who are working to support Harris’ candidacy, meanwhile, told The Post that they were stunned by the translation and doubted that it could be accurate — with one urging “a new lip reader” and the other saying it’s “not even like [Biden] to say that.”

Sure sounds like they doth protest too much. 

In the wake of the disastrous interview, Joe Biden has to be losing his mind that he gave up is reelection effort only to watch Kamala's implode.

President Trump Gives a Savage Response to Kamala Harris Getting Destroyed on Fox News by Bret Baier

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Kamala Harris and her handlers badly underestimated Never-Trumper Bret Baier’s willingness to ask tough questions and hold Harris accountable for her inexcusable failures while in power.

No amount of prepping could save Kamala from what was coming. Kamala finally had to defend her failed policies, from open borders to lying about Joe Biden’s dementia, to funding the Iranian terrorist regime.

The situation turned so poorly for Harris that she was left literally SCREAMING at Baier for playing a clip of President Trump responding her lying about him wanting to lock people up.

No wonder why Harris’s handlers wanted to end the interview as soon as possible. But it may have come too late to save her flailing campaign.

As one would expect, Trump was paying close attention to how Baier conducted the interview, especially since he has had his differences with the Fox News anchor. And Trump liked what he saw.

The 45th President took to Truth Social last night to hail Baier for exposing Harris’s thin skin and ineptness while absolutely savaging Harris for her inability to talk about anything but him. Trump also trolled Harris by mocking her “inferior” cognitive ability and noting that the American people thought she did a terrible job.

Trump wrote:

Great job by Bret Baier in his Interview with Lyin’ Kamala Harris. She has a massive and irredeemable case of TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME – So bad, in fact, that she is barely able to talk about any subject other than the man who had the best economy ever, the strongest border in history, and who just got the UNANIMOUS ENDORSEMENT OF THE U.S. Border Patrol, ME! Their Endorsement was a TREMENDOUS HONOR!!!


They said that Comrade Kamala did a terrible job, the absolute worst in memory, and can’t be allowed to do it again. She is also the WORST Vice President in history, but hopefully will soon be GONE.

Again, congratulations to Bret Baier on a tough but very fair interview, one that clearly showed how totally incompetent Kamala is. For the good of our Nation, her inferior Cognitive ability must be tested at once!

The Trump campaign also echoed the candidate’s assessment of the interview. Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt gave this brutal assessment of Harris’s performance on her X page.

“Kamala Harris’ interview with Bret Baier was a TRAIN WRECK. Kamala was angry, defensive, and once again abdicated any responsibility for the problems Americans are facing. She couldn’t give a straight answer to a single question because she has no answers. Kamala’s entire campaign is based on lies about President Trump,” Leavitt wrote.

The country should hope Harris continues to take interviews like the one she did last night and 60 Minutes because these debacles provide one of the most robust cases for a second Trump term.

26-Year-Old Social Media Star Falls to Death While Climbing Bridge in Spain

A 26-year-old British daredevil has fallen to his death while climbing a bridge in Spain.

The young social media star, identified as Lewis Stevenson, fell to his death from a 630-foot bridge near Madrid.

Stevenson’s bereaved family said they tried to talk him out of the stunt.

However, there was no persuading him.

“He loved doing it, always went out there believing he’d be alright,” his grandfather, Clifford, told the Daily Mail. 

The Castilla-La Mancha bridge, one of Spain’s tallest, is located in Talavera de la Reina.

The bridge regularly attracts social media clout chasers.

Climbing the cable-stayed bridge is strictly prohibited, the city’s Councilor for Citizen Security, Macarena Muñoz, said in a statement confirming the tragic incident.

Stevenson was accompanied on the stunt by a 24-year-old man.

“We have been able to learn they had come to Talavera to go up to the bridge and create content for social networks,” Muñoz said, “which has resulted in this disastrous and sad outcome.”

Stevenson made it about a quarter of the way up the bridge before falling roughly 150 feet to his demise.

The British news outlet Metro reported that Stevenson was not wearing a safety harness when he fell after 7 a.m. Sunday.

The police are investigating if rainy weather was a factor in the accident.

“He was about 40 to 50 meters up, around a quarter of the total height of the bridge, when he fell,” a source said.

“The reason he fell is not clear and will be investigated by a local court,” the source told the outlet.

“Both the dead man and the companion that survived were climbing without any harnesses or other protection.

“A passing motorist raised the alarm.”

“‘The other lad was in a state of shock initially and couldn’t even speak.

“He’s obviously still pretty traumatized but is not at the police station any longer.

“He’s not going to be charged with any crime.

“Whether the local town hall decides to sanction him for doing something illegal is a decision for them.”

'This isn't 1984, but 2024': Court finds British Army veteran guilty over silent prayer for his dead son'

Adam Smith-Connor now has a criminal record for silently asking God for forgiveness for having his son aborted. British Army veteran Adam Sm...